Whatever, here are tips to get your Django connect with database.
- venv ERROR
If within the venv you meet errors, just run shells inside theshell-py3
folder or usepython3 [commands]
instead. - First, install the requirements ( PyMySQL new added)
. ./init.sh
or run . ./shell-py3/init.sh
- Second, config your settings file.
Modify the password as yours in settings.py.
However, I suggest just modify your database password as follow:
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('root');
The password "root" is written in the settings.py , no need to change it everytime.
- Finally Create Database
Start your mysql or MariaDB,
create database live default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci;
- you only need another server to run:
node server/server.js
this server is on port 3000
- Now, if everything well, you can visit this webpage: