Authors: Markus Sabadello, Kyle Den Hartog, Christian Lundkvist, Cedric Franz, Alberto Elias, Andrew Hughes, John Jordan, Dmitri Zagidulin
Contributors: Eugeniu Rusu, Adam Powers, John Callahan, Joe Andrieu
The term DID Auth has been used in different ways and is currently not well-defined. We define DID Auth as a ceremony where an identity owner, with the help of various components such as web browsers, mobile devices, and other agents, proves to a relying party that they are in control of a DID. This means demonstrating control of the DID using the mechanism specified in the DID Document's "authentication" object. This could take place using a number of different data formats, protocols, and flows. DID Auth includes the ability to establish mutually authenticated communication channels and to authenticate to web sites and applications. Authorization, Verifiable Credentials, and Capabilities are built on top of DID Auth and are out of scope for this document. This paper gives on overview of the scope of DID Auth, supported protocols and flows, and the use of components of the DID Documents that are relevant to authentication, as well as formats for challenges and responses.
This paper is a continuation of ongoing work by Rebooting the Web of Trust and other communities. Previous work includes:
- RWoT IV: James Monaghan's topic paper "DID Auth"
- RWoT VI: Markus Sabadello's topic paper "DID Auth: Scope, Formats, and Protocols"
- RWoT VI: Kyle Den Hartog's topic paper "DID-Auth protocol"
Portions of the work on this paper have been funded through a Code With Us contract awarded by the BC Developers' Exchange ( of the Province of British Columbia, Canada.
Authentication: The ceremony where an identity owner proves to a relying party that the identity owner controls a DID, using a mechanism that is described in the DID's associated DID Document.
Authorization: A process of establishing the rights and privileges of an identity owner to perform certain actions, including operations on a DID itself, or in another context.
Decentralized Identifier (DID): A globally unique identifier that does not require a centralized registration authority because it is registered with distributed ledger technology or another form of decentralized network. (see here)
DID Document: A structured document containing metadata that describes a DID, including authentication materials such as public keys and pseudonymous biometrics, that an entity can use to authenticate, i.e. to prove control of the DID. A DID Document may also contain other attributes or claims describing the entity. (see here)
DID Record: The combination of a DID and its associated DID Document.
Identity Owner: The individual, organization or thing who created the DID, is identified by the DID that is the subject of the DID Document, and who has the ultimate authority to update or revoke the DID.
Relying Party: The individual, organization or thing that authenticates an identity owner using a DID Auth protocol. Also called "Verifier" in other specifications.
Verifiable Credentials: A set of one or more claims that are statements made by an issuer about a subject that is tamper-resistant and whose authorship can be cryptographically verified (see here).
This paper defines data formats and challenge and response transports allowing an identity owner to prove control of a DID to a relying party. Proof of control of a DID is a technical interaction that may be a precursor to establishing a longer term relationship between two parties. A successful DID Auth interaction may create the required conditions to allow the parties to exchange further data in a trustworthy way. This further data could include streams of raw data, from sensors to the exchange of Verifiable Credentials. This further exchange of data is out of scope of the DID Auth protocol itself.
DID Auth may be a one-way interaction where party A proves control of a DIDA to party B, or a two-way interaction where mutual proof of control of DIDs is achieved. In the latter case, party A proves control of DIDA to party B and party B proves control of DIDB to party A.
It is in the purview of the two parties engaged in the interaction to determine the need to have a one-way or two-way DID Auth interaction. It is also in the purview of the two parties to determine if further exchanges of data such as Verifiable Credentials may be necessary to establish the nature of the relationship between the two parties.
Implementers may decide to subsume a DID Auth interaction within a higher layer interaction such as the exchange of Verifiable Credentials, which could simultaneously prove control of a DID and offer Verifiable Credentials for some transaction-specific purpose.
Even though DID Auth is about proving control of a DID, the exchange of Verifiable Credentials associated with a DID is related to DID Auth. The relationship between DID Auth and Verifiable Credentials could be thought of in several conceptual ways:
DID Auth and Verifiable Credentials exchange are separate: At the beginning of an interaction between two parties, they need to authenticate (mutually, or just in one direction). After this is done, a protocol for exchange of Verifiable Credentials can be executed, so that the two parties can learn more about each other (and then perhaps make authorization decisions).
