Editing tool for hkcl files using the HKX2 libaray.
hkcl research done by Moonling, special thanks to sofiahxrley for testing.
merging: hkcltool [--merge/-m] [json/hku/hknx] [base hkcl] [reference hkcl] [cloth indexes]
listing: hkcltool [--list/-l] [hkcl or json]
bones: hkcltool [--bonelist/-bl] [hkcl or json]
removing: hkcltool [--remove/-r] [json/hku/hknx] [hkcl or json] [index to remove]
converting platform: hkcltool [--export/-e] [json/hku/hknx] [hkcl or json]
to add the 2 scarf physics from the stealth head to hylian upper and export them for the wii u
hkcltool -m hku Armor_001_Upper.hkcl Armor_012_Head_A.hkcl 4 5
HKX2 - havok library
HKXConvert - code base and examples on how to handle hkx files
Tail physics added to Link's base mesh: