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Development installation

To install ckanext-orgportals for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and do:

git clone
cd ckanext-orgportals
python develop
pip install -r requirements.txt

Config settings

Add the extension to the plugins:

ckanext.plugins = ... orgportals

Add storage path for uploading assets as well as storing temp images for Twitter:

ckan.storage_path = /path/to/storage

Add entity name for organization (default is organization). This setting can either be set to country or organization. If you set it to country it will use text references for "Country/Countries" instead of "Organization/Organizations" throughout the web interface. Though, this only applies to certain parts of the UI. For some, you have to manually override/extend the templates.

ckanext.orgdashboards.organization_entity_name = country

Add entity name for group (default is group). This setting can either be set to group or topic. If you set it to topic it will use text references for "Topic/Topics" instead of "Group/Groups" throughout the web interface. Though, this only applies to certain parts of the UI. For some, you have to manually override/extend the templates.:

ckanext.orgdashboards.group_entity_name = topic

Add Facebook App ID to share a graph on Facebook:

ckanext.orgportals.facebook_app_id = ...

Add Twitter consumer keys to share a graph on Twitter:

ckanext.orgportals.twitter_consumer_key = ...
ckanext.orgportals.twitter_consumer_secret = ...

Add email settings for contact form:

ckanext.orgportals.smtp.mail.from = ...
ckanext.orgportals.smtp.server = ...
ckanext.orgportals.smtp.user = ...
ckanext.orgportals.smtp.password = ...

Add number of datasets to show in data section in the portal (default is 5):

ckanext.orgdashboards.datasets_per_page = 10

Add ckanext.orgdashboards.custom_dns_active as a setting in the config file:

ckanext.orgdashboards.custom_dns_active = true

This setting enables functionality for adding custom domain for individual dashboards.

Installation of a new language

In order to use languages that are not supported by CKAN, you have to install them manually. Open up a terminal inside the CKAN's source directory, and type the following command to initialize a new catalog for a language:

python init_catalog --locale YOUR_LANGUAGE

where YOUR_LANGUAGE is the locale of the language. This command will create a .po file inside ckan/i18n/YOUR_LANGUAGE/LC_MESSAGES which contains the strings for the language.

Next you have to compile tha language into a binary format with the following command:

python compile_catalog --locale YOUR_LANGUAGE

where YOUR_LANGUAGE is the locale of the language. This command will create a .mo file, and the one which CKAN will read the strings from.

Language translation

If you want to add additional strings for a certain language and translate them, then follow these instructions:

1. Switch to the extension's directory and add a directory to store your translations:

mkdir ckanext/orgportals/i18n

2. Extract the strings from the extension with this command:

python extract_messages

This will create a template .po file named ckanext/orgportals/i18n/ckanext-orgportals.pot

3. The next step is to create the translations. Let's say that you want to translate strings for the de locale. Create the translation .po file for the locale that you are translating for by running init_catalog:

python init_catalog -l de

This will generate a file called i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/ckanext-orgportals.po. It contains every string extracted from the extension. For example, if you want to translate the string Groups, locate it in the .po file and type the appropriate translation:

msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Gruppen"

A .po file can also be edited using a special program for translation called Poedit.

4. Once you are done with translation, next step is to compile the catalog with the compile_catalog command:

python compile_catalog -l de

This will create a binary .mo file named ckanext/orgportals/i18n/ containing your translations.

Once you have added the translated strings, you will need to inform CKAN that your extension is translated by implementing the ITranslation interface in your extension. Edit your to contain the following:

from ckan.lib.plugins import DefaultTranslation

class YourPlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin, DefaultTranslation):

Restart the server and you should find that switching to the de locale in the web interface should change the Groups string.

More information on translating extensions can be found on the offical documentation on CKAN.

Additional flags for countries can be taken from

Running the Tests

Some of the tests require that you run a CKAN server, the one where the orgdashboards extension is installed.

First create a new database called ckan_test if you haven't already, and in the config file for the server change the sqlalchemy.url to point to the database ckan_test. This database will be used by the tests.

And second, set a storage path in the config file where uploaded resources will be stored.

ckan.storage_path = /path/to/storage

Also, make sure to install the dev requirements for running the tests:

pip install -r /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/dev-requirements.txt

To run the tests, change the current working directory to the extension and do:

nosetests --ckan --with-pylons=test.ini