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1681 lines (1407 loc) · 60.1 KB

Typed continuations

This document provides an informal presentation of the typed continuations proposal, a minimal and compatible extension to Wasm for structured non-local control flow. The proposal is minimal in the sense that it leverages Wasm's existing instruction set and type system. It extends the instruction set with instructions to suspend, resume, and abort computations, and extends the type system with a single new reference type for continuations.

Table of contents

  1. Motivation
  2. Additional requirements
  3. Instruction set
    1. Declaring control tags
    2. Creating continuations
    3. Invoking continuations
    4. Suspending continuations
    5. Binding continuations
    6. Trapping continuations
  4. Examples
    1. Lightweight threads (static)
    2. Lightweight threads (dynamic)
    3. Actors
    4. Async/await
    5. Delimited continuations
  5. Implementation strategies
  6. Design considerations and extensions
    1. Memory management
    2. Linear versus constant time dispatch
    3. Named handlers
    4. Direct switching
    5. Control/prompt as an alternative basis
    6. Coupling of continuation capture and dispatch
    7. Tail-resumptive handlers
    8. Multi-shot continuations
    9. Interoperability, legacy code, and the barrier instruction
    10. First-class tags
    11. Shallow versus deep handlers


Non-local control flow features provide the ability to suspend the current execution context and later resume it. Many industrial-strength programming languages feature a wealth of non-local control flow features such as async/await, coroutines, generators/iterators, effect handlers, call/cc, and so forth. For some programming languages non-local control flow is central to their identity, meaning that they rely on non-local control flow for efficiency, e.g. to support massively scalable concurrency.

Currently, Wasm lacks support for implementing such features directly and efficiently without a circuitous global transformation of source programs on the producer side. One possible strategy is to add special support for each individual non-local control flow feature to Wasm, but strategy does not scale to the next 700 non-local control flow features. Instead, the goal of this proposal is to introduce a unifed structured mechanism that is sufficiently general to cover present use-cases as well as being forwards compatible with future use-cases, while admitting efficient implementations.

The proposed mechanism is based on proven technology: delimited continuations. An undelimited continuation represents the rest of a computation from a certain point in its execution. A delimited continuation is a more modular form of continuation, representing the rest of a computation from a particular point in its execution up to a delimiter or prompt. Operationally, one may think of undelimited continuations as stacks and delimited continuations as segmented stacks.

In their raw form delimited continuations do not readily fit into the Wasm ecosystem, as the Wasm type system is not powerful enough to type them. The gist of the problem is that the classic treatment of delimited continuations provides only one universal control tag (i.e. the mechanism which transforms a runtime stack into a programmatic data object). In order to use Wasm's simple type system to type delimited continuations, we use the idea of multiple named control tags from Plotkin and Pretnar's effect handlers. Each control tag is declared module-wide along its payload type and return type. This declaration can be used to readily type points of non-local transfer of control. From an operational perspective we may view control tags as a means for writing an interface for the possible kinds of non-local transfers (or stack switches) that a computation may perform.

Typed continuation primer

A continuation is a first-class program object that represents the remainder of computation from a certain point in the execution of a program --- intuitively, its current stack. The typed continuations proposal is based on a structured notion of delimited continuations. A delimited continuation is a continuation whose extent is delimited by some control delimiter, meaning it represents the remainder of computation from a certain point up to (and possibly including) its control delimiter -- intuitively, a segment of the stack. An alternative to delimited continuations is undelimited continuations which represent the remainder of the entire program. Delimited continuations are preferable as they are more modular and more fine-grained in the sense that they provide a means for suspending local execution contexts rather than the entire global execution context. In particular, delimited continuations are more expressive, as an undelimited continuation is merely a delimited continuation whose control delimiter is placed at the start of the program.

The crucial feature of the typed continuations proposal that makes it more structured than conventional delimited continuations is control tags. A control tag is a typed symbolic entity that suspends the current execution context and reifies it as a continuation object (henceforth, just continuation) up to its control delimiter. The type of a control tag communicates the type of its payload as well as its expected return type, i.e. the type of data that must be supplied to its associated continuation upon resumption. In other words, control tags define an interface for constructing continuations.

A second aspect of the design that aids modularity by separating concerns is that the construction of continuations is distinct from handling of continuations. A continuation is handled at the delimiter of a control tag rather than at the invocation site of the control tag. Control tags are a mild extension of exception tags as in the exception handling proposal. The key difference is that in addition to a payload type, a control tag also declares a return type. Roughly, control tags can be thought of as resumable exceptions.

Typed continuations may be efficiently implemented using segmented stacks, but other implementations are also possible.

Additional requirements

  • No GC dependency: We intend every language to be able to use typed continuations to implement non-local flow abstractions irrespective of whether its memory is managed by a GC. Thus this proposal must not depend on the presence of a full-blown GC as in the GC proposal, rather, reference counting or a similar technique must be sufficient in cases where some form of memory management is necessary.

  • Debugging friendliness: The addition of continuations must preserve compatibility with standard debugging formats such as DWARF, meaning it must be possible to obtain a sequential unobstructed stack trace in the presence of continuations.

  • Exception handling compatibility: The exception handling proposal adds special support for one kind of non-local control flow abstraction, namely, exception handlers. Exceptions must continue to work in the presence of typed continuations and vice versa.

  • Preserve Wasm invariants of legacy code: The proposal must provide a means to protect the invariants of existing Wasm code. For instance, this means that in the presence of code that uses typed continuations it should be possible to ensure that other legacy code cannot suspend. The mechanism for protecting invariants need not be automatic (in the same vein as explicit synchronisation might be needed when adding threads and shared memory).

Instruction set

The proposal adds a new reference type for continuations.

  (cont $t)

A continuation type is given in terms of a function type $t, whose parameters tp* describes the expected stack shape prior to resuming/starting the continuation, and whose return types tr* describes the stack shape after the continuation has run to completion.

As a shorthand, we will often write the function type inline and write a continuation type as

  (cont [tp*] -> [tr*])

Declaring control tags

A control tag is similar to an exception extended with a result type (or list thereof). Operationally, a control tag may be thought of as a resumable exception. A tag declaration provides the type signature of a control tag.

  (tag $e (param tp*) (result tr*))

The $e is the symbolic index of the control tag in the index space of tags. The parameter types tp* describe the expected stack layout prior to invoking the tag, and the result types tr* describe the stack layout following an invocation of the operation. In this document we will sometimes write $e : [tp*] -> [tr*] as shorthand for indicating that such a declaration is in scope.

Creating continuations

The following instruction creates a continuation in suspended state from a function. $ct : [(ref $ft)] -> [(ref $ct)]
  - $ft = func [t1*] -> [t2*]
  - $ct = cont $ft

The instruction takes as operand a reference to a function of type [t1*] -> [t2*]. The body of this function is a computation that may perform non-local control flow.

Invoking continuations

There are two ways to invoke (or run) a continuation.

The first way to invoke a continuation resumes the continuation under a handler, which handles subsequent control suspensions within the continuation.

  resume $ct (tag $e $l)* : [tp* (ref $ct)] -> [tr*]
  - $ct = cont [tp*] -> [tr*]

The resume instruction is parameterised by a continuation type and a handler dispatch table defined by a collection of pairs of control tags and labels. Each pair maps a control tag to a label pointing to its corresponding handler code. The resume instruction consumes its continuation argument, meaning a continuation may be resumed only once.

The second way to invoke a continuation is to raise an exception at the control tag invocation site. This amounts to performing "an abortive action" which causes the stack to be unwound.

  resume_throw $ct $exn (on $e $l)* : [tp* (ref $ct)])] -> [tr*]
  - $ct = cont [ta*] -> [tr*]
  - $exn : [tp*] -> []

The instruction resume_throw is parameterised by a continuation type, the exception to be raised at the control tag invocation site, and a handler dispatch table. As with resume, this instruction also fully consumes its continuation argument. Operationally, this instruction raises the exception $exn with parameters of type tp* at the control tag invocation point in the context of the supplied continuation. As an exception is being raised (the continuation is not actually being supplied a value) the parameter types for the continuation ta* are unconstrained.

Suspending continuations

A computation running inside a continuation can suspend itself by invoking one of the declared control tags.

  suspend $e : [tp*] -> [tr*]
  - $e : [tp*] -> [tr*]

The instruction suspend invokes the control tag named $e with arguments of types tp*. Operationally, the instruction transfers control out of the continuation to the nearest enclosing handler for $e. This behaviour is similar to how raising an exception transfers control to the nearest exception handler that handles the exception. The key difference is that the continuation at the suspension point expects to be resumed later with arguments of types tr*.

Binding continuations

The parameter list of a continuation may be shrunk via cont.bind. This instruction provides a way to partially apply a given continuation. This facility turns out to be important in practice due to the block and type structure of Wasm as in order to return a continuation from a block, all branches within the block must agree on the type of continuation. By using cont.bind, one can programmatically ensure that the branches within a block each return a continuation with compatible type (the Examples section provides several example usages of cont.bind).

  cont.bind $ct1 $ct2 : [tp1* (ref $ct1)] -> [(ref $ct2)]
  $ct1 = cont [tp1* tp2*] -> [tr*]
  $ct2 = cont [tp2*] -> [tr*]

The instruction cont.bind binds the arguments of type tp1* to a continuation of type $ct1, yielding a modified continuation of type $ct2 which expects fewer arguments. This instruction also consumes its continuation argument, and yields a new continuation that can be supplied to either resume,resume_throw, or cont.bind.

Trapping continuations

In order to allow ensuring that control cannot be captured across certain abstraction or language boundaries, we provide an instruction for explicitly trapping attempts at reifying stacks across a certain point.

  barrier $l bt instr* end : [t1*] -> [t2*]
  - bt = [t1*] -> [t2*]
  - instr* : [t1*] -> [t2*]

The barrier instruction is a block with label $l, block type bt = [t1*] -> [t2*], whose body is the instruction sequence given by instr*. Operationally, barrier may be viewed as a "catch-all" handler, that handles any control tag by invoking a trap.

Continuation lifetime

Producing continuations

There are three different ways in which continuations are produced (,suspend,cont.bind). A fresh continuation object is allocated with and the current continuation is reused with suspend and cont.bind.

The cont.bind instruction is directly analogous to the mildly controversial func.bind instruction from the function references proposal. However, whereas the latter necessitates the allocation of a new closure, as continuations are single-shot no allocation is necessary: all allocation happens when the original continuation is created by preallocating one slot for each continuation argument.

Consuming continuations

There are three different ways in which continuations are consumed (resume,resume_throw,cont.bind). A continuation is resumed with a particular handler with resume. A continuation is aborted with resume_throw. A continuation is partially applied with cont.bind.

In order to ensure that continuations are one-shot, resume, resume_throw, and cont.bind destructively modify the continuation object such that any subsequent use of the same continuation object will result in a trap.


Lightweight threads (static)

(The full code for this example is here.)

Lightweight threads are one of the primary use-cases for typed continuations. In their most basic static form we assume a fixed collection of cooperative threads with a single tag that allows a thread to signal that it is willing to yield.

(module $lwt
  (tag $yield (export "yield"))
(register "lwt")

The $yield tag takes no parameter and has no result. Having declared it, we can now write some cooperative threads as functions.

(module $example
  (tag $yield (import "lwt" "yield"))
  (func $log (import "spectest" "print_i32") (param i32))

  (func $thread1 (export "thread1")
    (call $log (i32.const 10))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 11))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 12))

  (func $thread2 (export "thread2")
    (call $log (i32.const 20))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 21))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 22))

  (func $thread3 (export "thread3")
    (call $log (i32.const 30))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 31))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 32))
(register "example")

Our intention is to interleave the execution of $thread1, $thread2, and $thread3, using (suspend $yield) to suspend execution to a scheduler which will perform a context switch.

If we were to try to run any of these functions at the top-level then they would trap as soon as they try to suspend with the $yield$ tag, because we have not yet specified how to handle it.

We now define a scheduler.

(module $scheduler
  (type $func (func))
  (type $cont (cont $func))

  (tag $yield (import "lwt" "yield"))

  ;; queue interface
  (func $queue-empty (import "queue" "queue-empty") (result i32))
  (func $dequeue (import "queue" "dequeue") (result (ref null $cont)))
  (func $enqueue (import "queue" "enqueue") (param $k (ref $cont)))

  (func $run (export "run")
    (loop $l
      (if (call $queue-empty) (then (return)))
      (block $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
        (resume $cont (on $yield $on_yield)
                      (call $dequeue)
        (br $l)  ;; thread terminated
      ) ;;   $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
      (call $enqueue)  ;; continuation of current thread
      (br $l)
(register "scheduler")

We assume a suitable interface to a queue of active threads represented as continuations. The scheduler is a loop which repeatedly runs the continuation (thread) at the head of the queue. It does so by resuming the continuation with a handler for the $yield tag. The handler (tag $yield $on_yield) specifies that the $yield tag is handled by running the code immediately following the block labelled with $on_yield, the $on_yield clause. The result of the block (result (ref $cont)) declares that there will be a continuation on the stack when suspending with the $yield tag, which is the continuation of the currently executing thread. The $on_yield clause enqueues this continuation and proceeds to the next iteration of the loop.

In order to interleave our three test threads together, we create a new continuation for each, enqueue the continuations, and invoke the scheduler. The operation turns a function reference into a corresponding continuation reference.

  (type $func (func))
  (type $cont (cont $func))

  (func $scheduler (import "scheduler" "run"))
  (func $enqueue (import "queue" "enqueue") (param (ref $cont)))

  (func $log (import "spectest" "print_i32") (param i32))

  (func $thread1 (import "example" "thread1"))
  (func $thread2 (import "example" "thread2"))
  (func $thread3 (import "example" "thread3"))

  (elem declare func $thread1 $thread2 $thread3)

  (func (export "run")
    (call $enqueue ( $cont (ref.func $thread1)))
    (call $enqueue ( $cont (ref.func $thread2)))
    (call $enqueue ( $cont (ref.func $thread3)))

    (call $log (i32.const -1))
    (call $scheduler)
    (call $log (i32.const -2))

(invoke "run")

The output is as follows.

-1 : i32
10 : i32
20 : i32
30 : i32
11 : i32
21 : i32
31 : i32
12 : i32
22 : i32
32 : i32
-2 : i32

The threads are interleaved as expected.

Lightweight threads (dynamic)

(The full code for this example is here.)

We can make our lightweight threads functionality considerably more expressive by allowing new threads to be forked dynamically.

(module $lwt
  (type $func (func))
  (type $cont (cont $func))

  (tag $yield (export "yield"))
  (tag $fork (export "fork") (param (ref $cont)))
(register "lwt")

We declare a new $fork tag that takes a continuation as a parameter and (like $yield) returns no result. Now we modify our example to fork each of the three threads from a single main thread.

(module $example
  (type $func (func))
  (type $cont (cont $func))

  (tag $yield (import "lwt" "yield"))
  (tag $fork (import "lwt" "fork") (param (ref $cont)))

  (func $log (import "spectest" "print_i32") (param i32))

  (elem declare func $thread1 $thread2 $thread3)

  (func $main (export "main")
    (call $log (i32.const 0))
    (suspend $fork ( $cont (ref.func $thread1)))
    (call $log (i32.const 1))
    (suspend $fork ( $cont (ref.func $thread2)))
    (call $log (i32.const 2))
    (suspend $fork ( $cont (ref.func $thread3)))
    (call $log (i32.const 3))

  (func $thread1
    (call $log (i32.const 10))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 11))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 12))

  (func $thread2
    (call $log (i32.const 20))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 21))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 22))

  (func $thread3
    (call $log (i32.const 30))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 31))
    (suspend $yield)
    (call $log (i32.const 32))
(register "example")

As with the static example we define a scheduler module.

(module $scheduler
  (type $func (func))
  (type $cont (cont $func))

  (tag $yield (import "lwt" "yield"))
  (tag $fork (import "lwt" "fork") (param (ref $cont)))

  (func $queue-empty (import "queue" "queue-empty") (result i32))
  (func $dequeue (import "queue" "dequeue") (result (ref null $cont)))
  (func $enqueue (import "queue" "enqueue") (param $k (ref null $cont)))
(register "scheduler")

In this example we illustrate five different schedulers. First, we write a baseline synchronous scheduler which simply runs the current thread to completion without actually yielding.

  (func $sync (export "sync") (param $nextk (ref null $cont))
    (loop $l
      (if (ref.is_null (local.get $nextk)) (then (return)))
      (block $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
        (block $on_fork (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont))
          (resume $cont (on $yield $on_yield)
                        (on $fork $on_fork)
                        (local.get $nextk)
          (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue))
          (br $l)  ;; thread terminated
        ) ;;   $on_fork (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont))
        (local.set $nextk)                      ;; current thread
        (call $enqueue) ;; new thread
        (br $l)
      ;;     $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
      (local.set $nextk)  ;; carry on with current thread
      (br $l)

The $nextk parameter represents the continuation of the next thread. The loop is repeatedly executed until $nextk is null (meaning that all threads have finished). The body of the loop is the code inside the two nested blocks. It resumes the next continuation, dequeues the next continuation, and then continues to the next iteration of the loop. The handler passed to resume specifies how to handle both $yield and $fork tags. Yielding carries on executing the current thread (this scheduler is synchronous). Forking enqueues the new thread and continues executing the current thread.

As with the static example, the result of the $on_yield block (result (ref $cont)) declares that there will be a continuation on the stack when suspending with the $yield tag, which is the continuation of the currently executing thread. The result of the $on_fork block (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont)) declares that there will be two continuations on the stack when suspending with the $fork tag: the first is the parameter passed to fork (the new thread) and the second is the continuation of the currently executing thread.