Verifiable Credentials exchange is an extension to (or part of) DID Auth: In this approach, proving control of an identifier, and proving possession of Verifiable Credentials are closely related, and a single protocol is used for both purposes. The Verifiable Credentials are an "optional field" in the protocol. In order to "only" prove control of an identifier, an empty set of Verifiable Credentials is exchanged.
DID Auth is a certain kind of Verifiable Credential: It is possible to think of DID Auth as an exchange of the most trivial Verifiable Credential imaginable: a self-issued Verifiable Credential that states "I am me". From this perspective, the separation between DID Auth and exchange of "other" Verifiable Credentials is blurred, and both are part of a single universal protocol.
DID Auth requires authentication material that is generated during DID Record Creation. As stated in the DID specification, the steps to create a DID Record compliant with DID Auth are:
- Generate a NEW_DID as specified in the relevant DID method specification.
- Generate a NEW_DID_DOCUMENT as specified in the relevant DID method specification.
- Set the
property to the value of NEW_DID (the DID subject).
- Set the
- Choose one or more authentication type(s) from the array of proof mechanisms.
- Record the
property in anauthentication
object of the NEW_DID_DOCUMENT.
- Record the
- Generate authentication material for use at a later time during authentication of the NEW_DID. The authentication type determines how to generate authentication material for a proof mechanism.
- Communicate and store the authentication material, either directly or as derived material, in the NEW_DID_DOCUMENT and for storage by the identity owner. If the chosen proof mechanism is based on asymmetric keys, the authentication material in the NEW_DID_DOCUMENT is recorded in a
object in the DID Document.
Example authentication
and publicKey
objects in a DID Document:
"@context": "",
"id": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi",
"authentication": [{
"type": "RsaSignatureAuthentication2018",
"publicKey": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi#keys-1"
}, {
"type": "Ed25519SignatureAuthentication2018",
"publicKey": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi#keys-2"
"publicKey": [{
"id": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi#keys-1",
"type": "RsaVerificationKey2018",
"owner": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi",
"publicKeyPem": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY...END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n"
}, {
"id": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi#keys-2",
"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
"owner": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi",
"publicKeyBase58": "H3C2AVvLMv6gmMNam3uVAjZpfkcJCwDwnZn6z3wXmqPV"
DID Auth can use different transports for exchanging challenges and responses between an identity owner and a relying party. One such transport uses an HTTP POST call to a DID Auth service endpoint. This service endpoint can be discovered from a DID Document.
Example DID Auth service endpoint in a DID Document:
"@context": "",
"id": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi",
"service": {
"type": "DidAuthService",
"serviceEndpoint": ""
This section describes a conceptual authentication framework of the DID Auth protocol. It relates general concepts of authentication to specific concepts of DID Auth.
Authentication of a DID: Similar to other authentication methods, DID Auth relies on a challenge-response cycle in which a relying party authenticates the DID of an identity owner. During this cycle, an identity owner demonstrates control of their authentication material that was generated and distributed during DID Record Creation through execution of the authentication-proof mechanism.
Challenge: The way an identity owner or their agent encounters an authentication challenge, as well as the format of the challenge, will vary depending on the situation. For example, they can come across a "Sign in with DID Auth" button or a QR code on a website. Or, in the case of an API call, the relying party may respond to a request by asking for authentication (the HTTP 401 Unauthorized
response is a classic example, although DID Auth covers many use cases beyond HTTP).
Challenge principles:
- The relying party may or may not know the identity owner's DID at the time the challenge is constructed, and therefore the identity owner's DID may or may not be included in the challenge.
- If the DID is known at the time of challenge construction, then the relying party may use the contents of the DID Document to select preferred authentication methods or service endpoints.
- The challenge that is sent by the relying party may or may not itself contain a proof of the relying party's control of a DID.
