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Kurtis Shaner edited this page Nov 1, 2018 · 2 revisions

Jarvis can be extended to support custom 'instant suggestions' or 'instants' as they're known in the code. A good example of this feature is the "Recent" suggestion class which prepopulates Jarvis with the most 10 recent items making them instantly suggestible.

Two things are needed to add instant suggestions to Jarvis:

  1. A class with a get method that return an array of modeled suggestions.
  2. A filter letting Jarvis know to include your instant class

class MyInstantSuggestions {
	public function get() {
		$models = [];

		// add your custom code here to query for and/or hardcode objects
		$posts = get_posts();

		foreach( $posts as $post ) {
			// while it's not required it's recommended to extend one of the prebuilt models from jarvis
			// see jarvis/src/php/models

			$model = new \Jarvis\Models\Post( $post_id );
			// modify your model here

			array_push( $models, $model );

		return $models;

If you're trying to make a custom action that needs an ajax callback, you should extend the Action suggestion. It has the same idea but another method and a few properties need defined as well.

class MyCustomAction extends \Jarvis\Suggestions\Action {

	// this translates into the rest api route at `/wp-json/jarvis/v1/my_custom_action` that will be the called when your suggestion is invoked
	protected $rest_route = 'my_custom_action'; 

	// this array will be passed to the `register_rest_route` function
	// @see for arguments
	protected $rest_args = [];

	// which methods should this route allow, also passed to `register_rest_route` 
	protected $rest_methods = [ 'GET' ];

	public function get() {
		$model = new \Jarvis\Models\Action();

		$action->title = 'My Custom Action';
		$action->href  = rest_url( self::REST_PREFIX . '/' . $this->rest_route );
		$action->type  = 'ajax';
		$action->icon  = 'dashicons-update';

		return $action;

	public function rest_route( $request ) {
		// process your route here and return a truthy response for success
		return true;

You can then let jarvis know of your instant class(es) (note the class name as a string)

add_filter( 'jarvis/instants', function( $instants ) {
	array_push( $instants, 'MyInstantSuggestions', 'MyCustomAction' );
	return $instants;
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