Running the synchronous scheduler on the example produces the following output.

0 : i32
1 : i32
2 : i32
3 : i32
10 : i32
11 : i32
12 : i32
20 : i32
21 : i32
22 : i32
30 : i32
31 : i32
32 : i32

First the main thread runs to completion, then each of the forked threads in sequence.

Following a similar pattern, we define four different asynchronous schedulers.

  ;; four asynchronous schedulers:
  ;;   * kt and tk don't yield on encountering a fork
  ;;     1) kt runs the continuation, queuing up the new thread for later
  ;;     2) tk runs the new thread first, queuing up the continuation for later
  ;;   * ykt and ytk do yield on encountering a fork
  ;;     3) ykt runs the continuation, queuing up the new thread for later
  ;;     4) ytk runs the new thread first, queuing up the continuation for later

  ;; no yield on fork, continuation first
  (func $kt (export "kt") (param $nextk (ref null $cont))
    (loop $l
      (if (ref.is_null (local.get $nextk)) (then (return)))
      (block $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
        (block $on_fork (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont))
          (resume $cont (on $yield $on_yield)
                        (on $fork $on_fork)
                        (local.get $nextk)
          (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue))
          (br $l)  ;; thread terminated
        ) ;;   $on_fork (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont))
        (local.set $nextk)                      ;; current thread
        (call $enqueue) ;; new thread
        (br $l)
      ;;     $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
      (call $enqueue)                    ;; current thread
      (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue)) ;; next thread
      (br $l)

  ;; no yield on fork, new thread first
  (func $tk (export "tk") (param $nextk (ref null $cont))
    (loop $l
      (if (ref.is_null (local.get $nextk)) (then (return)))
      (block $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
        (block $on_fork (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont))
          (resume $cont (on $yield $on_yield)
                        (on $fork $on_fork)
                        (local.get $nextk)
          (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue))
          (br $l)  ;; thread terminated
        ) ;;   $on_fork (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont))
        (call $enqueue)                            ;; current thread
        (local.set $nextk) ;; new thread
        (br $l)
      ;;     $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
      (call $enqueue)                    ;; current thread
      (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue)) ;; next thread
      (br $l)

  ;; yield on fork, continuation first
  (func $ykt (export "ykt") (param $nextk (ref null $cont))
    (loop $l
      (if (ref.is_null (local.get $nextk)) (then (return)))
      (block $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
        (block $on_fork (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont))
          (resume $cont (on $yield $on_yield)
                        (on $fork $on_fork)
                        (local.get $nextk)
          (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue))
          (br $l)  ;; thread terminated
        ) ;;   $on_fork (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont))
        (call $enqueue)                         ;; current thread
        (call $enqueue) ;; new thread
        (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue))      ;; next thread
        (br $l)
      ;;     $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
      (call $enqueue)                    ;; current thread
      (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue)) ;; next thread
      (br $l)

  ;; yield on fork, new thread first
  (func $ytk (export "ytk") (param $nextk (ref null $cont))
    (loop $l
      (if (ref.is_null (local.get $nextk)) (then (return)))
      (block $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
        (block $on_fork (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont))
          (resume $cont (on $yield $on_yield)
                        (on $fork $on_fork)
                        (local.get $nextk)
          (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue))
          (br $l)  ;; thread terminated
        ) ;;   $on_fork (result (ref $cont) (ref $cont))
        (local.set $nextk)
        (call $enqueue) ;; new thread
        (call $enqueue (local.get $nextk))      ;; current thread
        (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue))      ;; next thread
        (br $l)
      ;;     $on_yield (result (ref $cont))
      (call $enqueue)                    ;; current thread
      (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue)) ;; next thread
      (br $l)

Each $on_yield clause is identical, enqueing the continuation of the current thread and dequeing the next continuation for the thread. The $on_fork clauses implement different behaviours for scheduling the current and newly forked threads.

We run our example using each of the five schedulers.

  (type $func (func))
  (type $cont (cont $func))

  (func $scheduler1 (import "scheduler" "sync") (param $nextk (ref null $cont)))
  (func $scheduler2 (import "scheduler" "kt") (param $nextk (ref null $cont)))
  (func $scheduler3 (import "scheduler" "tk") (param $nextk (ref null $cont)))
  (func $scheduler4 (import "scheduler" "ykt") (param $nextk (ref null $cont)))
  (func $scheduler5 (import "scheduler" "ytk") (param $nextk (ref null $cont)))

  (func $log (import "spectest" "print_i32") (param i32))

  (func $main (import "example" "main"))

  (elem declare func $main)

  (func (export "run")
    (call $log (i32.const -1))
    (call $scheduler1 ( $cont (ref.func $main)))
    (call $log (i32.const -2))
    (call $scheduler2 ( $cont (ref.func $main)))
    (call $log (i32.const -3))
    (call $scheduler3 ( $cont (ref.func $main)))
    (call $log (i32.const -4))
    (call $scheduler4 ( $cont (ref.func $main)))
    (call $log (i32.const -5))
    (call $scheduler5 ( $cont (ref.func $main)))
    (call $log (i32.const -6))

(invoke "run")

The output is as follows, demonstrating the various different scheduling behaviours.

-1 : i32
0 : i32
1 : i32
2 : i32
3 : i32
10 : i32
11 : i32
12 : i32
20 : i32
21 : i32
22 : i32
30 : i32
31 : i32
32 : i32
-2 : i32
0 : i32
1 : i32
2 : i32
3 : i32
10 : i32
20 : i32
30 : i32
11 : i32
21 : i32
31 : i32
12 : i32
22 : i32
32 : i32
-3 : i32
0 : i32
10 : i32
1 : i32
20 : i32
11 : i32
2 : i32
30 : i32
21 : i32
12 : i32
3 : i32
31 : i32
22 : i32
32 : i32
-4 : i32
0 : i32
1 : i32
10 : i32
2 : i32
20 : i32
11 : i32
3 : i32
30 : i32
21 : i32
12 : i32
31 : i32
22 : i32
32 : i32
-5 : i32
0 : i32
10 : i32
1 : i32
11 : i32
20 : i32
2 : i32
12 : i32
21 : i32
30 : i32
3 : i32
22 : i32
31 : i32
32 : i32
-6 : i32





Delimited continuations

(The full code for this example is here.)

