Front-end application for student council (BDE in french).
- Secure authentication & administration system with student email
- Handling of challenge creation & accomplishment for integration purpuse
- Online market to buy goodies with fake money earned by doing challenges
This project was bootstrapped with Remix.
- node
- docker & docker-compose
npm install
In the project directory, you can run:
To start the app in dev mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to access application.
To build for production
For production mode
You need to setup few environment variables to setup your project :
- EMAIL_REGEX : Regex that matches your particular student email, for example : "^[\w-.]+@([\w-]+.)*$" matches emails with domain, if none provided regex will match a classic email
- API-URL : URL used by axios ro make calls to the API, default : localhost:4000
This project uses Material UI, for more information check the Material UI Documentation
There are 5 main routes in this application :
- / : Home route, display a simple message
- /login : Used to login
- /register : Used to register
- /challenges : Display the list of all challenges
- /shop : Display the list of all goodies in the shop
The routes /shop and /challenges have some sub-routes :
- /shop/:id : Display info on a single goodies + a button to buy it
- /shop/admin : Admin panel to create goodies
- /challenges/:id : Display info on a single challenge + a form to submit an accomplishment for this challenge
- /challenge/admin : Admin panel to create challenges and validate accomplishments
To learn Remix, check out the Remix documentation.