We maintains the documents for MiniGUI Core and MiniGUI components in this repository.
- MiniGUI Overview
- MiniGUI User Manual
- MiniGUI Programming Guide
- MiniGUI Supplementary Documents
- API Reference Manuals for MiniGUI Core
- MiniGUI 5.0 API Reference (MiniGUI-Processes mode) - The API reference for MiniGUI V5.0 multi-process runmode.
- MiniGUI 5.0 API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads mode) - The API reference for MiniGUI V5.0 multi-thread runmode.
- MiniGUI 5.0 API Reference (MiniGUI-Standalone mode) - The API reference for MiniGUI V5.0 standalone runmode.
- MiniGUI 4.0 API Reference (MiniGUI-Processes mode) - The API reference for MiniGUI V4.0 multi-process runmode.
- MiniGUI 4.0 API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads mode) - The API reference for MiniGUI V4.0 multi-thread runmode.
- MiniGUI 4.0 API Reference (MiniGUI-Standalone mode) - The API reference for MiniGUI V4.0 standalone runmode.
- MiniGUI 3.2 API Reference (MiniGUI-Processes mode) - The API reference for MiniGUI V3.2 multi-process runmode.
- MiniGUI 3.2 API Reference (MiniGUI-Threads mode) - The API reference for MiniGUI V3.2 multi-thread runmode.
- MiniGUI 3.2 API Reference (MiniGUI-Standalone mode) - The API reference for MiniGUI V3.2 standalone runmode.
- API Reference for MiniGUI Components
- mGUtils 1.5 API Reference - The API reference for mGUtils V1.5.
- mGPlus 1.5 API Reference - The API reference for mGUtils V1.5.
- mGEff 1.5 API Reference - The API reference for mGEff V1.5.
- mGNCS 1.5 API Reference - The API reference for mGNCS V1.5.
- mGNCS4Touch 1.5 API Reference - The API reference for mGNCS4Touch V1.5.
- mGUtils 1.2 API Reference - The API reference for mGUtils V1.2.
- mGPlus 1.4 API Reference - The API reference for mGUtils V1.4.
- mGEff 1.2 API Reference - The API reference for mGEff V1.2.
- mGNCS 1.2 API Reference - The API reference for mGNCS V1.2.
- mGNCS4Touch 1.2 API Reference - The API reference for mGNCS4Touch V1.2.
- Links to Release Notes
- MiniGUI Porting Guide - Old documents just FYI.
很多中文开发者希望有中文文档。以前我们的确维护有中英文两个版本,但文档的维护工作量实在很大, 所以从 MiniGUI 3.2 版本开始,我们选择优先维护英文版本,中文版本就不再维护了。 这主要出于如下几个方面的因素考虑:
- 作为一个面向全球的开源软件,要服务所有国家或地区的开发者,英语是目前最好的语言。
- 使用英文,可以避免一些由于术语翻译不准确而导致的问题,对开发者理解工作原理会更有帮助。
- MiniGUI 各文档中使用的英文,不论是词汇还是语法,都相对简单,有一定基础的开发者都可以顺利阅读和理解。
- 现有的机器翻译工具(比如 https://translate.google.cn 或者 Chrome 浏览器的网页翻译功能), 可以将英文文档比较准确地翻译成中文文档,而如果要将中文文档翻译成英文,效果还差很多。
另外,我们以前撰写的中文文档,仍保留在老的 MiniGUI Wiki 站点上,供参考:
We have cleaned up the following documents:
- MiniGUI User Manual
- MiniGUI Programming Guide
- MiniGUI Supplementary Documents
The following documents need to be written:
We hope that we can finish this work at the end of the year 2019.
2020-03-30 Links for MiniGUI API references of 5.0.0/4.0.7; Drafts of supplementary documents for MiniGUI 5.0.0.
Draft of Integrating with GPU -
Tune for MiniGUI version 4.0.4. -
MiniGUI Programming Guide is ready. -
MiniGUI Supplementary Documents is ready. -
MiniGUI User Manual is ready.