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Introduction of similar Swift types, functions, and methods in Java.


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Swift for Java

Introduction of similar Swift types, functions, and methods in Java.

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  1. Download swift-for-java as a .zip file.

  2. Open folder in Finder.

  3. In another Finder window, navigate to the source folder of the desired IntelliJ project.

  4. Drag the folder Swift into the source folder.


Compiler Flags

Please enable assertions in your compiler settings using the flag -ea.

To enable assertions, go to File > Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler and type -ea in the field labeled "Shared build process VM options".

To use Swift for Java in a scratch file, type -ea --enable-preview instead in the aforementioned field.


Please ensure that both your version of IntelliJ IDEA and version of Java are updated to the most recent versions. Also, please ensure that your project language level is set to the highest number (not including X - Experimental Features).

Set the project language version in IntelliJ IDEA

In IntelliJ IDEA, navigate to File > Project Structure > Project and select 11 - Local variable syntax for lambda parameters in the field under Project language level.


In the desired class, Foo, add the following:

public class Foo extends Swift { ... }

If you would like to use the SwiftArray class, add the following line to your imports:

import Swift.SwiftArray;

Swift Methods


  • print() - prints an empty line

  • print(item:) - prints item

  • print(items:) - prints the specified items separated by spaces (items is a variadic argument)

  • print(collection:separator:) - prints the items in collection separated by a separator

  • print.withSeparator(separator:items:) - prints the specified items separated by a separator (items is a variadic argument)

  • print.withTerminator(terminator:items:) - prints the specified items followed by a terminator (items is a variadic argument)

  • printr(item:) - prints item and returns item

Fatal Error

  • fatalError() - crashes program (exit code 10)

  • fatalError(message:) - crashes program with message (exit code 10)


  • precondition(condition:) - throws an IllegalArgumentException if condition evaluates to false

  • precondition(condition:message:) - throws an IllegalArgumentException with a message if condition evaluates to false


  • swiftScanner(sc:) - exposes Scanner to scanner methods

    • hasNextWithPrefix(prefix:) - returns a boolean value indicating the presence of prefix at the beginning of the scanner object's next input

    • hasNextWithSuffix(suffix:) - returns a boolean value indicating the presence of suffix at the end of the scanner object's next input

    • hasNextContaining(value:) - returns a boolean value indicating the presence of value contained within the scanner object's next input

    • hasNextPositive(numberType:) - returns a boolean value indicating a positive input of the specified numberType for the scanner object

    • hasNextNegative(numberType:) - returns a boolean value indicating a negative input of the specified numberType for the scanner object

    • hasNextNumber() - returns a boolean value indicating whether the scanner object's next input is a number of any type

    • hasNext(s:) - returns a boolean value indicating whether the scanner object's next input is the specified string, s (supports regex inputs)


  • Non-mutating

    • reversed(str:) - returns a copy of the inputted string str reversed

    • reversed(list:) - returns a copy of the inputted list reversed

  • Mutating

    • reverse(str:) - reverses str

    • reverse(list:) - reverses lists

Swift-styled Conversion

Ditch Java's weird conversion syntax of (targetType) value for Swift's beautiful and clear type conversions.


// Conversion from double to int
int integerN = Int(3.1415926d);

// Conversion from int to double
double doubleN = Double(2);

// Conversion from int to long
long longN = Long(592);

// Conversion from double to String
String string = String(12345.6789);

Types with support for Swift-styled conversion:

  • (int) valueInt(value)
  • (double) valueDouble(value)
  • (float) valueFloat(value)
  • (long) valueLong(value)
  • (short) valueShort(value)
  • (byte) valueByte(value)
  • new String(value)String(value)

Swift Math

Swift Math contains all of the same methods included within java.util.Math along with an array of additional functions to make your life easier.

  • lcm(x:y:) - returns the lowest common multiplier of x and y

  • factors(of:) - returns a SwiftArray containing the factors of an integral value

  • primeFactors(of:) - returns a SwiftArray containing the prime factors of an integral value

  • primality(of:) - returns a boolean value indicating whether an integral value is prime.

  • isPalindromic(n:) - returns a boolean value indicating whether a value is a palindrome

  • concatenate(x:y:) - returns the value of x and y concatenated

  • factorial(n:) - returns the value of n!

  • average(collection:) - returns a double value indicating the average of a collection with numeric elements

  • average(numbers:) - returns a double value indicating the average of a variadic list of numbers

  • median(collection:) - returns a double value indicating the median of a collection with numeric elements

  • median(numbers:) - returns a double value indicating the median of a variadic list of numbers

  • mode(collection:) - returns the first mode of a collection

  • mode(elements:) - returns the first mode of a variadic list of elements

  • modes(collection:) - returns a SwiftArray containing the modes of a collection

  • modes(elements:) - returns the a SwiftArray containing the modes of a variadic list of elements

  • sum(collection:) - returns the sum of all values in a collection containing numeric elements

  • sum(numbers:) - returns the sum of a variadic list of numbers

Swift Array

SwiftArray is an array class that contains all of the functions found in Swift's Collection protocol and many more. SwiftArray is incredibly versatile and brings many of Java's high order functions buried under Stream to the surface with an ease of use.

Initializers (Constructors)

Standard Initializers

  • SwiftArray(), new SwiftArray() - an empty array

  • new SwiftArray(iterableElements:) - an array containing the contents any type that is iterable (implements Iterable) including ArrayList, Stack, LinkedList, etc.

Static Initializers

  • SwiftArray.fromRange(lowerBound:upperBound:) - an array containing all the numbers in an inclusive range bounded by lowerBound and upperBound

  • SwiftArray.repeating(element:count:) - an array containing element repeated count times

  • SwiftArray.repeatingRandom(lowerBound:upperBound:count:) - an array containing count random numbers within an inclusive range bounded by lowerBound and upperBound

  • SwiftArray.repeatingRandom(lowerBound:upperBound:decimalPlaces:count:) - an array containing count random double values rounded to decimalPlaces decimal places within an inclusive range bounded by lowerBound and upperBound

  • SwiftArray.strideTo(n:from:by:) - an array from a starting value to, but not including, an end value, stepping by the specified amount

  • SwiftArray.strideThrough(n:from:by:) - an array from a starting value toward, and possibly including, an end value, stepping by the specified amount

Note: the word "array" in this context refers to a new object of SwiftArray.

Outputting Methods

  • print() - prints the array

  • printr() - prints and returns the array

  • print(separator:) - prints the array with its elements separated by a separator

  • printr(separator:) - prints and returns the array with its elements separated by a separator

  • dump() - dumps the array

Element Adding Methods

  • append(item:) - adds a new element at the end of the array

  • append(items:) - adds the new elements in a variadic list to the end of the array

  • append(contentsOf:) - adds the elements of a sequence to the end of the array.

  • insert(element:atIndex:) - inserts a new element at the specified position

  • insert(contentsOf:atIndex:) - inserts the elements of a sequence into the array at the specified position

Count Methods

  • count() - the number of elements in the array

  • count(predicate:) - returns a count of the elements in the array that satisfy a given predicate

Index Methods

  • hasIndex(idx:) - returns boolean value indicating the validity of the given offset in the array

  • indices() - an array containing the integral indices of an array

  • startIndex() - the position of the first element in a nonempty array

  • endIndex() - the array’s “past the end” position—that is, the position one greater than the last valid offset

  • swapAt(i:j:) - exchanges the values at the specified indices of the array

Removal Methods

  • removeElement(atIndex:) - removes and returns the element at the specified position

  • removeFirst() - removes and returns the element at the specified position

  • removeFirst(n:) - removes the specified number of elements from the beginning of the array

  • removeLast() - removes and returns the last element of the array

  • removeLast(n:) - Removes the specified number of elements from the end of the array

  • removeAllWhere(predicate:) - removes all the elements that satisfy the given predicate.