Conventional unstructured delimited continuations can be directly implemented using our typed continuations design. Here we illustrate how to implement lightweight threads on top of the control/prompt delimited control operators.

First we implement control/prompt.

;; interface to control/prompt
(module $control
  (type $func (func))       ;; [] -> []
  (type $cont (cont $func)) ;; cont ([] -> [])

  ;; we sometimes write contref as shorthand for a reference to a continuation

  (type $cont-func (func (param (ref $cont)))) ;; [contref ([] -> [])] -> []
  (type $cont-cont (cont $cont-func))          ;; cont ([contref ([] -> [])] -> [])

  ;; Implementation of a generic delimited control operator using
  ;; effect handlers.
  ;; For lightweight threads we have no payload. More general types
  ;; for control and prompt are:
  ;;   control : [([contref ([ta*] -> [tr*])] -> [tr*])] -> [ta*]
  ;;   prompt : [contref ([] -> [tr*])] -> [tr*]
  ;; (We can also give more refined types if we want to support
  ;; answer-type modification and various flavours of answer-type
  ;; polymorphism - but these are well outside the scope of a Wasm
  ;; proposal!)
  ;; (Technically this is control0/prompt0 rather than
  ;; control/prompt.)
  (tag $control (export "control") (param (ref $cont-func)))    ;; control : [([contref ([] -> [])] -> [])] -> []
  (func $prompt (export "prompt") (param $nextk (ref null $cont)) ;; prompt : [(contref ([] -> []))] -> []
    (block $on_control (result (ref $cont-func) (ref $cont))
       (resume $cont (on $control $on_control)
                     (local.get $nextk))
    ) ;;   $on_control (param (ref $cont-func) (ref $cont))
    (let (local $h (ref $cont-func)) (local $k (ref $cont))
      (call_ref (local.get $k) (local.get $h))
(register "control")

The $control tag amounts to a universal control tag, which takes a second-order function $h as an argument (it's second-order in that it's a function that itself takes a function, wrapped in a continuation, as an argument). The implementation of prompt is the universal handler for $control, which simply applies the second order function $h to the captured continuation.

In the above code we have specialised $control and $prompt to the case where the continuation has no parameters and no results, as this suffices for implementing lightweight threads. A continuation parameter corresponds to the result of a control tag, so in the absence of parametric polymorphism, in order to simulate standard control tags in general we would need one copy of $control for each type of result we wanted to support.

The following example is just like the one we implemented for dynamic lightweight threads using $yield and $fork tags decoupled from handlers for defining different schedulers. Here instead we parameterise the whole example by the behaviour of yielding and forking as $yield and $fork functions.

(module $example
  (type $func (func))       ;; [] -> []
  (type $cont (cont $func)) ;; cont ([] -> [])

  (type $cont-func (func (param (ref $cont)))) ;; [cont ([] -> [])] -> []
  (type $cont-cont (cont $cont-func))          ;; cont ([cont ([] -> [])] -> [])

  (type $func-cont-func-func (func (param (ref $func)) (param (ref $cont-func)))) ;; ([] -> []) -> ([contref ([] -> [])] -> []) -> []
  (type $func-cont-func-cont (cont $func-cont-func-func))                         ;; cont (([] -> []) -> ([contref ([] -> [])] -> []) -> [])

  (func $log (import "spectest" "print_i32") (param i32))

  (elem declare func $main $thread1 $thread2 $thread3)

  (func $main (export "main") (param $yield (ref $func)) (param $fork (ref $cont-func))
    (call $log (i32.const 0))
      (cont.bind $func-cont-func-cont $cont (local.get $yield) (local.get $fork)
        ( $func-cont-func-cont (ref.func $thread1)))
      (local.get $fork))
    (call $log (i32.const 1))
      (cont.bind $func-cont-func-cont $cont (local.get $yield) (local.get $fork)
        ( $func-cont-func-cont (ref.func $thread2)))
      (local.get $fork))
    (call $log (i32.const 2))
      (cont.bind $func-cont-func-cont $cont (local.get $yield) (local.get $fork)
        ( $func-cont-func-cont (ref.func $thread3)))
      (local.get $fork))
    (call $log (i32.const 3))

  (func $thread1 (param $yield (ref $func)) (param $fork (ref $cont-func))
    (call $log (i32.const 10))
    (call_ref (local.get $yield))
    (call $log (i32.const 11))
    (call_ref (local.get $yield))
    (call $log (i32.const 12))

  (func $thread2 (param $yield (ref $func)) (param $fork (ref $cont-func))
    (call $log (i32.const 20))
    (call_ref (local.get $yield))
    (call $log (i32.const 21))
    (call_ref (local.get $yield))
    (call $log (i32.const 22))

  (func $thread3 (param $yield (ref $func)) (param $fork (ref $cont-func))
    (call $log (i32.const 30))
    (call_ref (local.get $yield))
    (call $log (i32.const 31))
    (call_ref (local.get $yield))
    (call $log (i32.const 32))
(register "example")

The function type $func-cont-func-fun is the type of a function that takes an implementation of a $yield function and the implementation as a $fork function as pararameters; the continuation type $func-cont-func-cont is the same thing as a continuation.

We now define a scheduler module analogous to that of the previous dynamic lightweight thread example. As before, we will implement five different schedulers.

