NB: Create all examples in the actual typescript file to check correctness and put here.
Start on your one end, e.g. front-end. Comfortably autocomplete HTTP constants. Ensure you get the reliable uniform HTTP values across your application.
import { EHTTPMethods, EHTTPHeaders, EHTTPMIMETypes } from 'http-convenience-pack';
const response = await fetch('https://api.example.com/data', {
* Conveniently and reliably autocomplete the method, no need to use string literals.
method: EHTTPMethods.GET,
* Autocomplete the correct headers and mime types from the list provided.
headers: {
...HTTPHeadersConvenience.make(EHTTPHeaders.Authorization, EMakerTokenSchemes.Bearer, 'myBearerToken'),
// Set no special treatment header with autocomplete using enums and constants
On request receive (e.g. in route or endpoint middleware) check a method is valid or allowed, normalize the method if the request came from unknown source.
* Use aliased imports to make long identifiers shorter.
import { EHTTPMethods, HTTPMethodsConvenience as Methods } from 'http-convenience-pack';
* Receive requests and validate the methods, ensure same values are used on both ends.
const allowed = [EHTTPMethods.GET, EHTTPMethods.PATCH];
Methods.isValid(request.method); // true
Methods.isAmong(request.method, allowed); // true
Assume the request came for some unknown service with method options
(as lower case).
* Normalize (to upper case) and test against `EHTTPMethods` enum.
Methods.isValid(Methods.normalize(request.method)); // true
* Same as preceding one but `normalize` is built-in into `isAmong`
* as well as the custom `HTTPConveniencePackException` exception throw
* for non-strings or invalid methods, see API description
Methods.isAmong(request.method); // true
* Normalize and test against `allowed` methods as inline literal or constant,
* defined in advance for each specific endpoint or route with either `isAmong`
* or `inGroup` method.
Methods.isAmong(request.method, [EHTTPMethods.GET, EHTTPMethods.POST]); // false
Methods.inGroup(request.method, EHTTPMethodsGroupsList.CACHEABLE); // true; For cacheable methods;
Now to headers.
Extract the headers. It can extract different standard Authentication schemes and your custom ones.
const token = HTTPHeadersConvenience.extract(headers, EHTTPHeaders.Authorization, BuiltInExtractors.token); // 'myBearerToken'
const contentType = HTTPHeadersConvenience.extract(headers, EHTTPHeaders.ContentType); // 'image/png'
// Process the values according to your application needs.
Conveniently respond in an endpoint handler (e.g. in Express) with headers, status codes and messages.
import { EHTTPHeaders, EHTTPMIMETypes, THTTPStatuses } from 'http-convenience-pack';
const handler = (req: Request, res: Response): void => {
const body = JSON.stringify({ message: 'Hello, world!' });
* Conveniently set the auto-completable headers on response.
EHTTPHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH: Buffer.byteLength(body).toString(),
* Set the desired status from the auto-completable list.
* Set the status message. Used here for brevity as the example appropriate for a custom error
* handler. Actually here Express would set the default message ('OK') itself.
Receive the response on your end (continue from the top) and process it according to the status code, headers
const response = await fetch(/* see at the beginning */)
const status = response.status;
* Conveniently forward the codes to their respective handlers.
HTTPStatusesConvenience.inGroup(status, EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.CLIENTERR) && this.processError();
HTTPStatusesConvenience.inGroup(status, EHTTPStatusCodeGroups.SUCCESS) && this.processSuccess();
* Use convenience method `isAmong` to run the specific use cases handler.
const specific = [THTTPStatuses[200].code, THTTPStatuses[204].code]
HTTPStatusesConvenience.isAmong(status, specific)) && this.processSpecific();
This is just the basic use cases flow but you can see how expressive, simple and readable the code becomes as well as comfortable the autocomplete gets.