- The relying party may or may not need additional transport-specific information about the identity owner in order to be able to deliver the challenge (e.g. a DID Auth service endpoint). This additional protocol-specific information may be discoverable from the identity owner's DID if it is known to the relying party.
- The relying party should include a nonce, to prevent replay attacks and to help link the challenge to a subsequent response.
Response: Based on the challenge, the identity owner then constructs a response that proves control of their DID. This often involves a cryptographic signature, but can include other proof mechanisms. (As mentioned earlier, the response may also contain Verifiable Credentials that the relying party asked for in the challenge.) After receiving the response, the relying party resolves the identity owner's DID, and verifies that the response is valid for a prior challenge (for example, verifying the response signature by using a publicKey
object contained in the DID Document).
Response principles:
- The identity owner may or may not need additional transport-specific information about the relying party in order to be able to deliver the response (e.g. a callback URL). This additional protocol-specific information may be included in the challenge, or it may be discoverable from the relying party's DID that is included in the challenge.
- The relying party must be able to internally link a response to a prior challenge. This can be done with a nonce or message identifier in the challenge that must also be included in the response. It can also be done by including the entire original challenge in the response.
- Multiple devices, user agents, and other technical components may act on behalf of the identity owner to receive and process the challenge. For example, an identity owner's DID Auth service endpoint may receive the challenge and relay it to the identity owner's mobile app.
- The identity owner's component that sends the response may or may not be the same component as the one that received the challenge. E.g. the challenge may be received as HTTP POST by a DID Auth service, but the response may be sent as HTTP POST by a mobile app (see DID Auth Architecture 3).
- The relying party's component that receives the response may or may not be the same component as the one that sent the challenge. E.g. the challenge may be sent as deep link by a mobile web page, but the response may be received as HTTP POST by a web server (see DID Auth Architecture 2).
Generic DID Auth architecture:
In a DID Auth interaction, a challenge is transmitted by a relying party to an identity owner, asking the identity owner to return a response that proves their control of a DID. This section documents data formats for such challenges.
Example: uPort
Header and payload decodes to:
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "ES256K"
"iss": "2oeXufHGDpU51bfKBsZDdu7Je9weJ3r7sVG",
"iat": 1525865398,
"requested": [
"permissions": [
"callback": "",
"net": "0x4",
"exp": 1525865998,
"type": "shareReq"
Example: Jolocom
Header and payload decodes to:
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "ES256K"
"iat": 1528997842275,
"requestedCredentials": [
"type": ["Credential", "ProofOfEmailCredential"],
"constraints": {
"and": [
{ "==": [ true, true ] },
{ "!=": [ { "var": "issuer" }, { "var": "" } ] }
"requesterIdentity": "did:jolo:b310d293aeac8a5ca680232b96901fe85988fde2860a1a5db69b49762923cc88",
"callbackURL": ""
Example: Verifiable Credentials
"type": ["Credential"],
"claim": {
A DID Auth response is constructed by an identity owner after reception of a DID Auth challenge. This section documents data formats for such responses.
Example: uPort
"iat": 1525865451,
"exp": 1525951851,
"aud": "2oeXufHGDpU51bfKBsZDdu7Je9weJ3r7sVG",
"type": "shareResp",
"nad": "2osC1TQ52MRTiRih1LP2tSB7R5FAibR3Ftr",
"own": {
"name": "Markus",
"phone": "+436643154848",
"country": "AT"
"req": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.eyJpc3MiOiIyb2VYdWZIR0RwVTUxYmZLQnNaRGR1N0plOXdlSjNyN3NWRyIsImlhdCI6MTUyNTg2NTM5OCwicmVxdWVzdGVkIjpbIm5hbWUiLCJwaG9uZSIsImNvdW50cnkiLCJhdmF0YXIiXSwicGVybWlzc2lvbnMiOlsibm90aWZpY2F0aW9ucyJdLCJjYWxsYmFjayI6Imh0dHBzOi8vY2hhc3F1aS51cG9ydC5tZS9hcGkvdjEvdG9waWMvR29EVGtmV2hvQmZ0N1BaOSIsIm5ldCI6IjB4NCIsImV4cCI6MTUyNTg2NTk5OCwidHlwZSI6InNoYXJlUmVxIn0.sQnZv63KaiWj7uQzLHLZ2jfZCZTOPz-ei7zqiUeDpjCmAdrKhO_uBujYhERJ6m-vuHcoAKuibXAPoBVHI7_H4A",
"capabilities": [
"publicEncKey": "PZyTtN0EKJLFJyC/hqbYhz/UCUSYk9l1eFTd9cp4Tj8=",
"iss": "2osC1TQ52MRTiRih1LP2tSB7R5FAibR3Ftr"
The following Verifiable Credential contains a claim of a certain public key as a property of the identity owner.
