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Releases: Warxcell/files

Fix wrong exception thrown if upload fails

21 May 12:37
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Add generics to DecoratedFile

27 Nov 21:09
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add decorated file generics

Fix maxSize param of constraint

11 Aug 08:36
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Fix maxSize param

Bump to php8.0

11 Aug 08:34
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Bump to symfony 8.0

Introducing Storage!

02 Sep 19:08
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This release introduces Storage and removes hard-dependency on FlySystem. This opens new possibilities. You can still use FlySystem throught adapter: $storage = new \Arxy\FilesBundle\Storage\FlysystemStorage($flysystem);

Other changes:

Removes SymfonyCachePathResolver. Replaced by CachePathResolver which uses PSR-16 Cache.

Add missing generics

15 Jul 20:33
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generics on DelegatingPathResolver

Refactor MutableFile

11 Jul 20:49
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  • [BC] writeStream is removed, write now accepts SplFileInfo as second argument.
  • Convert all warnings into exceptions (fopen/fclose/etc).
  • Use RuntimeExtension for Twig Extensions.
  • Add command that verifies that files are same on db and fs level.

Add Exceptions and Generics. Aws S3 PreSigned PathResolver

04 Jul 07:19
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  • Add proper Exceptions
  • Add generics annotations.
  • Aws S3 PreSigned PathResolver

Version 3.0.0

31 May 06:28
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This version comes with a lot of refactoring, removals and new features:


  • Split file into 2 interfaces: File and MutableFile.
  • Added Entity\MutableFile. It contains additional field modifiedAt.
  • Removal of ManagerInterface::refresh(File)
  • Removal of RefreshDatabaseCommand
  • Added 2 new methods write(MutableFile $file, string $contents) and writeStream(MutableFile $file, resource $resource)
  • Renamed md5Hash to just hash. This will allows usage of any hashing algotithm. (Sha1, sha256, etc.)
  • Make hash unique.
  • Renamed fileSize to just size.
  • Added support for Embeddable files. Added model for it: Entity\EmbeddableFile.
  • Added events. (PostUpload, PreMove, PostMove, PreRemove, PreUpdate, PostUpdate).
  • Added new naming strategies.
  • Added utility which eases serving files from Controller.
  • Added Preview sub-system.
  • Added LiipImagine built-in support.
  • Added Model\DecoratedFile which eases decorating file.
  • Added numerous different Naming Strategies (DateStrategy, UUID V4, UUID V5, PersistentPath, NullDirectory)
  • Created ModelFactory which is responsible for instantiating File objects when uploading new file.
  • Added numerous different Path Resolvers (AzureBlobStorage, AzureBlobStorageSAS).


  • Rename usages of getMd5Hash to getHash. Rename queries from property md5Hash to hash
  • Rename usages of getFileSize to getSize. Rename queries from property fileSize to size.
  • Constructor of Manager now accepts arguments in different order. If you are not using named arguments - please take a look and update them.
  • Constructor of Manager now accepts Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface - please pass it in order to use Events. (If using Symfony Autowire, nothing to do).

Version 2.2.0

15 Mar 08:46
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  • Allow PHP8.
  • Add DelegatingManager which allows fluent usage of ManagerInterface for read operations with more than 1 file entity.
  • Add option manager on FileType form, which will allow usage of different ManagerInterface instance when having more than 1 file entity.
  • Add 5th argument of Manager which accepts League\MimeTypeDetection\MimeTypeDetector\MimeTypeDetector, which are used to detect mime types.
  • add AzureBlobStoragePathResolver.
  • add DelegatingPathResolver which allows using of multiple file entities with different path resolvers.
  • add Arxy\FilesBundle\Repository\ORMTrait which can be used on ORM Repositories.
  • add file_content filter for Twig which returns contents of file.
  • add public function clear(): void; on ManagerInterface which clears temporary files map.