diff --git a/lua/entities/edit_csm/shared.lua b/lua/entities/edit_csm/shared.lua index f2773a9..00133f7 100644 --- a/lua/entities/edit_csm/shared.lua +++ b/lua/entities/edit_csm/shared.lua @@ -533,11 +533,9 @@ function reloadLightmaps() end function ENT:OnRemove() - --print("Removed") if fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT and fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT:IsValid() then fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT:Remove() end - --RunConsoleCommand("r_farz", "-1") SkyBoxFixOff() @@ -551,11 +549,9 @@ function ENT:OnRemove() RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowrendertotexture", "1") RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowdist", "10000") end - --RunConsoleCommand("r_projectedtexture_filter", "1") if (self:GetRemoveStaticSun()) then - RunConsoleCommand("r_radiosity", "3") if (GetConVar( "csm_wakeprops" ):GetBool()) then wakeup() @@ -630,7 +626,6 @@ function EnableRTT() end local meta = FindMetaTable("Entity") - meta.oldsh = meta.oldsh or meta.DrawShadow function meta:DrawShadow(val) @@ -642,714 +637,571 @@ function meta:DrawShadow(val) end end --- meta.olddr = meta.olddr or meta.Draw --- function meta:Draw( flags ) --- print("hi") - --- if (!flags) then flags = 0 end --- --self:SetRenderMode(RENDERMODE_NORMAL) --- --self:SetRenderMode(RENDERMODE_NORMAL) --- self:olddr( flags + STUDIO_WIREFRAME ) --- --self:SetRenderMode(RENDERMODE_NORMAL) --- end - - --- meta.oldrg = meta.oldrg or meta.GetRenderGroup --- function meta:GetRenderGroup() --- if (render.GetRenderTarget()) then --- return RENDERGROUP_OPAQUE --- else --- return self:oldrg() --- end --- end - --- meta.oldsm = meta.oldsm or meta.SetRenderMode --- function meta:SetRenderMode( renderMode ) --- if (render.GetRenderTarget()) then --- self:oldsm( RENDERMODE_TRANSALPHA ) --- else --- self:oldsm( RENDERMODE_TRANSALPHA ) --- end --- end - - hook.Add( "ShadnowFilterChange", "shadfiltchanged", function() shadfiltChanged = true end) -function ENT:Think() - if (GetConVar( "csm_enabled" ):GetInt() == 1) and (csmEnabledPrev == false) then - furtherEnabledShadowsPrev = !GetConVar( "csm_furthershadows" ):GetBool() - furtherEnabledPrev = !GetConVar( "csm_further" ):GetBool() - csmEnabledPrev = true - if (self:GetRemoveStaticSun()) then - if (GetConVar( "csm_legacydisablesun" ):GetInt() == 1) then - RunConsoleCommand("r_ambientlightingonly", "1") - - RunConsoleCommand("r_lightstyle", "1") - timer.Create( "reload", 0.1, 1, reloadLightmaps ) - else - self:SUNOff() - end - end - RunConsoleCommand("r_radiosity", GetConVar( "csm_propradiosity" ):GetString()) - if (GetConVar( "csm_wakeprops" ):GetBool()) then - wakeup() - end - if (self:GetHideRTTShadows()) then - DisableRTT() - BlobShadowsPrev = false - end - if GetConVar( "csm_blobbyao" ):GetBool() then - EnableRTT() - RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowrendertotexture", "0") - RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowdist", "20") - end - if (CLIENT) then - self:createlamps() - end - end - - if (GetConVar( "csm_enabled" ):GetInt() == 0) and (csmEnabledPrev == true) then - csmEnabledPrev = false - if (self:GetRemoveStaticSun()) then - if (GetConVar( "csm_legacydisablesun" ):GetInt() == 1) then - RunConsoleCommand("r_ambientlightingonly", "0") - - RunConsoleCommand("r_lightstyle", "-1") - timer.Create( "reload", 0.1, 1, reloadLightmaps ) - else - self:SUNOn() - end - end - RunConsoleCommand("r_radiosity", "3") - if (GetConVar( "csm_wakeprops" ):GetBool()) then - wakeup() - end - RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowrendertotexture", "1") - RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowdist", "10000") - if (self:GetHideRTTShadows()) then - EnableRTT() - end - if (CLIENT) then - for i, projectedTexture in pairs(self.ProjectedTextures) do - projectedTexture:Remove() - end - table.Empty(self.ProjectedTextures) - end - end - - - propradiosity = GetConVar( "csm_propradiosity" ):GetString() - if CLIENT and (propradiosityPrev != propradiosity) and GetConVar( "csm_enabled" ):GetBool() then - RunConsoleCommand("r_radiosity", propradiosity) - if (GetConVar( "csm_wakeprops" ):GetBool()) then - net.Start( "csmPropWakeup" ) - net.SendToServer() - end - propradiosityPrev = propradiosity - end - if (GetConVar( "csm_enabled" ):GetInt() != 1) then return end - --print("hi") - shadfiltChanged = false - - fpShadows = GetConVar( "csm_localplayershadow" ):GetBool() - if CLIENT and (fpShadowsPrev != fpShadows) then - if (fpShadows) then - --print("MAKING") - fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT = ents.CreateClientside( "csm_pseudoplayer" ) - fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT:Spawn() - fpShadowsPrev = true - else - --print("REMOVING") - if fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT and fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT:IsValid() then - fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT:Remove() - end - fpShadowsPrev = false - end - end - - harshCutoff = GetConVar( "csm_harshcutoff" ):GetBool() - - furtherEnabledShadows = GetConVar( "csm_furthershadows" ):GetBool() - furtherEnabled = GetConVar( "csm_further" ):GetBool() - - if (harshCutoffPrev != harshCutoff and CLIENT) then - if (furtherEnabled and self.ProjectedTextures[4] != nil) then - if (harshCutoff) then - self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetTexture("csm/mask_end") - else - self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetTexture("csm/mask_ring") - end - else - if (harshCutoff) then - self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetTexture("csm/mask_end") - else - self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetTexture("csm/mask_ring") - end - end - harshCutoffPrev = harshCutoff - end - - - if (furtherEnabledPrev != furtherEnabled) then - if (furtherEnabled) then - if (CLIENT) then - self.ProjectedTextures[4] = ProjectedTexture() - if (harshCutoff) then - self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetTexture("csm/mask_ring") - self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetTexture("csm/mask_end") - else - self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetTexture("csm/mask_ring") - self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetTexture("csm/mask_ring") - end - if (furtherEnabledShadows) then - self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetEnableShadows(true) - else - self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetEnableShadows(false) - end - end - furtherEnabledPrev = true - else - if CLIENT and (self.ProjectedTextures[4] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[4]:IsValid()) then -- hacky: fix the cause properly - self.ProjectedTextures[4]:Remove() - if (harshCutoff) then - self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetTexture("csm/mask_end") - else - self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetTexture("csm/mask_ring") - end - end - furtherEnabledPrev = false - end - end - - - spreadSample = GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples" ):GetInt() - if (spreadSamplePrev != spreadSample) then - if (CLIENT) then - for i, projectedTexture in pairs(self.ProjectedTextures) do - projectedTexture:Remove() - end - table.Empty(self.ProjectedTextures) - self:createlamps() - end - spreadSamplePrev = spreadSample - - end +-- Gods why am I doing all this? +function ENT:ManageCSMState(csmEnabled, csmWakeProps, csmPropRadiosity) + if csmEnabled and not csmEnabledPrev then + self:EnableCSM(csmWakeProps, csmPropRadiosity) + elseif not csmEnabled and csmEnabledPrev then + self:DisableCSM(csmWakeProps) + end +end - spreadLayer = GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() - if (spreadLayerPrev != spreadLayer) then - if (CLIENT) then - self:allocLights() - end - spreadLayerPrev = spreadLayer +function ENT:EnableCSM(csmWakeProps, csmPropRadiosity) + furtherEnabledShadowsPrev = not GetConVar("csm_furthershadows"):GetBool() + furtherEnabledPrev = not GetConVar("csm_further"):GetBool() + csmEnabledPrev = true - end - spreadRadius = GetConVar( "csm_spread_radius" ):GetFloat() - if (spreadRadiusPrev != spreadRadius) then - if (CLIENT) then - self:allocLights() - end - spreadRadiusPrev = spreadRadius + if self:GetRemoveStaticSun() then + self:RemoveStaticSun() + end - end + RunConsoleCommand("r_radiosity", csmPropRadiosity) + if csmWakeProps then wakeup() end + self:ManageRTTForCSMEnable() - perfMode = GetConVar( "csm_perfmode" ):GetBool() - if (perfModePrev != perfMode) and GetConVar( "csm_enabled" ):GetBool() then - if (perfMode) then - if CLIENT and (self.ProjectedTextures[1] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[1]:IsValid()) then - self.ProjectedTextures[2]:SetTexture("csm/mask_center") - self.ProjectedTextures[1]:Remove() - end - perfModePrev = true - else - if (CLIENT) then - for i, projectedTexture in pairs(self.ProjectedTextures) do - projectedTexture:Remove() - end - table.Empty(self.ProjectedTextures) - self:createlamps() - end - perfModePrev = false - end - end - - spreadEnabled = GetConVar( "csm_spread" ):GetBool() - if (spreadEnabledPrev != spreadEnabled) and GetConVar( "csm_enabled" ):GetBool() then - if (spreadEnabled) then - if CLIENT and (self.ProjectedTextures[2] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[2]:IsValid()) then - self.ProjectedTextures[2]:SetTexture("csm/mask_center") - for i = 1, GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples"):GetInt() - 2 do - self.ProjectedTextures[i + 4] = ProjectedTexture() - self.ProjectedTextures[i + 4]:SetEnableShadows(true) - self.ProjectedTextures[i + 4]:SetTexture("csm/mask_center") - end - end - spreadEnabledPrev = true - else - if (CLIENT) then - for i, projectedTexture in pairs(self.ProjectedTextures) do - projectedTexture:Remove() - end - table.Empty(self.ProjectedTextures) - self:createlamps() - end - spreadEnabledPrev = false - end - end - - furtherEnabledShadows = GetConVar( "csm_furthershadows" ):GetBool() - if (furtherEnabledShadowsPrev != furtherEnabledShadows) then - if (furtherEnabledShadows) then - if CLIENT and (self.ProjectedTextures[4] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[4]:IsValid()) then - self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetEnableShadows(true) - furtherEnabledShadowsPrev = true - end - else - if CLIENT and (self.ProjectedTextures[4] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[4]:IsValid()) then - self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetEnableShadows(false) - furtherEnabledShadowsPrev = false - end - end - end + if CLIENT then self:createlamps() end +end - farEnabledShadows = GetConVar( "csm_farshadows" ):GetBool() - if (farEnabledShadowsPrev != farEnabledShadows) then - if (farEnabledShadows) then - if CLIENT and (self.ProjectedTextures[3] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[3]:IsValid()) then - self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetEnableShadows(false) - farEnabledShadowsPrev = true - end - else - if CLIENT and (self.ProjectedTextures[3] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[3]:IsValid()) then - self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetEnableShadows(true) - farEnabledShadowsPrev = false - end - end - end +function ENT:DisableCSM(csmWakeProps) + csmEnabledPrev = false - if (GetConVar( "csm_nofar" ):GetBool() and CLIENT) then - if (self.ProjectedTextures[3] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[3]:IsValid()) then - self.ProjectedTextures[3]:Remove() - end - end + if self:GetRemoveStaticSun() then + self:RestoreStaticSun() + end - local removestatsun = self:GetRemoveStaticSun() + RunConsoleCommand("r_radiosity", "3") + if csmWakeProps then wakeup() end + self:ManageRTTForCSMDisable() + if CLIENT then self:ClearProjectedTextures() end +end +function ENT:RemoveStaticSun() + if GetConVar("csm_legacydisablesun"):GetInt() == 1 then + self:SetLegacySun(false) + else + self:SUNOff() + end +end - if (RemoveStaticSunPrev != removestatsun) then - if (self:GetRemoveStaticSun()) then - timer.Create( "warn", 0.1, 1, warn) - RunConsoleCommand("r_radiosity", GetConVar( "csm_propradiosity" ):GetString()) - if (GetConVar( "csm_wakeprops" ):GetBool()) then - wakeup() - end - if (GetConVar( "csm_legacydisablesun" ):GetInt() == 1) then - if (CLIENT) then - RunConsoleCommand("r_ambientlightingonly", "1") - RunConsoleCommand("r_lightstyle", "0") - timer.Create( "reload", 0.1, 1, reloadLightmaps) - end - else - self:SUNOff() - end - else - RunConsoleCommand("r_radiosity", "3") - if (GetConVar( "csm_wakeprops" ):GetBool()) then - wakeup() - end - if (GetConVar( "csm_legacydisablesun" ):GetInt() == 1) then - if (CLIENT) then - RunConsoleCommand("r_lightstyle", "-1") - RunConsoleCommand("r_ambientlightingonly", "0") - timer.Create( "reload", 0.1, 1, reloadLightmaps) - end - else - self:SUNOn() - end - end - RemoveStaticSunPrev = removestatsun - end +function ENT:RestoreStaticSun() + if GetConVar("csm_legacydisablesun"):GetInt() == 1 then + self:SetLegacySun(true) + else + self:SUNOn() + end +end - if (CLIENT) then +function ENT:SetLegacySun(enable) + local ambient = enable and "1" or "0" + local lightstyle = enable and "1" or "-1" + RunConsoleCommand("r_ambientlightingonly", ambient) + RunConsoleCommand("r_lightstyle", lightstyle) + timer.Create("reload", 0.1, 1, reloadLightmaps) +end - local hiderttshad = self:GetHideRTTShadows() - local BlobShadows = GetConVar( "csm_blobbyao" ):GetBool() +function ENT:ManageRTTForCSMEnable() + if self:GetHideRTTShadows() then + DisableRTT() + BlobShadowsPrev = false + end + + if GetConVar("csm_blobbyao"):GetBool() then + EnableRTT() + RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowrendertotexture", "0") + RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowdist", "20") + end +end - if (HideRTTShadowsPrev != hiderttshad) and !BlobShadows then +function ENT:ManageRTTForCSMDisable() + RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowrendertotexture", "1") + RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowdist", "10000") + if self:GetHideRTTShadows() then EnableRTT() end +end - if (hiderttshad) then - DisableRTT() - else - EnableRTT() - end - HideRTTShadowsPrev = hiderttshad - end - sun = util.GetSunInfo() - local shadfilt = GetConVar( "csm_filter" ):GetFloat() - if (ShadowFilterPrev != shadfilt) then - ShadowFilterPrev = shadfilt - shadfiltChanged = true - end +function ENT:UpdateRadiosityIfNeeded(csmEnabled, csmPropRadiosity, csmWakeProps) + if CLIENT and csmEnabled and (propradiosityPrev ~= csmPropRadiosity) then + RunConsoleCommand("r_radiosity", csmPropRadiosity) + if csmWakeProps then + net.Start("csmPropWakeup") + net.SendToServer() + end + propradiosityPrev = csmPropRadiosity + end +end - if (BlobShadowsPrev != BlobShadows) and GetConVar( "csm_enabled" ):GetBool() then - BlobShadowsPrev = BlobShadows - if (BlobShadows) then - HideRTTShadowsPrev = true - hiderttshad = false - RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowrendertotexture", "0") - RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowdist", "20") - EnableRTT() - BlobShadowsPrev = true - else - RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowrendertotexture", "1") - RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowdist", "10000") - if (hiderttshad) then - DisableRTT() - else - EnableRTT() - end - BlobShadowsPrev = false - end - end - end +function ENT:ManageFPSController(fpShadows) + if fpShadowsPrev ~= fpShadows then + if fpShadows then + fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT = ents.CreateClientside("csm_pseudoplayer") + fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT:Spawn() + elseif fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT and fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT:IsValid() then + fpshadowcontrollerCLIENT:Remove() + end + fpShadowsPrev = fpShadows + end +end - local pitch = 0 - local yaw = 0 - local roll = 0 - - if (self:GetUseMapSunAngles()) then - pitch = 0 - yaw = 0 - roll = 0 - if ( sun != nil ) then - pitch = sun.direction:Angle().pitch + 90 - yaw = sun.direction:Angle().yaw - roll = sun.direction:Angle().roll - elseif (FindEntity("shadow_control") != nil) then - local shadowcontrol = FindEntity("shadow_control") - print("[Real CSM] - No env_sun but we do have shadow_control, using rotation values from that") - pitch = shadowcontrol:GetAngles().pitch + 90 - yaw = shadowcontrol:GetAngles().yaw - roll = shadowcontrol:GetAngles().roll - else - if (warnedyet == false && !GetConVar( "csm_disable_warnings" ):GetBool()) then - Derma_Message( "This map has no env_sun. CSM will not be able to find the sun position and rotation!", "CSM Alert!", "OK!" ) - warnedyet = true - end - pitch = -180.0 + (self:GetTime() * 360.0) - yaw = self:GetOrientation() - roll = 90.0 - self:GetMaxAltitude() - end - else - pitch = -180.0 + (self:GetTime() * 360.0) - yaw = self:GetOrientation() - roll = 90.0 - self:GetMaxAltitude() - end +function ENT:ManageFurtherShadows(furtherEnabled, harshCutoff, csmFurtherShadows) + if furtherEnabledPrev ~= furtherEnabled then + if furtherEnabled then + self.ProjectedTextures[4] = self.ProjectedTextures[4] or ProjectedTexture() + self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetTexture(harshCutoff and "csm/mask_end" or "csm/mask_ring") + self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetEnableShadows(csmFurtherShadows) + elseif self.ProjectedTextures[4] and self.ProjectedTextures[4]:IsValid() then + self.ProjectedTextures[4]:Remove() + self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetTexture(harshCutoff and "csm/mask_end" or "csm/mask_ring") + end + furtherEnabledPrev = furtherEnabled + end +end - if (self:GetEnableOffsets()) then - pitch = pitch + self:GetOffsetPitch() - yaw = yaw + self:GetOffsetYaw() - roll = roll + self:GetOffsetRoll() - end +function ENT:ManageFarShadows(csmFarShadows, csmNoFar) + if farEnabledShadowsPrev ~= csmFarShadows then + local projTex3 = self.ProjectedTextures[3] + if projTex3 and projTex3:IsValid() then + projTex3:SetEnableShadows(not csmFarShadows) + end + farEnabledShadowsPrev = csmFarShadows + end + + if csmNoFar then + local projTex3 = self.ProjectedTextures[3] + if projTex3 and projTex3:IsValid() then + projTex3:Remove() + end + end +end - local offset = Vector(0, 0, 1) - local offset2 = Vector(0, 0, 1) - if (usemapangles) then - offset:Rotate(Angle(pitch, 0, 0)) - offset:Rotate(Angle(0, yaw, roll)) - offset2:Rotate(Angle(pitch, 0, 0)) - offset2:Rotate(Angle(0, yaw, roll)) - else - offset:Rotate(Angle(pitch, 0, 0)) - offset:Rotate(Angle(0, yaw, roll)) - offset2:Rotate(Angle(pitch, 0, 0)) - offset2:Rotate(Angle(0, yaw, roll)) - end +function ENT:HandleSpreadSamples(csmSpreadSamples) + if spreadSamplePrev ~= csmSpreadSamples then + for _, projectedTexture in pairs(self.ProjectedTextures) do + projectedTexture:Remove() + end + table.Empty(self.ProjectedTextures) + self:createlamps() + spreadSamplePrev = csmSpreadSamples + end +end - local angle = Angle() - local direction = offset; - if (usemapangles) then - angle = (vector_origin - offset2):Angle() - else - angle = (vector_origin - offset):Angle() - end - self.CurrentAppearance = CalculateAppearance((pitch + -180) / 360) - offset = offset * self:GetHeight() --self:GetSunFarZ() - if (usemapangles) then - self.CurrentAppearance = CalculateAppearance((pitch + -180) / 360) - else - self.CurrentAppearance = CalculateAppearance(self:GetTime()) - end +function ENT:UpdateSpreadLayersAndRadius() + local spreadLayer = GetConVar("csm_spread_layers"):GetInt() + if spreadLayerPrev ~= spreadLayer then + self:allocLights() + spreadLayerPrev = spreadLayer + end + + local spreadRadius = GetConVar("csm_spread_radius"):GetFloat() + if spreadRadiusPrev ~= spreadRadius then + self:allocLights() + spreadRadiusPrev = spreadRadius + end +end - -- for csm_debug_cascade - debugColours = {} - debugColours[1] = Color(0, 255, 0, 255) - debugColours[2] = Color(255, 0, 0, 255) - debugColours[3] = Color(255, 255, 0, 255) - debugColours[4] = Color(0, 0, 255, 255) - debugColours[5] = Color(0, 255, 255, 255) - debugColours[6] = Color(255, 0, 255, 255) - debugColours[7] = Color(255, 255, 255, 255) - - local mainpos = Vector() - if CLIENT then - mainpos = GetViewEntity():GetPos() - if (GetConVar( "csm_experimental_positionrounding" ):GetFloat() != 0) then - rnd = GetConVar( "csm_experimental_positionrounding" ):GetFloat() - mainpos.x = math.Round(mainpos.x * rnd) / rnd - mainpos.y = math.Round(mainpos.y * rnd) / rnd - mainpos.z = math.Round(mainpos.z * rnd) / rnd - end - end - if CLIENT and (GetConVar( "csm_enabled" ):GetInt() == 1) and (GetConVar( "csm_update" ):GetInt() == 1) then - local position = mainpos + offset +function ENT:ManageSunEffects(csmPropRadiosity, csmWakeProps) + local removestatsun = self:GetRemoveStaticSun() + if RemoveStaticSunPrev ~= removestatsun then + if removestatsun then + self:RemoveStaticSun() + else + self:RestoreStaticSun() + end + RemoveStaticSunPrev = removestatsun + end +end - if (self.ProjectedTextures[1] == nil) and !perfMode then - self:createlamps() - end +function ENT:ManageRTTShadows(blobShadows) + local hiderttshad = self:GetHideRTTShadows() + + if (HideRTTShadowsPrev ~= hiderttshad) and not blobShadows then + if hiderttshad then + DisableRTT() + else + EnableRTT() + end + HideRTTShadowsPrev = hiderttshad + end +end - self.ProjectedTextures[1]:SetOrthographic(true, self:GetSizeNear() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeNear() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeNear() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeNear() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() ) - self.ProjectedTextures[2]:SetOrthographic(true, self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() ) - self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetOrthographic(true, self:GetSizeFar() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeFar() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeFar() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeFar() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() ) +function ENT:ManageBlobShadows(csmEnabled, blobShadows) + if (BlobShadowsPrev ~= blobShadows) and csmEnabled then + BlobShadowsPrev = blobShadows + if blobShadows then + HideRTTShadowsPrev = true + RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowrendertotexture", "0") + RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowdist", "20") + EnableRTT() + else + RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowrendertotexture", "1") + RunConsoleCommand("r_shadowdist", "10000") + if self:GetHideRTTShadows() then + DisableRTT() + else + EnableRTT() + end + end + end +end +function ENT:ClearProjectedTextures() + for _, projectedTexture in pairs(self.ProjectedTextures) do + projectedTexture:Remove() + end + table.Empty(self.ProjectedTextures) +end - --local lightAlloc = {} -- var PISS - --local SHIT = {} -- var SHIT - --local lightPoints = {} -- var FUCK - if furtherEnabled and (self.ProjectedTextures[4] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[4]:IsValid()) then - self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetOrthographic(true, self:GetSizeFurther() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeFurther() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeFurther() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeFurther() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() ) - end - if (spreadEnabled) then - if (self.ProjectedTextures[1] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[1]:IsValid()) then - self.ProjectedTextures[1]:SetOrthographic(true, self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() ) - end - for i = 1, GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples" ):GetInt() - 2 do - if (self.ProjectedTextures[4 + i] != nil) and (self.ProjectedTextures[4 + i]:IsValid()) then - self.ProjectedTextures[4 + i]:SetOrthographic(true, self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() , self:GetSizeMid() * GetConVar( "csm_sizescale" ):GetFloat() ) - end - end - end +function ENT:CalculateSunAngles() + local pitch, yaw, roll + + if not self:GetUseMapSunAngles() then + -- Default calculation when not using map sun angles + pitch = -180.0 + (self:GetTime() * 360.0) + yaw = self:GetOrientation() + roll = 90.0 - self:GetMaxAltitude() + else + -- Try to use sun angles first + local sun = util.GetSunInfo() + if sun then + local sunAngles = sun.direction:Angle() + pitch, yaw, roll = sunAngles.pitch + 90, sunAngles.yaw, sunAngles.roll + else + -- Fallback to shadow control if no sun info + local shadowControl = FindEntity("shadow_control") + if shadowControl then + local shadowAngles = shadowControl:GetAngles() + pitch, yaw, roll = shadowAngles.pitch + 90, shadowAngles.yaw, shadowAngles.roll + else + -- No sun or shadow control; warn and use default rotation + if not warnedyet and not GetConVar("csm_disable_warnings"):GetBool() then + Derma_Message("This map has no env_sun. CSM will not be able to find the sun position and rotation!", "CSM Alert!", "OK!") + warnedyet = true + end + + pitch = -180.0 + (self:GetTime() * 360.0) + yaw = self:GetOrientation() + roll = 90.0 - self:GetMaxAltitude() + end + end + end + + -- Apply any offsets + if self:GetEnableOffsets() then + pitch = pitch + self:GetOffsetPitch() + yaw = yaw + self:GetOffsetYaw() + roll = roll + self:GetOffsetRoll() + end + + return pitch, yaw, roll +end - depthBias = GetConVar( "csm_depthbias" ):GetFloat() - distanceBias = GetConVar("csm_depthbias_distancescale"):GetFloat() - slopeScaleDepthBias = GetConVar( "csm_depthbias_slopescale" ):GetFloat() - for i, projectedTexture in pairs(self.ProjectedTextures) do - sunBright = (self:GetSunBrightness()) / 400 - if (GetConVar( "csm_stormfoxsupport" ):GetInt() == 1) then - self.CurrentAppearance = CalculateAppearance((pitch + -180) / 360) - sunBright = (sunBright * self.CurrentAppearance.SunBrightness) * GetConVar( "csm_stormfox_brightness_multiplier" ):GetFloat() - if (GetConVar( "csm_hashdr" ):GetInt() == 1) then - sunBright = sunBright * 1; - else - sunBright = sunBright * 0.2; - end - --print((self.CurrentAppearance.SunBrightness) ) - end - if (spreadEnabled) then - - -- if we are the first two lights, or any of the other samples - if (i == 1) then - projectedTexture:SetBrightness(sunBright / GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples" ):GetInt()) - elseif (i == 2) then - projectedTexture:SetBrightness(sunBright / GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples" ):GetInt()) - elseif (i > 4) then - projectedTexture:SetBrightness(sunBright / GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples" ):GetInt()) - else - projectedTexture:SetBrightness(sunBright) - end - else - projectedTexture:SetBrightness(sunBright) - end - if GetConVar("csm_debug_cascade"):GetBool() then - for i2, projectedTexture2 in pairs(self.ProjectedTextures) do - projectedTexture2:SetColor(debugColours[i]) - --projectedTexture2:SetBrightness(2) - end - elseif (GetConVar( "csm_stormfox_coloured_sun" ):GetBool()) then - self.CurrentAppearance = CalculateAppearance((pitch + -180) / 360) - --print(self.CurrentAppearance.SunColour) - projectedTexture:SetColor(self.CurrentAppearance.SunColour) - else - projectedTexture:SetColor(self:GetSunColour():ToColor()) --csm_stormfox_coloured_sun - end - projectedTexture:SetPos(position) - - projectedTexture:SetAngles(angle) - if (spreadEnabled) then - -- angle them all in a circle shape - mtest = Matrix() - mtest:SetAngles(angle) - chuck = Angle(0, 0, 0) - if (i == 1) then - chuck = lightPoints[1] - elseif (i == 2) then - chuck = lightPoints[2] - elseif (i > 4) then - chuck = lightPoints[i - 2] - end - offset3 = Angle(chuck.x, 0, 0) - offset4 = Angle(0, chuck.y, 0) - mtest:Rotate(offset3 + offset4) - projectedTexture:SetAngles(mtest:GetAngles()) - end +function ENT:CalculateOffsets(pitch, yaw, roll, usemapangles) + local offset = Vector(0, 0, 1) + local offset2 = Vector(0, 0, 1) + + offset:Rotate(Angle(pitch, 0, 0)) + offset:Rotate(Angle(0, yaw, roll)) + offset2:Rotate(Angle(pitch, 0, 0)) + offset2:Rotate(Angle(0, yaw, roll)) + + if usemapangles then + return offset2, offset2 + else + return offset, offset2 + end +end - -- Unfortunately we cant scale the bias for each ring indivudually :( - depthdistscale = distanceBias * (i-1) - projectedTexture:SetShadowDepthBias(depthBias + depthdistscale) - projectedTexture:SetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias(slopeScaleDepthBias) - local filtscale = 1 - if (GetConVar("csm_filter_distancescale"):GetBool()) and ((i <= 3) or (i > 4)) then - local distance = i - if (i > 4) then - distance = 1 - end - filtscale = 8^(distance-1) - end - --filtscale = math.pow(GetConVar( "csm_filter_distancescale" ):GetFloat(),i) - --print(filtscale) - projectedTexture:SetShadowFilter(GetConVar( "csm_filter" ):GetFloat() / filtscale) - - projectedTexture:SetNearZ(self:GetSunNearZ()) - projectedTexture:SetFarZ(self:GetSunFarZ() * 1.025) --???????? why the fuck did I do this? - projectedTexture:SetQuadraticAttenuation(0) - projectedTexture:SetLinearAttenuation(0) - projectedTexture:SetConstantAttenuation(1) -- TODO: FIX STORMFOX BRIGHTNESS WHEN THIS IS SET TO 1 - projectedTexture:Update() - end +function ENT:CalculateMainPos(positionRounding) + local mainpos = Vector() + if CLIENT then + mainpos = GetViewEntity():GetPos() + if positionRounding ~= 0 then + mainpos.x = math.Round(mainpos.x * positionRounding) / positionRounding + mainpos.y = math.Round(mainpos.y * positionRounding) / positionRounding + mainpos.z = math.Round(mainpos.z * positionRounding) / positionRounding + end + end + return mainpos +end - end - useskyandfog = self:GetUseSkyFogEffects() +function ENT:ManageProjectedTextures(position, angle, spreadEnabled, spreadSamples, pitch, sizeScale,debugCascade) + if not self.ProjectedTextures[1] and not perfMode then + self:createlamps() + end + + -- Set Orthographic settings + self.ProjectedTextures[1]:SetOrthographic(true, self:GetSizeNear() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeNear() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeNear() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeNear() * sizeScale) + self.ProjectedTextures[2]:SetOrthographic(true, self:GetSizeMid() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeMid() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeMid() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeMid() * sizeScale) + self.ProjectedTextures[3]:SetOrthographic(true, self:GetSizeFar() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeFar() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeFar() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeFar() * sizeScale) + + if furtherEnabled and self.ProjectedTextures[4] and self.ProjectedTextures[4]:IsValid() then + self.ProjectedTextures[4]:SetOrthographic(true, self:GetSizeFurther() * sizescale, self:GetSizeFurther() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeFurther() * sizeScale, self:GetSizeFurther() * sizeScale) + end + + -- Iterate over Projected Textures + -- We should probably pass these values to the function rather than searching here. + local depthBias = GetConVar("csm_depthbias"):GetFloat() + local distanceBias = GetConVar("csm_depthbias_distancescale"):GetFloat() + local slopeScaleDepthBias = GetConVar("csm_depthbias_slopescale"):GetFloat() + self:UpdateProjectedTexturesSettings(position, angle, spreadEnabled, spreadSamples, pitch, debugCascade, depthBias, distanceBias, slopeScaleDepthBias) +end - if (useskyandfog) then - if (IsValid(self.EnvSun)) then - self.EnvSun:SetKeyValue("sun_dir", tostring(direction)) - end - if (IsValid(self.EnvSkyPaint)) then - self.EnvSkyPaint:SetKeyValue("TopColor", tostring(self.CurrentAppearance.SkyTopColor)) - self.EnvSkyPaint:SetKeyValue("BottomColor", tostring(self.CurrentAppearance.SkyBottomColor)) - self.EnvSkyPaint:SetKeyValue("DuskColor", tostring(self.CurrentAppearance.SkyDuskColor)) - self.EnvSkyPaint:SetKeyValue("SunColor", tostring(self.CurrentAppearance.SkySunColor)) - end +function ENT:UpdateProjectedTexturesSettings(position, angle, spreadEnabled, spreadSamples, pitch, debugCascade, depthBias, distanceBias, slopeScaleDepthBias) + local sunBright = (self:GetSunBrightness()) / 400 + + if GetConVar("csm_stormfoxsupport"):GetInt() == 1 then + self.CurrentAppearance = CalculateAppearance((pitch + -180) / 360) + sunBright = (sunBright * self.CurrentAppearance.SunBrightness) * GetConVar("csm_stormfox_brightness_multiplier"):GetFloat() + sunBright = (GetConVar("csm_hashdr"):GetInt() == 1) and sunBright * 1 or sunBright * 0.2 + end + + local debugColours = {} + debugColours[1] = Color(0, 255, 0, 255) + debugColours[2] = Color(255, 0, 0, 255) + debugColours[3] = Color(255, 255, 0, 255) + debugColours[4] = Color(0, 0, 255, 255) + debugColours[5] = Color(0, 255, 255, 255) + debugColours[6] = Color(255, 0, 255, 255) + debugColours[7] = Color(255, 255, 255, 255) + + for i, projectedTexture in pairs(self.ProjectedTextures) do + -- Set brightness and position + self:SetProjectedTextureBrightness(projectedTexture, sunBright, spreadEnabled, spreadSamples, i) + projectedTexture:SetPos(position) + projectedTexture:SetAngles(angle) + + -- Apply debug colors if debugCascade is true + if debugCascade then + projectedTexture:SetColor(debugColours[i] or Color(255, 255, 255, 255)) -- Default to white if out of range + elseif GetConVar("csm_stormfox_coloured_sun"):GetBool() then + self.CurrentAppearance = CalculateAppearance((pitch + -180) / 360) + projectedTexture:SetColor(self.CurrentAppearance.SunColour) + else + projectedTexture:SetColor(self:GetSunColour():ToColor()) + end + + -- Set shadow bias and filter + local depthdistscale = distanceBias * (i - 1) + projectedTexture:SetShadowDepthBias(depthBias + depthdistscale) + projectedTexture:SetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias(slopeScaleDepthBias) + + local filtscale = 1 + if GetConVar("csm_filter_distancescale"):GetBool() and ((i <= 3) or (i > 4)) then + local distance = (i > 4) and 1 or i + filtscale = 8^(distance - 1) + end + projectedTexture:SetShadowFilter(GetConVar("csm_filter"):GetFloat() / filtscale) + + projectedTexture:SetNearZ(self:GetSunNearZ()) + projectedTexture:SetFarZ(self:GetSunFarZ() * 1.025) + projectedTexture:SetQuadraticAttenuation(0) + projectedTexture:SetLinearAttenuation(0) + projectedTexture:SetConstantAttenuation(1) + projectedTexture:Update() + end +end - if (IsValid(self.EnvFogController)) then - self.EnvFogController:SetKeyValue("fogcolor", tostring(self.CurrentAppearance.FogColor)) - end - end +function ENT:SetProjectedTextureBrightness(projectedTexture, sunBright, spreadEnabled, spreadSamples, i) + if spreadEnabled then + if i == 1 or i == 2 or i > 4 then + projectedTexture:SetBrightness(sunBright / spreadSamples) + else + projectedTexture:SetBrightness(sunBright) + end + else + projectedTexture:SetBrightness(sunBright) + end +end +function ENT:UpdateSkyFogEffects(direction) + if IsValid(self.EnvSun) then + self.EnvSun:SetKeyValue("sun_dir", tostring(direction)) + end + + if IsValid(self.EnvSkyPaint) then + self.EnvSkyPaint:SetKeyValue("TopColor", tostring(self.CurrentAppearance.SkyTopColor)) + self.EnvSkyPaint:SetKeyValue("BottomColor", tostring(self.CurrentAppearance.SkyBottomColor)) + self.EnvSkyPaint:SetKeyValue("DuskColor", tostring(self.CurrentAppearance.SkyDuskColor)) + self.EnvSkyPaint:SetKeyValue("SunColor", tostring(self.CurrentAppearance.SkySunColor)) + end + + if IsValid(self.EnvFogController) then + self.EnvFogController:SetKeyValue("fogcolor", tostring(self.CurrentAppearance.FogColor)) + end end ---[[ -function RenderOverlay() -- unused, if you want this stuff, use stormfox. - local shaderParams = { - ["$pp_colour_addr"] = 0, - ["$pp_colour_addg"] = 0, - ["$pp_colour_addb"] = 0, - ["$pp_colour_brightness"] = 0, - ["$pp_colour_contrast"] = 1.0 - self.CurrentAppearance.ScreenDarkenFactor, - ["$pp_colour_colour"] = 1, - ["$pp_colour_mulr"] = 0, - ["$pp_colour_mulg"] = 0, - ["$pp_colour_mulb"] = 0 - } - - DrawColorModify(shaderParams) +function ENT:Think() + local csmEnabled = GetConVar("csm_enabled"):GetBool() + local csmWakeProps = GetConVar("csm_wakeprops"):GetBool() + local csmSpreadEnabled = GetConVar("csm_spread"):GetBool() + local csmPerfMode = GetConVar("csm_perfmode"):GetBool() + local csmFurtherShadows = GetConVar("csm_furthershadows"):GetBool() + local csmFarShadows = GetConVar("csm_farshadows"):GetBool() + local csmNoFar = GetConVar("csm_nofar"):GetBool() + local csmSpreadSamples = GetConVar("csm_spread_samples"):GetInt() + local csmPropRadiosity = GetConVar("csm_propradiosity"):GetString() + local fpShadows = GetConVar("csm_localplayershadow"):GetBool() + local harshCutoff = GetConVar("csm_harshcutoff"):GetBool() + local furtherEnabled = GetConVar("csm_further"):GetBool() + local blobShadows = GetConVar("csm_blobbyao"):GetBool() + local sizeScale = GetConVar("csm_sizescale"):GetFloat() + local debugCascade = GetConVar("csm_debug_cascade"):GetBool() + local posRounding = GetConVar("csm_experimental_positionrounding"):GetFloat() + + -- Manage enabling/disabling CSM + self:ManageCSMState(csmEnabled, csmWakeProps, csmPropRadiosity) + + -- Update radiosity if needed + self:UpdateRadiosityIfNeeded(csmEnabled, csmPropRadiosity, csmWakeProps) + + -- Skip processing if CSM is disabled + if not csmEnabled then return end + + -- Consolidated CLIENT code block + if CLIENT then + local sun = util.GetSunInfo() + self:ManageFPSController(fpShadows) + self:ManageFurtherShadows(furtherEnabled, harshCutoff, csmFurtherShadows) + self:ManageFarShadows(csmFarShadows, csmNoFar) + self:HandleSpreadSamples(csmSpreadSamples) + self:UpdateSpreadLayersAndRadius() + self:ManageSunEffects(csmPropRadiosity, csmWakeProps) + self:ManageRTTShadows(blobShadows) + self:ManageBlobShadows(csmEnabled, blobShadows) + + -- Calculate sun angles and offsets + local pitch, yaw, roll = self:CalculateSunAngles() + local offset, offset2 = self:CalculateOffsets(pitch, yaw, roll, usemapangles) + local mainpos = self:CalculateMainPos(posRounding) + local position = mainpos + offset * self:GetHeight() + local angle = (usemapangles and vector_origin - offset2 or vector_origin - offset):Angle() + + -- Manage Projected Textures + self:ManageProjectedTextures(position, angle, csmSpreadEnabled, csmSpreadSamples, pitch, sizeScale, debugCascade) + + -- Handle Sky and Fog effects + if self:GetUseSkyFogEffects() then + self:UpdateSkyFogEffects(offset) + end + end end ---]] function ENT:allocLights() ---yikes = 1 - lightAlloc = {} - lightPoints = {} - -- csm_spread_layer_density - for i2 = 1, GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() do - beans = (GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples" ):GetInt() / GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()) --/ (GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt())) * - if i2 == 1 then - beans = math.ceil(beans) - else - beans = math.floor(beans) - end - table.insert(lightAlloc, beans) - - end - - sum = 0 - failsafe = 0 - - while (sum != GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples" ):GetInt()) and failsafe != 2 do -- Division can be fucky so this is here, we need perfect division - failsafe = 1 + failsafe - sum = 0 - for k,v in pairs(lightAlloc) do - sum = sum + v - end - - if (sum > GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples" ):GetInt()) then - --print(PISS[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()]) - lightAlloc[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()] = lightAlloc[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()] - 1 - --PISS[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() - 1] = PISS[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() - 1] - 1 + local spreadLayers = GetConVar("csm_spread_layers"):GetInt() + local spreadSamples = GetConVar("csm_spread_samples"):GetInt() + local layerDensity = GetConVar("csm_spread_layer_density"):GetFloat() + local spreadRadius = GetConVar("csm_spread_radius"):GetFloat() + local reserveMiddle = GetConVar("csm_spread_layer_reservemiddle"):GetBool() + local allocType = GetConVar("csm_spread_layer_alloctype"):GetInt() - elseif (sum < GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples" ):GetInt()) then + lightAlloc = {} + lightPoints = {} - lightAlloc[failsafe] = lightAlloc[failsafe] + 1 - - end - end + -- Calculate initial allocation of lights for each layer + self:allocateInitialLights(spreadLayers, spreadSamples) + -- Adjust allocation to ensure total sum matches spreadSamples + self:adjustLightAllocation(spreadLayers, spreadSamples) + -- Apply specific allocation logic based on allocation type + self:applyAllocationTypeLogic(spreadLayers, allocType) + -- Calculate positions for each light + self:calculateLightPositions(spreadLayers, spreadRadius, layerDensity, reserveMiddle) +end - alloctype = GetConVar( "csm_spread_layer_alloctype" ):GetInt() - if alloctype == 1 and GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() > 2 then - for k,v in pairs(lightAlloc) do - if lightAlloc[k] > 2 then - lightAlloc[k] = lightAlloc[k] - (k - 2) - end - end - elseif GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() > 1 and lightAlloc[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()] > 3 then - lightAlloc[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()] = lightAlloc[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()] - 1 - lightAlloc[1] = lightAlloc[1] + 1 - end +--- Allocates initial lights for each layer based on the total number of samples and layers. +-- This function divides the number of samples (`spreadSamples`) among the number of layers (`spreadLayers`). +-- The first layer gets a ceiling value, and subsequent layers get a floor value to balance the distribution. +function ENT:allocateInitialLights(spreadLayers, spreadSamples) + for i = 1, spreadLayers do + local lightsPerLayer = (spreadSamples / spreadLayers) + if i == 1 then + lightsPerLayer = math.ceil(lightsPerLayer) + else + lightsPerLayer = math.floor(lightsPerLayer) + end + lightAlloc[i] = lightsPerLayer + end +end - if lightAlloc[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()] > 3 and GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() > 1 and GetConVar( "csm_spread_layer_reservemiddle" ):GetBool() then - lightAlloc[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()] = lightAlloc[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()] - 1 - end +--- Adjusts the allocation of lights to ensure that the total matches the required number of samples. +-- This function checks if the sum of allocated lights matches `spreadSamples`. If not, it adjusts the allocation. +-- It attempts a maximum of 2 times to balance the distribution. +function ENT:adjustLightAllocation(spreadLayers, spreadSamples) + local sum, attempts = 0, 0 + while sum ~= spreadSamples and attempts < 2 do + attempts = attempts + 1 + sum = 0 + for _, count in ipairs(lightAlloc) do + sum = sum + count + end + + if sum > spreadSamples then + lightAlloc[spreadLayers] = lightAlloc[spreadLayers] - 1 + elseif sum < spreadSamples then + lightAlloc[attempts] = lightAlloc[attempts] + 1 + end + end +end - for i2 = 1, GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() do - beans = lightAlloc[i2] - --[[ - beans = (GetConVar( "csm_spread_samples" ):GetInt() / GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()) --/ (GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt())) * - if i2 == 1 then - beans = math.ceil(beans) - else - beans = math.floor(beans) - end - --]] - i2r = GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() - (i2 - 1) - for degrees = 1, 360, 360 / beans do +--- Applies specific allocation logic to the light layers based on the allocation type. +-- Different allocation types (`allocType`) change the way lights are distributed among the layers. +-- If `allocType` is 1, the distribution is adjusted to reduce the number of lights in higher layers. +-- If not, it performs additional adjustments based on the provided conditions. +function ENT:applyAllocationTypeLogic(spreadLayers, allocType) + if allocType == 1 and spreadLayers > 2 then + for k = 1, spreadLayers do + if lightAlloc[k] > 2 then + lightAlloc[k] = lightAlloc[k] - (k - 2) + end + end + elseif spreadLayers > 1 and lightAlloc[spreadLayers] > 3 then + lightAlloc[spreadLayers] = lightAlloc[spreadLayers] - 1 + lightAlloc[1] = lightAlloc[1] + 1 + end + + if lightAlloc[spreadLayers] > 3 and spreadLayers > 1 and GetConVar("csm_spread_layer_reservemiddle"):GetBool() then + lightAlloc[spreadLayers] = lightAlloc[spreadLayers] - 1 + end +end - local x, y = PointOnCircle( degrees, ((i2r - ((GetConVar("csm_spread_layer_density"):GetFloat() * - 1) * (i2 - 1))) / GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()) * GetConVar( "csm_spread_radius" ):GetFloat(), 0, 0 ) - table.insert(lightPoints, Angle(x, y, 0)) - --yikes = yikes + 1 - end - if GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() > 1 and lightAlloc[GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt()] > 1 and i2 == GetConVar( "csm_spread_layers" ):GetInt() and GetConVar( "csm_spread_layer_reservemiddle" ):GetBool() then - table.insert(lightPoints, Angle(0, 0, 0)) - end - end - --PrintTable(lightAlloc) - --PrintTable(lightPoints) +--- Calculates the positions for each light around a circle for each layer. +-- This function distributes lights around a circle for each layer based on the allocated lights and spread radius. +-- It also handles reserving a middle position for the lights if `reserveMiddle` is set to true. +function ENT:calculateLightPositions(spreadLayers, spreadRadius, layerDensity, reserveMiddle) + for i = 1, spreadLayers do + local lightsPerLayer = lightAlloc[i] + local layerRadius = ((spreadLayers - (i - 1)) - ((layerDensity * -1) * (i - 1))) / spreadLayers * spreadRadius + + for degrees = 1, 360, 360 / lightsPerLayer do + local x, y = PointOnCircle(degrees, layerRadius, 0, 0) + table.insert(lightPoints, Angle(x, y, 0)) + end + + if spreadLayers > 1 and lightsPerLayer > 1 and i == spreadLayers and reserveMiddle then + table.insert(lightPoints, Angle(0, 0, 0)) + end + end end -function PointOnCircle( angle, radius, offsetX, offsetY ) -- ACTUALLY NERD SHIT LMFAO - angle = math.rad( angle ) - local x = math.cos( angle ) * radius + offsetX - local y = math.sin( angle ) * radius + offsetY +--- Computes a point's X and Y coordinates on a circle's circumference. +-- Given an angle and radius, this function calculates the point's position on the circle. +function PointOnCircle(angle, radius, offsetX, offsetY) + angle = math.rad(angle) + local x = math.cos(angle) * radius + offsetX + local y = math.sin(angle) * radius + offsetY return x, y end - +--- Calculates the appearance of an entity based on its position between two key points. +-- This function interpolates values between two keys to find the appearance at a given position. +-- If the position exactly matches a key, that key is returned directly. function CalculateAppearance(position) local from, to @@ -1399,14 +1251,6 @@ function LerpColor(t, fromColor, toColor) return Color(r, g, b, a) end -function HexToRgb(hex) - local r = tonumber(string.sub(hex, 1, 2), 16) - local g = tonumber(string.sub(hex, 3, 4), 16) - local b = tonumber(string.sub(hex, 5, 6), 16) - - return Color(r, g, b, 1.0) -end - function FindEntity(class) local entities = ents.FindByClass(class)