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File metadata and controls

169 lines (118 loc) · 11 KB


Lightweight configuration focused on providing "basic features" with little boilerplate. It includes better syntax highlight, a fuzzy finder and IDE-like features powered by Neovim's LSP client.


  • Neovim v0.10 or greater.
  • git.
  • A C compiler. Can be gcc, tcc or zig.
  • A language server. Required to actually enable the "IDE-like" features.
  • (optional) ripgrep. Improves project wide search speed.
  • (optional) fd. Improves file search speed.

Note for windows users

If you need a C compiler then zig is the easiest to install. It's available on winget, scoop and chocolatey. You can also find some links in the zig download page.


  • Backup your existing configuration if you have one.

  • Create an init.lua file in your system. Use this command in your terminal if you don't know the specific location of Neovim's configuration folder.

    nvim --headless -c 'call mkdir(stdpath("config"), "p") | exe "edit" stdpath("config") . "/init.lua" | write | quit'

    To check the file was created you can use this command.

    nvim --headless -c 'echo $MYVIMRC' -c 'quit'

    This will show you the path of your init.lua

  • Copy the content of init.lua of this github repository into your own init.lua.

  • Open Neovim, use the command nvim in your terminal. When Neovim starts all plugins will be downloaded automatically.

Learn how to use Neovim as a text editor

Neovim comes with an interactive tutorial that teaches the basics of the editor. The estimated time of this tutorial is around 45 minutes. It will show you how to move around text, how to execute commands and of course how to quit Neovim. You can access the tutorial by executing this command in your terminal.

nvim +Tutor

Note there is also a book inside Neovim's documentation, this is called the user manual. You can find it online here:

Learn the basics of lua and Neovim's api

This configuration was created using a scripting language called lua, I highly recommend that you learn the syntax of this language. Learn just enough to know what is valid. Here are a couple resources:

Next step is to get familiar with Neovim's lua api, so you can create your own keybindings and commands. Here are a couple of guides you can read:

About language servers

They are external programs that provide IDE-like features to Neovim. If you want to know more about language servers watch this wonderful 5 minutes video: LSP explained.

To know what language servers are supported you need to go to nvim-lspconfig's documentation, in you'll find links and instruction on how to install them.

Once you have a language server available in your system you need to add its setup function to your config.

For example, if you installed the typescript language server you need to add this.


If you install the language server for lua, add this:



Copy the content of .luarc.json of this github repository into your own .luarc.json. This file should be located next to your init.lua. With it the language server for lua will provide basic support for Neovim's lua api.

About syntax highlight

To get a more accurate syntax highlight for your favorite language you need to download something called a "treesitter parser". These will be downloaded automatically by the plugin nvim-treesitter.

You can also instruct Neovim to download a treesitter parser by adding a name to the property ensure_installed located in the setup function of nvim-treesitter.configs.

Learn more about the plugin manager

lazy.nvim is the plugin manager used in this configuration. Here are a few resources that will help you understand some of it's features:

Plugins directory

Your plugins will be installed in a separate directory from your configuration. The location of this directory depends on your operating system and environment variables, so you'll need to execute this command to know where that is.

nvim --headless -c 'echo stdpath("data") . "/lazy/lazy.nvim" | quit'


Leader key: Space.

Mode Key Action
Normal gy Copy text to clipboard.
Normal gp Paste text from clipboard.
Normal K Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor.
Normal gd Jump to the definition.
Normal gq Format code in current buffer.
Normal gO Lists symbols in the current buffer.
Normal <C-s> Displays a function's signature information.
Normal gri Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor.
Normal grr Lists all the references.
Normal grn Renames all references to the symbol under the cursor.
Normal gra Selects a code action available at the current cursor position.
Normal grd Jump to declaration.
Normal grt Jumps to the definition of the type symbol
Normal <Ctrl-w>d Show diagnostics in a floating window.
Normal [d Move to the previous diagnostic.
Normal ]d Move to the next diagnostic.
Normal gcc Toggle comment in current line.
Operator gc Toggle comment in text.
Operator sa Add surrounding.
Normal sd Delete surrounding.
Normal sr Surround replace.
Normal sf Find surrounding.
Normal <leader>e Toggle file explorer.
Normal <leader>bc Close current buffer and preserve window layout.
Normal <leader>? Search oldfiles history.
Normal <leader><space> Search open buffers.
Normal <leader>ff Find file in current working directory.
Normal <leader>fg Search pattern in current working directory. Interactive "grep search".
Normal <leader>fd Search diagnostics in current file.
Normal <leader>fs Search pattern in current file.

Autocomplete keybindings

Mode Key Action
Insert <Up> Move to previous item.
Insert <Down> Move to next item.
Insert <Ctrl-p> Move to previous item and insert content.
Insert <Ctrl-n> Move to next item and insert content.
Insert <Ctrl-y> Confirm completion.
Insert <Enter> Confirm completion if item was selected with Up or Down arrows.
Insert <Ctrl-e> Cancel completion.

Plugin list

Name Description
lazy.nvim Plugin manager.
tokyonight.nvim Collection of colorscheme for Neovim.
which-key.nvim Provide clues for keymaps.
mini.nvim Collection of independent lua modules that enhance Neovim's features.
nvim-treesitter Configures treesitter parsers. Provides modules to manipulate code.
nvim-lspconfig Quickstart configs for Neovim's LSP client.