"type": ["VerifiablePresentation"],
"issuer": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi",
"issued": "2018-03-07",
"claim": {
"id": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi",
"publicKey": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi#keys-2"
"proof": {
"type": "Ed25519Signature2018",
"created": "2018-01-01T21:19:10Z",
"creator": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi#keys-2",
"nonce": "c0ae1c8e-c7e7-469f-b252-86e6a0e7387e",
"signatureValue": "..."
A DID Auth challenge may be delivered by a relying party to an identity owner in different ways. DID Auth defines a few common ways that this can be done.
If the identity owner's DID is known to the relying party, it resolves it to its associated DID Document to find a DID Auth service endpoint and sends an HTTP POST with the challenge to that endpoint.
The relying party may display a DID Auth challenge encoded as a QR code, which is delivered to the identity owner by scanning it with a DID-Auth-compatible mobile app.
A mobile app or webpage may itself be a relying party and deliver a DID Auth challenge to another mobile app that represents the identity owner.
Similar to a mobile deep link, a web page can contain a web-based protocol link that contains a DID Auth challenge.
<a href="did-auth:jwt/...">Login with DID Auth</a>
A relying party web site may deliver a DID Auth challenge to the identity owner by invoking an API via a JavaScript function in the identity owner's user agent.
Example: Browser Credential Handler API
const credential = await navigator.credentials.get({
web: {
VerifiableProfile: {
name: true
console.log('credential received', credential);
A relying party web site may deliver a DID Auth challenge to the identity owner by redirecting to a DID Auth web site that acts on the identity owner's behalf (similar to a classic IdP in OpenID Connect or SAML protocols).
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="challenge" value="...">
<input type="submit" value="Submit!">
If both the relying party and identity owner meet physically with devices they control, the relying party can deliver a DID Auth challenge to the identity owner via direct communication between devices, using Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi, etc.
The DID Auth response may be delivered to the relying party in the form of an HTTP POST to a callback URL. This callback URL may be known to the identity owner in advance, it may have been included in the challenge, or it may be discoverable from the relying party's DID.
The identity owner may encode a DID Auth response as a QR code, which is delivered to the relying party by scanning it with a DID-Auth-compatible mobile app.
If the DID Auth challenge was delivered to the identity owner via a JavaScript API, then the response may be returned to the relying party via fulfillment of a JavaScript promise.
If both the relying party and identity owner meet physically with devices they control, the identity owner can deliver a DID Auth response to the relying party via direct communication between devices, using Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi, etc.
Based on the above challenge and response formats and transports, it is possible to construct architectures for various complete DID Auth interactions. When selecting an appropriate combination, it may be useful to keep in mind that the example architectures in this section mainly differ along four dimensions:
- Is the DID known to the relying party at the time of challenge construction?
- What is the transport mechanism of the DID Auth challenge?
- What is the location of authentication material? (i.e. where are the secrets stored?)
- What is the transport mechanism of the DID Auth response?
Therefore, the following DID Auth architectures should be understood only as some examples of possible combinations of design options.
- Relying party's web page displays a QR code (with challenge) to identity owner's web browser.
- { Identity owner's mobile app scans QR code (with challenge) from identity owner's web browser. }
- Identity owner's mobile app sends HTTP POST (with response) to relying party's web server.
- { Relying party's web server is polled with HTTP GET (with response) by relying party's web page. }
- Relying party's mobile web page redirects via deep link (with challenge) to identity owner's mobile app.
- Identity owner's mobile app opens return link (with response) to relying party's web server.
