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NestedReact • TodoMVC

React application architecture with classical OO models in the data layer.

Feature list:

  • First-class support for mutable models and collections in props, state, and context.
    • Unidirectional data flow and safe pure render optimization.
    • Two-way data binding (Guide to Data Binding Use Cases)
    • Optional local component subtree updates.
  • Lightweight type annotations for props, state, and context as a replacement for PropTypes.
  • Gradual transition procedure for backbone applications (Backbone Migration Guide):
    • Complete interoperation with existing Backbone Views allowing you to reuse existing code and avoid upfront application rewrite.
    • Any type of application refactoring strategy is possible - top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, and random parts at the middle.
    • Support for Backbone events and jQuery accessors in React components simplifies View refactoring.



This TodoMVC application is written to demonstrate how powerful and expressive declarative OO data layer can be in React.

It features pure unidirectional data flow (which is common for Flux applications) achieved with conventional design technique. Solution appears to be several times shorter than any of flux implementations.


What does editing : ToDo.from( '^props.todos' ) from todolist.jsx mean?

This is NestedTypes type annotation, which literally means "editing is the model of ToDo type which is taken from collection in my parent's (^) props.todos property". In case of React component's state definition, 'parent' is the React component holding the state, so ^props.todos refers to its props.

In NestedReact, component's state is managed with NestedTypes model, and being defined declaratively using attribute type specs. So, every state member becomes model attribute, which may have complex type like another model or collection. While it's nice by itself to have declarative spec for state, it gives you a lot more. NestedTypes observes and detects all changes in nested model and collection tree, and triggers UI update for you automatically. For you, it mostly looks as if you'd work with plain objects.

Models in attributes can be aggregated (thus they are inherent part of the model, and that what would happen if you just state ToDo in the example above), or referenced with relation (so, they are taken from some other collection). In the second case, you add ModelType.from( path ) for to-one relation, and CollectionType.subsetOf( path ) for to-many relation.

path in Model.from( path ) - is the simple dot-separated path to property taken relative to model this. ^ is the shortcut for getOwner(), thus ^props.todos is being translated to this.getOwner().props.todos.

Relation differs to aggregation in many aspects, for example:

  • relations are being serialized as referenced model ids, not as nested JSON.
  • relations are always shallow copied, even if owner is deep copied.
  • deep changes in referenced models doesn't trigger attribute's holder change.

Relations is one of the most powerful NestedTypes features. For more information, please check NestedTypes Relations Guide


Created by Vlad Balin & Volicon