WordPoints extension for beta testing the WordPoints plugin.
You can visit its homepage on WordPoints.org
It is highly recommended that you don't use this extension on a production site.
To install the extension, download the latest
release. You can install
it by navigating to the WordPoints » Extensions administration screen, clicking the
Add New link, and uploading the zip file. Alternatively, you can just unpack the
archive in the /wordpoints-extensions/
directory. Then you can activate the extension.
There currently no settings for the extensions; it does most of its work behind the scenes. It will check if there are any recent commits to the WordPoints GitHub repo where development of the plugin takes place. By default it checks for changes no more than once in six hours.
When new changes for WordPoints are detected, WordPress will give you a notice that the plugin needs an upgrade, just as it normally would. You update to the latest changes in the usual manner for updating a plugin. To see what changes have been made since you last updated, you can click on the "View changes" link. This will display a list of the most recent commits since your last update, with links to GitHub where you can view the code and more info.
Again, let me recommend that you don't use this extension on a live site. It is possible that during the development process WordPoints could break temporarily, and could even potentially break your entire site. So use this extension at your own risk.