  (type $func (func))       ;; [] -> []
  (type $cont (cont $func)) ;; cont ([] -> [])

  (type $cont-func (func (param (ref $cont)))) ;; [contref ([] -> [])] -> []
  (type $cont-cont (cont $cont-func))          ;; [(contref ([contref ([] -> [])]))] -> []

  (type $func-cont-func-func (func (param (ref $func)) (param (ref $cont-func)))) ;; ([] -> []) -> ([cont ([] -> [])] -> []) -> []
  (type $func-cont-func-cont (cont $func-cont-func-func))                         ;; cont (([] -> []) -> ([cont ([] -> [])] -> []) -> [])

  (elem declare func
     $handle-yield-sync $handle-yield
     $handle-fork-sync $handle-fork-kt $handle-fork-tk $handle-fork-ykt $handle-fork-ytk
     $fork-sync $fork-kt $fork-tk $fork-ykt $fork-ytk)

  ;; control/prompt interface
  (tag $control (import "control" "control") (param (ref $cont-func)))     ;; control : ([cont ([] -> [])] -> []) -> []
  (func $prompt (import "control" "prompt") (param $nextk (ref null $cont))) ;; prompt : cont ([] -> []) -> []

  ;; queue interface
  (func $queue-empty (import "queue" "queue-empty") (result i32))
  (func $dequeue (import "queue" "dequeue") (result (ref null $cont)))
  (func $enqueue (import "queue" "enqueue") (param $k (ref $cont)))
(register "scheduler")

Unlike before, with control/prompt a generic scheduler loop must be decoupled from the implementations of each operation (yield / fork) as the latter are passed in as arguments to user code

  ;; generic boilerplate scheduler
  (func $scheduler (param $nextk (ref null $cont))
    (loop $loop
      (if (ref.is_null (local.get $nextk)) (then (return)))
      (call $prompt (local.get $nextk))
      (local.set $nextk (call $dequeue))
      (br $loop)

The scheduler loop simply keeps on calling prompt with the next thread in the queue until the queue of threads is exhausted.

For each scheduler, we invoke the generic scheduler using a continuation parameterised by suitable implementations of yield and fork.

First, we do the baseline synchronous scheduler.

  ;; synchronous scheduler
  (func $handle-yield-sync (param $k (ref $cont))
    (call $scheduler (local.get $k))
  (func $yield-sync
    (suspend $control (ref.func $handle-yield))
  (func $handle-fork-sync (param $t (ref $cont)) (param $k (ref $cont))
    (call $enqueue (local.get $t))
    (call $scheduler (local.get $k))
  (func $fork-sync (param $t (ref $cont))
    (suspend $control (func.bind (type $cont-func) (local.get $t) (ref.func $handle-fork-sync)))
  (func $sync (export "sync") (param $k (ref $func-cont-func-cont))
    (call $scheduler
      (cont.bind $func-cont-func-cont $cont (ref.func $yield) (ref.func $fork-sync) (local.get $k)))

The func.bind instruction is needed in the implementations of fork More generally func.bind is needed for any operation that takes arguments. One could use another continuation here instead, but constructing a new continuation every time an operation is invoked seems unnecessarily wasteful.

All of the asynchronous schedulers make use of the same implementation of yield, which enqueues the continuation of the current thread and dequeues the next available thread.

  ;; asynchronous yield (used by all asynchronous schedulers)
  (func $handle-yield (param $k (ref $cont))
    (call $enqueue (local.get $k))
    (call $scheduler (call $dequeue))
  (func $yield
    (suspend $control (ref.func $handle-yield))

Each asynchronous scheduler uses its own implementation of fork.

  ;; four asynchronous implementations of fork:
  ;;   * kt and tk don't yield on encountering a fork
  ;;     1) kt runs the continuation, queuing up the new thread for later
  ;;     2) tk runs the new thread first, queuing up the continuation for later
  ;;   * ykt and ytk do yield on encountering a fork
  ;;     3) ykt runs the continuation, queuing up the new thread for later
  ;;     4) ytk runs the new thread first, queuing up the continuation for later

  ;; no yield on fork, continuation first
  (func $handle-fork-kt (param $t (ref $cont)) (param $k (ref $cont))
    (call $enqueue (local.get $t))
    (call $scheduler (local.get $k))
  (func $fork-kt (param $t (ref $cont))
    (suspend $control (func.bind (type $cont-func) (local.get $t) (ref.func $handle-fork-kt)))
  (func $kt (export "kt") (param $k (ref $func-cont-func-cont))
    (call $scheduler
      (cont.bind $func-cont-func-cont $cont (ref.func $yield) (ref.func $fork-kt) (local.get $k)))

  ;; no yield on fork, new thread first
  (func $handle-fork-tk (param $t (ref $cont)) (param $k (ref $cont))
    (call $enqueue (local.get $k))
    (call $scheduler (local.get $t))
  (func $fork-tk (param $t (ref $cont))
    (suspend $control (func.bind (type $cont-func) (local.get $t) (ref.func $handle-fork-tk)))
  (func $tk (export "tk") (param $k (ref $func-cont-func-cont))
    (call $scheduler
      (cont.bind $func-cont-func-cont $cont (ref.func $yield) (ref.func $fork-tk) (local.get $k)))

  ;; yield on fork, continuation first
  (func $handle-fork-ykt (param $t (ref $cont)) (param $k (ref $cont))
    (call $enqueue (local.get $k))
    (call $enqueue (local.get $t))
    (call $scheduler (call $dequeue))
  (func $fork-ykt (param $t (ref $cont))
    (suspend $control (func.bind (type $cont-func) (local.get $t) (ref.func $handle-fork-ykt)))
  (func $ykt (export "ykt") (param $k (ref $func-cont-func-cont))
    (call $scheduler
      (cont.bind $func-cont-func-cont $cont (ref.func $yield) (ref.func $fork-ykt) (local.get $k)))

  ;; yield on fork, new thread first
  (func $handle-fork-ytk (param $t (ref $cont)) (param $k (ref $cont))
    (call $enqueue (local.get $t))
    (call $enqueue (local.get $k))
    (call $scheduler (call $dequeue))
  (func $fork-ytk (param $t (ref $cont))
    (suspend $control (func.bind (type $cont-func) (local.get $t) (ref.func $handle-fork-ytk)))
  (func $ytk (export "ytk") (param $k (ref $func-cont-func-cont))
    (call $scheduler
      (cont.bind $func-cont-func-cont $cont (ref.func $yield) (ref.func $fork-ytk) (local.get $k)))
(register "scheduler")

Invoking the schedulers is much like in our original dynamic lightweight threads example, but the types are more complex due to the need to index the handled computation ($main in this case) by the implementations of forking and yielding.

