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COSWOT-ACIMOV report examples

Here are examples of reports generated by olivaw on the COSWOT-ACIMOV project.

These reports have been generated by a development version of olivaw that corresponds to version v0.0.5.

It was tested on hash 1ea6ad8e0d2d5adb5ec4094239509b8cbac32394.

In order to fully match the folder naming convention that was decided for olivaw frameork, these renames have been made:

  • ./core/ -> ./src/
  • ./examples -> ./use-cases/
  • ./domains/*/*/vocabulary.ttl -> ./domains/*/*/onto.ttl

In order to make the report viewable from github, some options have been enabled in order to make these reports short enough.

The command used was olivaw test model --SKIP-PASS --TESTED-ONLY

Here is the parameters.json used for the test:

    "ontology_prefix": "coswot",
    "ontology_namespace": "",
    "term_distance_threshold": 3,
    "blocking_errors": [
    "gist_index": "",
    "skipped_errors": [],
    "skipped_tests": [],
    "skipped_subjects": ["all-modules", "all-fragments"],
    "skip_for_test": {},
    "skip_for_subject": {},
    "project_prefixes": {
        "schema": ""

Subjects all-modules and all-fragments are decided to be skipped here so that Github markdown renderer could generate the whole visualisation of the Markdown report.

Check the COSWOT turtle model report and the COSWOT markdown model report.