- { Relying party's web server updates relying party's mobile web page. }
- { Relying party's web page contains a link or button that calls the relying party's web server. }
- Relying party's web server sends HTTP POST (with challenge) to identity owner's DID Auth service.
- { Identity owner's DID Auth service sends push notification (with challenge) to identity owner's mobile app. }
- Identity owner's mobile app sends HTTP POST (with response) to relying party's web server.
- { Relying party's web server is polled with HTTP GET (with response) by relying party's web page. }
- { Relying party's web page contains a link or button that calls the relying party's web server. }
- Relying party's web server sends HTTP POST (with challenge) to identity owner's DID Auth service.
- { Identity owner's DID Auth service sends push notification (with challenge) to identity owner's mobile app. }
- { Identity owner's mobile app sends HTTP POST (with response) to identity owner's DID Auth service. }
- Identity owner's DID Auth service sends HTTP POST (with response) to relying party's web server.
- { Relying party's web server is polled with HTTP GET (with response) by relying party's web page. }
- { Relying party's web page contains a link or button that calls the relying party's web server. }
- Relying party's web server sends HTTP Redirect (with challenge) to identity owner's web browser.
- { Identity owner's web browser follows HTTP Redirect (with challenge) to identity owner's DID Auth web page. }
- { Identity owner's DID Auth web page optionally interacts (with challenge and response) with identity owner's mobile app or other device. }
- Identity owner's DID Auth web page follows HTTP Redirect (with response) to relying party's web server.
- { Relying party's web server updates relying party's web page. }
- Relying party's web page calls JavaScript function (with challenge) on identity owner's web browser.
- { Identity owner's web browser optionally interacts (with challenge and response) with identity owner's mobile app or other device. }
- Identity owner's web browser triggers JavaScript promise (with response) on relying party's web page.
- { Relying party's web page sends HTTP POST (with response) to relying party's web server. }
- Relying party's mobile app displays a QR code (with challenge) that is scanned by identity owner's mobile app.
- Identity owner's mobile app sends HTTP POST (with response) to relying party's DID Auth service.
- { Relying party's DID Auth service sends push notification (with response) to relying party's mobile app. }
- Two services (or agents, or hubs, etc.) act as both identity owner and relying party and engage in TLS handshake where mutual challenges and responses are exchanged and verified.
Note that while TLS specifications support mutual authentication handshakes, in practice some implementations are not well-suited for trust models that are not based on traditional certificate authorities.
Besides TLS, other protocols can also be used to establish secure channels with mutual authentication based on DIDs, such as CurveZMQ, or custom handshake protocols.
- Relying party's service (or agent, or hub, etc.) answers an HTTP request by returning HTTP code 401 with a WWW-Authenticate header to identity owner's service (or agent, or hub, etc.).
- Identity owner's service (or agent, or hub, etc.) sends an HTTP request to relying party's service (or agent, or hub, etc.) and includes an HTTP Signature.
POST /api/v1/issuerservices HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: Signature keyId="did:example:123456789abcdefghi#keys-1",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="(request-target) accept user-agent",signature="214BeK0YJ9P2wmMXBjZNNXDMT4prNlc32ZkslillkJYkJeLp3zbz4r1WfgCltd103m7AyY734qbau+GsWENDXaqxeTaP6LSMLWr6FexWMVgBbMzH1KDMhJlozTMFPkMsGlbuDpRKwEPqnX1Yy6ldHLe8mIJfSAEUy5P/Hf3y1b1kI8XyHNVbChFJLiUkOocF7XsFuTfoB+MJSEUqJDnuKibiF+Ap9rxI7J7Uroe6EjaVYqLXnGbpu8j8Oxn5QzGBZFCA/j6XgHy4NK9fG9pcCyyAPGzSYi1RWjDWFyS0RDQAXFBBNgyskXAgssKuVS2AFwPvXcHb5mhvKFUYMvMESg=="
- Relying party's service (or agent, or hub, etc.) sends an auth-encrypted challenge to identity owner's service (or agent, or hub, etc.). This challenge is then decrypted and authenticated by identity owner's service (or agent, or hub, etc.) as part of the decryption process.
