Create a Figma account (student) if you haven't already: https://www.figma.com/signup
Join the WHHS Programming group: https://www.figma.com/team_invite/redeem/NaKnykNEtQ2v7NeD3xpSiL
View and implement the wireframe linked below (or find through the Figma group): https://www.figma.com/files/project/68320862/Hall-Pass?fuid=1079194947883687021
- Working Teacher/Admin View Prototype
- Import Student Data from Spreadsheet (concept)
- Responsive UI
- Redesign/Practice Presentation
- Practice Questions/Responses
- Make a Custom Domain (through a Github Repo)
- fill out all pages
- create a new user page(if we don't get that information from school)
- create admin pages,ui for them, etc
- make a github repo and host the website there (replit is getting too slow
- Add Google API in order to create acounts/logins
- Integrate SQL (Alechemy) Database
- in the profile tab, create a passes container to view all passes(we could allow the teacher to set an amount of bathroom passes and let the user see how many they have left)
- create a node que maybe for each class
- a secure admin page where you can create and delete users (pip install Flask-SuperAdmin?)
- Profile
- Classes
- About
- Pass in Progress
- Admin
Mockup link: https://replit.com/@susthebus/Hall-Pass#main.py
- Not a priority but obviously very convenient/useful
- It was mentioned that the username was basically the first name but what about people who have the same first names?
Add responsiveness (website changes depending on screen size)
Let teachers add a list of students at once
Image (profile pictures)
Landing page (after ending the hall pass)
anything below will automatically get deleted
#TODO: make more secure by storing an encrypted uuid for eatch token at line 8 in file Token.py
#TODO: store user passwords encrypted, it is unsafe to store them raw in the database at line 38 in file User.py