- Removed non-generalized
markup from from package.xmls - Updated README to clarify rosdep behavior
- moveit_robot_configs updated package build and run dependencies for robot_descriptions
- Added panda_kinetic_intertial URDF, needed for Unity-ROS# robot importing
- Changelog is now separate from README
- Updating license documentation
- updated README documentation for UR robots usng Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver
- updated README documentation for Panda robot
- robot_bringup package added
- support for physical UR robots in lab
- Support for UR3e started
- Setup documentation provided
- Nao descriptions and relaxed_ik configurations
- Updating robot_descriptions subdiretory kinova_mico to kinova
- changes to moveit config follows
- Updating README documentation for UR3e support
- Added relaxek_ik_robot_configs sub-package (still in progress)
- UR5 written
- UR3, Mico, Mico2, Mico3 stubbed
- Removed relaxed_ik data from robot_descriptions (now in separate)
- Updated high-level urdfs that reference relaxed_ik_configurations
- Updated mico moveit urdfs and configs to point to correct urdfs
- Added relaxed-ik usable urdfs and supporting urdfs with robotiq 85 gripper
- Added Todo field in README
- Updating README with optional dependencies
- Now providing relaxed-ik support for Mico w/ 3-Finger grippers
- Kinova Mico MoveIt configurations
- BSD License
- robot_configurations metapackage
- Updated README with new direction for robot_configurations
- UR MoveIt configurations
- Updated dependencies
- UR specifics such as drivers, gazebo packages, etc.
- Added URDFs for UR robots with Robotiq85 grippers
- Added MoveIt configurations for UR robots with Robotiq85 grippers
- Forked from ros-industrial/universal_robot