This tooling is intended to do transient simulation for various control voltages using ngspice and to analyze the resulting time series.
GNU parallel is recommended for faster execution.
To generate the netlist: Open ../vco/
in KiCAD, and export a netlist in spice format
To generate the joblist:
bash ../vco/vco.cir V2 0 5 0.5 sawtooth triangle square_ctl > /tmp/jobs.txt
The joblist can be executed with either parallel < /tmp/jobs.txt
or bash /tmp/jobs.txt
Results are placed in /tmp/analog-synth-spice/
tooling for further analysis: run bash ../vco/vco.cir v2 -2 2.8 0.1 triangle sawtooth square_ctl V_control V_expo GNDREF