- Identity owner's service (or agent, or hub, etc.) then auth-encrypts a response message and sends it to relying party's service (or agent, or hub, etc.), which decrypts and authenticates the response of the challenge.
Biometrics are recognizable and verifiable data that is unique, specific to an identity owner, and available to every human being. Authentication with biometrics involves matching a non-reversible biometric template (or IBV, Initial Biometric Vector) against biometric input data (or CBV, Candidate Biometric Vector).
Biometrics can be used in several ways in conjunction with DID Auth:
- Biometrics such as fingerprints or voice can protect secret authentication material (such as a private key) on an identity owner's physical device, which is used to construct a response to the relying party's challenge. In this case, biometrics are only used locally to protect the identity owner's part of the DID Auth challenge-response cycle; the proof mechanism listed in a DID Document does not directly involve biometrics.
- Biometric protocols such as IEEE 2410-2015 "BOPS" or Web Authentication can be adapted to augment DID Auth flows by using biometrics in a standard way. In both protocols, no biometric data is exchanged between the relying party and identity owner.
- Biometrics can also play a more direct role as a proof mechanism that is listed in a DID Document and used during a DID Auth challenge-response cycle to prove control of a DID. In this case, certain biometric data may be exchanged between a relying party and an identity owner; biometric service providers such as iRespond can assist the process by offering to perform the biometric matching procedure via a remote service.
In any case, since biometrics are sensitive data with special properties (i.e. their semi-public nature and the inability to revoke them), certain principles must be carefully followed (e.g. no storage of biometrics in centralized silos, no storage of biometrics on a blockchain).
Many existing applications and services that today depend on public-key cryptography for authentication could be augmented to use DIDs as identifiers and to use DID resolution for retrieving a DID's associated public key instead of registering public keys as identifiers directly, e.g.:
- An e-mail may be signed using MIME Security and OpenPGP formats, but using key material associated with DIDs instead of static public keys that are exchanged in advance.
- An SSH server may rely on a list of DIDs in a
file instead of relying on a list of public keys in the traditional~/.ssh/authorized_keys
WebAuthn is a specification for a JavaScript API that enables FIDO Authentication in the browser. The architecture resembles DID Auth Architecture 6 in this paper.
In WebAuthn, a relying party associates a public key with an identity owner during a registration process. In subsequent login processes, the identity owner proves control of that same public key. Different public keys can be used for different relying parties based on an "origin".
WebAuthn Registration: Register(Account, Origin)
WebAuthn Registration Response: RegisterResponse(PublicKeyCredential, Attestation, Origin)
WebAuthn Login: Sign(Challenge, Origin)
WebAuthn Login Response: SignResponse(SignedChallenge, Origin)
In order to adapt WebAuthn to support DIDs, a relying party should associate DIDs rather than public keys with identity owners (by using a DIDCredential
instead of a PublicKeyCredential
). During the login process, the identity owner includes their DID in the login response, which the relying party uses to look up the current public key from the DID Document.
WebAuthn+DID Registration: Register(Account, Origin)
WebAuthn+DID Registration Response: RegisterResponse(DIDCredential, Attestation, Origin)
WebAuthn+DID Login: Sign(Challenge, Origin)
WebAuthn+DID Login Response: SignResponse(DID, SignedChallenge, Origin)
Additional Notes:
- WebAuthn+DID must ensure that the
objects in the DID Document correspond to the keys used by the FIDO authenticators. - WebAuthn+DID requires no service endpoints in the DID Document.
- Ideally, a different DID should be used for each WebAuthn "origin".
- IIW #26 Session Notes "WebAuthn + DID Auth"
- Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials Level 1
OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication protocol built on the OAuth 2.0 protocol. In its most common web-based form, an end-user's user agent is redirected by a relying party (OAuth 2.0 client) to an OpenID Provider (OAuth 2.0 authorization server), which authenticates the end-user and redirects them back to the relying party. The architecture resembles DID Auth Architecture 5 in this paper.
