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Philip Colmer edited this page Sep 24, 2016 · 5 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. NavigationService
  3. KeyboardService
  4. SettingsService
  5. SerializationService


A service is a functionality wrapper, sometimes called a View Service.


The intent of the NavigationService is to centralize Frame interaction and to ensure basic behaviors occur, such as calling OnNavigatedTo in your page's view-model before navigating to the page. The NavigationService is testable, because it is interface-based, and it corrects a few nuisance flaws in the native XAML Frame.

// from inside the app.xaml.cs
// from inside a view-model
this.NavigationService.Navigate(typeof(Views.DetailPage), this.Value);

// from inside any window
var nav = WindowWrapper.Current().NavigationServices.FirstOrDefault();
nav.Navigate(typeof(Views.DetailPage), this.Value);

// from/with a reference to a Frame
var nav = WindowWrapper.Current(MyFrame).NavigationServices.FirstOrDefault();
nav.Navigate(typeof(Views.DetailPage), this.Value);

Using the Template 10 NavigationService ensures your app stays in sync with the BootStrapper and if you use view-models, implement INavigable, and set it as the value of your Page.DataContext, its OnNavigatedTo override will be called and passed any parameter used with Navigate().


The intent of the KeyboardService is to provide an abstracted way of reliably handling keyboard input. It was initially created to handle the back and forward gestures in the NavigationService but has been abstracted in this service for general use.

documentation needed


The intent of the SettingService is to provide an abstracted way to interacting with service that properly supports serialization and an interface implementation for unit testing purposes.

// from inside a view-model
 Services.SettingsServices.SettingsService _settings;
 public bool UseLightThemeButton
            get { return _settings.AppTheme.Equals(ApplicationTheme.Light); }
            set { _settings.AppTheme = value ? ApplicationTheme.Light : ApplicationTheme.Dark; base.RaisePropertyChanged(); }


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