Require Import List.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import NArith PArith ZArith.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition Value := nat.
Definition default : Value := 0.
Definition Address := nat.
Definition TID := nat.
Definition RegID := nat.
Definition View := nat.
(* Promises *)
Inductive Promise :=
| WRITE : TID -> Value -> Address -> Promise
| PUSH : TID -> Address -> Promise
| PULL : TID -> Address -> Promise
(* expression inside internal events *)
Inductive Expr :=
| CONST (val : Value) : Expr
| VAR (reg : RegID) : Expr
| ADD (e1 : Expr) (e2 : Expr) : Expr
(* internal events *)
Inductive InternalEvent :=
| MOV : RegID -> Expr -> InternalEvent
| BRANCH : RegID -> InternalEvent
(* events *)
Inductive Event :=
| INTERNAL : InternalEvent -> Event
Data oracle calls model the kernel's read from the user's memory.
If all user memory reads can be modeled as data oracle, then the
Weak-memory-isolation condition is satisfied. Oracle calls are
treated similarly to internal events.
| ORACLE : RegID -> Value -> Event (* Data oracle calls *)
| LOAD : Address -> View -> RegID -> Event
| ACQ : View -> Address -> Event (* acquire barrier *)
| STORE : Address -> View -> RegID -> Event
| REL : View -> Address -> Event (* release barrier *)
(* register state (of a single thread) and memory state *)
Definition RegState := RegID -> Value.
Definition MemState := Address -> Value.
(* update function *)
Definition update {T : Type} s addr (val : T) :=
(fun (x : nat) => if x =? addr then val else s x).
(* Lemmas about update *)
Lemma update_same :
forall {T} s addr (val : T), update s addr val addr = val.
intros. unfold update. rewrite Nat.eqb_refl. reflexivity.
Lemma update_not_same :
forall {T} s addr (val : T) addr' (Hneq : addr <> addr'), update s addr val addr' = s addr'.
intros. unfold update. replace (addr' =? addr) with false. easy.
symmetry. rewrite Nat.eqb_neq. auto.
Definition OwnershipMap := Address -> option TID.
(* lemmas about executing expressions and internal events *)
Fixpoint eval (e : Expr) (st : RegState) : option Value :=
match e with
| CONST val => Some val
| VAR reg => Some (st reg)
| ADD e1 e2 =>
match eval e1 st with
| None => None
| Some v1 =>
match eval e2 st with
| None => None
| Some v2 => Some (v1 + v2)
Lemma eval_exists :
forall e st, exists v, eval e st = Some v.
induction e; intro.
- esplit; simpl; auto.
- esplit; simpl; auto.
- specialize (IHe1 st) as (v1 & Hv1).
specialize (IHe2 st) as (v2 & Hv2).
esplit. simpl.
rewrite Hv1. rewrite Hv2. reflexivity.
Definition execute_internal (i : InternalEvent) (st : RegState) : option RegState :=
match i with
| MOV reg e =>
match eval e st with
| None => None
| Some val => Some (update st reg val)
| _ => Some st
Lemma execute_internal_exists :
forall i st, exists rs, execute_internal i st = Some rs.
destruct i.
- intros. induction e.
+ simpl. eexists. reflexivity.
+ simpl. eexists. reflexivity.
+ simpl. destruct IHe1 as (rs1 & Hrs1).
destruct IHe2 as (rs2 & Hrs2).
simpl in *. destruct (eval e1 st); try discriminate.
destruct (eval e2 st); try discriminate.
esplit. reflexivity.
- intros. simpl. esplit. reflexivity.