  (type $func (func))       ;; [] -> []
  (type $cont (cont $func)) ;; cont ([] -> [])

  (type $cont-func (func (param (ref $cont)))) ;; [contref ([] -> [])] -> []
  (type $cont-cont (cont $cont-func))          ;; cont ([contref ([] -> [])] -> [])

  (type $func-cont-func-func (func (param (ref $func)) (param (ref $cont-func)))) ;; ([] -> []) -> ([contref ([] -> [])] -> []) -> []
  (type $func-cont-func-cont (cont $func-cont-func-func))                         ;; contref (([] -> []) -> ([contref ([] -> [])] -> []) -> [])

  (func $scheduler-sync (import "scheduler" "sync") (param $nextk (ref $func-cont-func-cont)))
  (func $scheduler-kt (import "scheduler" "kt") (param $nextk (ref $func-cont-func-cont)))
  (func $scheduler-tk (import "scheduler" "tk") (param $nextk (ref $func-cont-func-cont)))
  (func $scheduler-ykt (import "scheduler" "ykt") (param $nextk (ref $func-cont-func-cont)))
  (func $scheduler-ytk (import "scheduler" "ytk") (param $nextk (ref $func-cont-func-cont)))

  (func $log (import "spectest" "print_i32") (param i32))

  (func $main (import "example" "main") (param $yield (ref $func)) (param $fork (ref $cont-func)))

  (elem declare func $main)

  (func $run (export "run")
    (call $log (i32.const -1))
    (call $scheduler-sync ( $func-cont-func-cont (ref.func $main)))
    (call $log (i32.const -2))
    (call $scheduler-kt ( $func-cont-func-cont (ref.func $main)))
    (call $log (i32.const -3))
    (call $scheduler-tk ( $func-cont-func-cont (ref.func $main)))
    (call $log (i32.const -4))
    (call $scheduler-ykt ( $func-cont-func-cont (ref.func $main)))
    (call $log (i32.const -5))
    (call $scheduler-ytk ( $func-cont-func-cont (ref.func $main)))
    (call $log (i32.const -6))

The output of running this code is just as in the direct implementation of dynamic lightweight threads.

Implementation strategies

Segmented stacks


Continuation-passing style


Virtual memory


Stack cut'n'paste


OS threads


Design considerations and extensions

Memory management

The current proposal does not require a general garbage collector as the linearity of continuations guarantees that there are no cycles in continuation objects. In theory, we could dispense with automated memory management altogether if we took seriously the idea that failure to use a continuation constitutes a bug in the producer. In practice, for most producers enforcing such a discipline is unrealistic and not something an engine can rely on anyway. To prevent space leaks, most engines will need some form of automated memory meanagement for unconsumed continuations. Due to the acyclicity of continuations, a reference counting scheme is sufficient.

Linear versus constant time dispatch

The suspend instruction relies on traversing a stack of handlers in order to find the appropriate handler, similarly to exception handling. A potential problem is that this can incur a linear runtime cost, especially if we think in terms of segmented stacks, where suspend must search the active stack chain for a suitable handler for its argument. Practical experience from Multicore OCaml suggests that for critical use cases (async/await, lightweight threads, actors, etc.) the depth of the handler stack tends to be small so the cost of this linear traversal is negligible. Nonetheless, future applications may benefit from constant-time dispatch. To enable constant-time dispatch we would need to know the target stack a priori, which might be acheived either by maintaining a shadow stack or by extending suspend to explicitly target a named handler.

Named handlers

We can accommodate named handlers by introducing a new reference type handler t*, which essentially is a unique prompt created by executing a variant of the resume instruction and is passed to the continuation:

  resume_with $ht $ct (tag $e $l)* : [ t1* (ref $ht) (ref $ct) ] -> [ t2* ]
  - $ht = handler t2*
  - $ct = cont ([ (ref $ht) t1* ] -> [ t2* ])

The handler reference is similar to a prompt in a system of multi-prompt continuations. However, since it is created fresh for each handler, multiple activations of the same prompt cannot exist by construction.

This instruction is complemented by an instruction for suspending to a specific handler:

  suspend_to $ht $e : [ s* (ref $ht) ] -> [ t* ]
  - $ht = handler tr*
  - $e : [ s* ] -> [ t* ]

If the handler is not currently active, e.g., because an outer handler has been suspended, then this instruction would trap.

Direct switching

The current proposal uses the asymmetric suspend/resume pair of primitives that is characteristic of effect handlers. It does not include a symmetric way of switching to another continuation directly, without going through a handler, and it is conceivable that the double hop through a handler might involve unnecessary overhead for use cases like lightweight threading.

Though there is currently no evidence that the double hop overhead is significant in practice, if it does turn out to be important for some applications then the current proposal can be extended with a more symmetric switch_to primitive.

Given named handlers, it is possible to introduce a somewhat magic instruction for switching directly to another continuation:

  switch_to : [ t1* (ref $ct1) (ref $ht) ] -> [ t2* ]
  - $ht = handler t3*
  - $ct1 = cont ([ (ref $ht) (ref $ct2$) t1* ] -> [ t3* ])
  - $ct2 = cont ([ t2* ] -> [ t3* ])

This behaves as if there was a built-in tag

  (tag $Switch (param t1* (ref $ct1)) (result t3*))

with which the computation suspends to the handler, and the handler implicitly handles this by resuming to the continuation argument, thereby effectively switching to it in one step. Like suspend_to, this would trap if the handler was not currently active.

The fact that the handler implicitly resumes, passing itself as a handler to the target continuation, makes this construct behave like a deep handler, which is slightly at odds with the rest of the proposal.

In addition to the handler, switch_to also passes the new continuation to the target, which allows the target to switch back to it in a symmetric fashion. Notably, in such a use case, $ct1 and $ct2 would be the same type (and hence recursive).

In fact, symmetric switching need not necessarily be tied to named handlers, since there could also be an indirect version with dynamic handler lookup:

  switch : [ t1* (ref $ct1) ] -> [ t2* ]
  - $ct1 = cont ([ (ref $ct2) t1* ] -> [ t3* ])
  - $ct2 = cont ([ t2* ] -> [ t3* ])

It seems undesirable that every handler implicitly handles the built-in $Switch tag, so this should be opt-in by a mode flag on the resume instruction(s).

Control/prompt as an alternative basis

An alternative to our typed continuations proposal is to use more established delimited control operators such as control/prompt and shift/reset. As illustrated in the examples section, control/prompt can be viewed as a special instance of the current proposal with a single universal control tag control and a handler for each prompt.

As control amounts to a universal control tag it correspondingly has a higher-order type. As illustrated by the example, this requires more complicated types than with the current proposal and depends on greater use of function closures.

When considered as a source language feature effect handlers are preferable to control/prompt because they are more modular and easier to reason about. Effect handlers naturally provide a separation of concerns. Users program to an effect interface, whereas control allows (and indeed requires) them to essentially rewrite the implementation inline (in practice this is unmanageable, so one abstracts over a few key behaviours using functions as illustrated in the example). Of course, intermediate languages have different requirements to source languages, so modularity and ease of reasoning may be less critical. Nonetheless, they should not be discounted entirely.

Coupling of continuation capture and dispatch

A possible concern with the current design is that it relies on a specific form of dispatch based on tags. Suspending not only captures the current continuation up to the nearest prompt, but also dispatches to the handler clause associated with the given tag. It might be tempting to try to decouple continuation capture from dispatch, but it is unclear what other form of dispatch would be useful or whether there is a clean way to enable such decoupling.

With control/prompt there is no coupling of continuation capture with dispatch, because there is no dispatch. But this is precisely because control behaves as a universal tag, which requires behaviour to be given inline via a closure, breaking modularity and necessitating a higher-order type even for simple uses of continuations like lightweight threads.

This is not to say that control/prompt or a generalisation to multiprompt delimited continuations is necessarily a bad low-level implementation technique. For instance, the libmprompt C library implements effect handlers on top of multiprompt delimited continuations. However, a key difference there is that the C implementation does not require static stack typing, something that is fundamental to the design of Wasm. Thus, the implementation does not need to contend directly with the higher-order type of control.

Tail-resumptive handlers

A handler is said to be tail-resumptive if the handler invokes the continuation in tail-position in every control tag clause. The canonical example of a tail-resumptive handler is dynamic binding (which can be useful to implement implicit parameters to computations). The control tag clauses of a tail-resumptive handler can be inlined at the control tag invocation sites, because they do not perform any non-trivial control flow manipulation, they simply retrieve a value. Inlining clause definitions means that no time is spent constructing continuation objects.

The present iteration of this proposal does not include facilities for identifying and inlining tail-resumptive handlers. None of the critical use-cases requires such a facility. Nevertheless, it is natural to envisage a future iteration of this proposal that includes an extension for distinguishing tail-resumptive handlers.

Multi-shot continuations

Continuations in this proposal are single-shot (aka linear), meaning that they must be invoked exactly once (though this is not statically enforced). A continuation can be invoked either by resuming it (with resume) or by aborting it (with resume_throw). Some applications such as backtracking, probabilistic programming, and process duplication exploit multi-shot continuations, but none of the critical use cases require multi-shot continuations. Nevertheless, it is natural to envisage a future iteration of this proposal that includes support for multi-shot continuations by way of a continuation clone instruction.

Interoperability, legacy code, and the barrier instruction

The barrier instruction provides a direct way of preventing control tags from being suspended outside a particular computation.

Consider a module A written using an existing C/C++ compiler that targets a Wasm backend. Let us assume that module A depends on a second Wasm module B. Now suppose that the producer for module B is updated to take advantage of typed continuations. In order to ensure that suspensions arising in calls to B do not pass through A, potentially causing unexpected changes to the semantics of A, the producer for module A can ensure that all external calls are wrapped in the barrier instruction.

It might seem preferable to somehow guarantee that support for typed continuations is not enabled by default, meaning that no changes to the producer for module A would be necessary. But it is unclear what such an approach would look like in practice and whether it would actually be feasible. In any case, using the barrier instruction the producer for B could make module B safe for linking with an unchanged module A by wrapping the barrier instruction around all of the functions exported by module B.

Questions of Wasm interoperability and support for legacy code are largely orthogonal to the typed continuations proposal and similar issues already arise with extensions such as exceptions.

First-class tags

In the current proposal tags are statically defined in a module header. This should suffice for supporting the critical use-cases. However, for some purposes, such as implementing richer forms of control operators such as effect handlers, it might be useful to add support for dynamically generated tags. These could be used, for instance, for more efficiently compiling effect handlers that take advantage of features such as Multicore OCaml's functors, where the type of an effect (tag) may not be fully known at compile time.

Shallow versus deep handlers

The effect handlers feature which underlies the design of the typed continuations proposal classically comes in too forms: shallow and deep handlers. With shallow handlers, the installation of handlers is completely decoupled from resuming a continuation. With deep handlers, the handler that produced the continuation is automatically reinstalled when a continuation is resumed. The typed continuations proposal adopts a hybrid of shallow and deep handlers, which we call sheep handlers. Like a shallow handler, there is no automatic reinstallation of an existing handler. But like deep handlers a new handler is installed when a continuation is resumed: the new handler is written explicitly as part of the resume instruction.

TODO: resuspend (aka OCaml's reperform, and analogous to exception proposal's rethrow)

TODO: return clauses

TODO: preemption / asynchrony / interrupts

TODO: how do we interact with parametric polymorphism?

TODO: lexically-scoped handlers

TODO: parametric tags / existential types?

TODO: tag subtyping?

TODO: compare to asyncify?

TODO: compare to Wasm/k?

TOOD: compare to the Koka Wasm backend?