This file contains information about how we integrate with Github Actions and what to watch out for when editing these files.
All Github Action related files are located in: .github/
This folder contains two sub-folders:
: This folder contains custom actions that are called from our workflows. -
: This folder contains all the yaml files that control our workflows. Files with aninclude-
prefix are reusable workflows and are only meant to be included as part of other workflows.
The primary entry point for builds are: ./github/workflows/pr.yml
- Github Actions will skip a job if any job dependency was skipped. This includes transitive dependencies. This is the reason
why you can see most jobs having a construct like
if: always() && !cancelled() && !contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') && !contains(needs.*.result, 'cancelled')
which work around the issue.
Currently, the Github UI and API only allow deleting each cache invidiually. This following shell command will run through all caches and delete each one individually. It requires the Github CLI installed and authenticated as well as jq
gh api -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github+json' /repos/realm/realm-kotlin/actions/caches --paginate | jq -r '.actions_caches | .[].id' | xargs -I {} sh -c 'gh api --method DELETE -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" /repos/realm/realm-kotlin/actions/caches/{} --silent'
of if you have the Github Actions CLI 2.42.0 or later from Homebrew:
gh cache delete -a --repo realm/realm-kotlin
Access all Github Action caches using:
Finding the unit tests results for failed builds can be a bit tricky. There are two ways to access it:
Goto > Actions > Press the PR build > Press Summary > Press the faild job > Unfold "Publish Unit Test Results" > Unfold "Creating test report Unit Test Results - " > Press the URL to the HTML page. This will bring you to the same link as in step 2.
Goto > Actions > Press the PR build > Read the action ID from the URL > Manually enter the following URL: