This code will add, update and delete data to mongodb using express rest APIS and frontend through Angular 7. Angular Code is in main directory and backend code is in backend directory of main directory
Below listed things you need to have in your system to run this code
- Node.js
- Angular CLI
- MongoDB
- Use nvm install 8 & nvm use 8
Clone or download this repository
cd MEAN-Stack-CRUD
npm install
cd MEAN-Stack/backend
npm install
As you already install node_modules in both backend server and angular now have to run all three mongoDB, node/express server and angular.
start mongodb in your system
to run node server
cd MEAN-Stack/backend
nodemon app.js
to run angular frontend
cd MEAN-Stack
ng serve -o
docker-compose --env-file ./backend/.env up
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.