OpenID Connect is highly modular and customizable. It can potentially relate to DID Auth in the following ways:
Within established OIDC deployments, DID Auth can serve as a drop-in "local authentication method", i.e. a method that determines how the OpenID Provider authenticates the end-user (to replace username and password).
For use cases where the DID is known beforehand, DID resolution can serve as an alternative mechanism for OIDC provider discovery (alternative to OpenID Connect Discovery / WebFinger) via service endpoint.
Example OpenID Connect service endpoint in DID Document:
"service": [{
"id": "did:example:123456789abcdefghi;openid",
"type": "OpenIdConnectVersion1.0Service",
"serviceEndpoint": ""
As a format for the DID Auth challenge-response cycle, DID Auth could re-use the well-specified JWT attributes used in OAuth2 and OIDC (e.g. exp
, iat
, and others) as well as the concept of OIDC request objects where an authentication request is expressed as a self-contained JWT.
In addition, although session management is not a focus of this document, DID Auth implementers might find the OIDC Session Management specification and the OIDC User Consent step helpful (in terms of establishing a long-lived session after the DID Auth ceremony).
- OIDC: Passing Request Parameters as JWTs
- IIW #26 Session Notes "Open ID v. FIDO v. SSI"
- IIW #26 Session Notes "DID Auth Workflows (Part 2)"
As part of the OAuth2 / OIDC workflow, relying party clients must authenticate themselves to the authorization server (i.e. the token issuing endpoint) using a variety of methods. Since a PKI-based authentication method is already supported by OIDC (i.e. the private_key_jwt
method), DID Auth can fulfill a role as a secure client-authentication mechanism during this step.
During a DID Auth interaction, a relying party may request that the identity owner's user agent display a DID selection dialog where the identity owner is able to pick the DID to authenticate with to the relying party. The DID Auth challenge and response are then done using that DID.
An identity owner's user agent may also automatically choose (or even dynamically create) different DIDs for each relying party. This idea is also known as directed identity. If a different DID is used for each relying party, then they are called pairwise-pseudonymous DIDs. This measure is helpful (but not always sufficient) to avoid correlation of the identity owner.
An identity owner may also choose to use different DIDs for the same relying party depending on context.
Depending on the challenge and response transports, and depending on an identity owner's user agent, it may be possible to automate some steps in a DID Auth interaction. For example, a DID Auth browser extension can automatically complete a DID Auth interaction to log in to a website using a single click on a button.
Even after a DID Auth challenge-response cycle has been completed, a relying party may require an identity owner to re-authenticate in certain cases, e.g. when a high-value transaction such as transferring money is initiated.
In such cases, subsequent protocol interactions may also require the exchange of Verifiable Credentials in addition to basic DID Auth, in order to establish the desired level of trust.
DID Auth depends on the ability to resolve a DID to its associated DID Document. Therefore all security considerations associated with DID resolution must be taken into account. Among other topics, this includes caching behavior of a DID resolver, as well as metadata about the DID resolution process (e.g. whether the DID Document has been retrieved via a blockchain full node or via an untrusted intermediary lookup service).
This paper heavily uses the term identity owner. This helps to emphasize clearly how DID Auth is fundamentally different from earlier authentication protocols, which have traditionally revolved around "identity providers". Note however that the identity owner (the entity identified by the DID) may in some situations not be the same entity who controls the DID and who is able to perform authentication. This may happen in cases of security breaches (e.g. theft of a private key that controls the DID), or in intentional situations such as digital guardianship, where for some reason the identity owner is not able to control their own DID.
DID Auth should provide ways to end all sessions and relationships that have been established for an authenticated DID. An identity owner should be able to trigger single log-out manually using their user agent. Single log-out should also happen automatically if a DID is revoked, which means that relying parties must monitor authenticated DIDs for revocation.
The DID Auth challenge may be processed by a hardware wallet that upon an identity owner's physical interaction will create a response and send it back to the relying party.
In order to ease adoption of DID Auth through the use of standard protocols, gateway services could be developed that expose the OpenID Connect and/or OAuth2 protocols and perform (parts of) a DID Auth relying party. In such cases, the privacy and trust implications of the use of a gateway service must be carefully considered.