Excluding Methods

  • dropFirst() - returns an array containing all but the first element of the initial array

  • dropFirst(n:) - returns an array containing all but the given number of initial elements

  • dropLast() - returns an array containing all but the last element of the initial array

  • dropLast(n:) - returns an array containing all but the specified number of final elements

  • drop(predicate:) - returns an array by skipping elements while predicate returns true and returning the remaining elements

Prefix & Suffix Methods

Prefix Methods

  • prefix(n:) - returns an array, up to the specified maximum length, containing the initial elements of the array

  • prefixThrough(offset:)- returns an array from the start of the initial array through the specified position

  • prefixUpTo(offset:) - returns an array from the start of the initial array up to, but not including, the specified position

  • prefixWhile(predicate:) - returns an array containing the initial elements until predicate returns false and skipping the remaining elements

Suffix Methods

  • suffix(n:) - returns an array, up to the given maximum length, containing the final elements of the initial array

  • suffixFrom(offset:) - returns an array from the specified position to the end of the initial array

  • suffixWhile(predicate:) - returns an array containing the final elements until predicate returns false and skipping the remaining elements

First & Last Methods

  • first() - the first element of the array

  • firstWhere(predicate:) - returns the first element of the array that satisfies the given predicate

  • firstIndexWhere(predicate:) - returns the first offset in which an element of the array satisfies the given predicate

  • last() - the last element of the array

  • lastWhere(predicate:) - returns the last element of the array that satisfies the given predicate

  • lastIndexWhere(predicate:) - returns the offset of the last element in the array that matches the given predicate

Randomized Methods

  • randomElement() - returns a random element of the array

  • randomIndex() - returns a random offset of the array

  • shuffle() - shuffles the array in place

  • shuffled() - returns the elements of the array, shuffled

Sorting Methods

  • sort() - sorts the array in places

  • sort(c:) - sorts the array in place, using the given predicate as the comparison between elements

  • sorted() - returns the elements of the array, sorted

  • sorted(comparator:) - returns the elements of the array, sorted using the given predicate as the comparison between elements

Maximum & Minimum

  • max(comparator:) - returns the maximum element in the array, using the given predicate as the comparison between elements

  • min(comparator:) - returns the minimum element in the array, using the given predicate as the comparison between elements

Reverse methods

  • reverse() - reverses the elements of the array in place

  • reversed() - returns the elements of the array, reversed

Joining Methods

  • joined() - returns a new string by concatenating the elements of the array

  • joined(separator:) - returns a new string by concatenating the elements of the array, adding the given separator between each element

Transformation Methods

  • map(transform:) - returns an array containing the results of mapping the given transformation over the array’s elements

  • filter(predicate:) - returns a new array containing, in order, the elements of the array that satisfy the given predicate

  • reduce(accumulator:) - returns the result of combining the elements of the array using the given accumulator

Element Matching Methods

  • contains(predicate:) - returns a boolean value indicating whether the array contains an element that satisfies the given predicate

  • allSatisfy(predicate:) - returns a boolean value indicating whether every element of an array satisfies a given predicate

  • noneSatisfy(predicate:) - returns a boolean value indicating whether no elements of an array satisfies a given predicate

Other Methods

  • reserveCapacity(n:) - reserves enough space to store the specified number of elements
  • toSlice(lowerBound:upperBound:) - returns a new array containing the elements from the lowerBound to the upperBound (inclusive)

Dusk Color Theme

This IntelliJ color theme a near replica of Xcode's beautiful dusk color theme for Java.


  1. Then, inside IntelliJ, navigate to File > IntelliJ Idea > Prefereces > Editor > Color Scheme > General.

  2. From there, select the gear icon to the right of the "Scheme" field. Continue to select Import Scheme > IntelliJ IDEA color scheme (.icls) or settings (.jar).

  3. Inside the popup window of Finder, navigate to the downloaded project folder and select the file Dusk.icls and click "open".

  4. Now hit "Apply", then "OK" in the bottom right of the IntelliJ preferences pane.

  5. Finally your IntelliJ color scheme should be reminiscent of the Xcode's beautiful Dusk color scheme. Enjoy!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Introduction of similar Swift types, functions, and methods in Java.







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