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⚠️ Disclaimer

The AXI 1-Wire Host is provided free of charge with no guarantees or support from AMD. Limited testing has been done on the AXI 1-Wire Host; you are responsible for testing your designs and ensuring proper functionality.

AMD is not providing maintenance of the AXI 1-Wire Host. If you discover any bugs or problems with it, create a new issue in this repository to inform AMD if future releases are done.


The AMD AXI 1-Wire Host core provides a 1-Wire bus controller interface to the AXI interface. This 32-bit soft core is designed to interface with the AXI4-Lite interface. It is compatible with the AXI 1-wire host driver for AMD programmable logic IP core Linux driver.


  • Supports the AXI4-Lite interface specification.
  • Supports the 1-Wire bus protocol.
  • Supports the following 1-Wire bus master signals:
    • Reset/Presence signal
    • Write bit (0 or 1) signal
    • Read bit (0 or 1) signal.
  • Supports optional interrupt request generation.
  • Supports soft reset of the 1-Wire Host core.
  • Supports configurable single general purpose I/O (GPIO) channel with bit-banging of the 1-Wire bus.
  • Compatible with the AXI 1-wire host driver for AMD programmable logic IP core Linux driver.

Functional Description

The AXI 1-Wire Host provides a 1-Wire bus controller interface to an AXI4-Lite interface. The AXI 1-Wire supports the 1-Wire bus protocol with the essential 1-Wire bus master signals being supported. The AXI 1-Wire Host contains a 1-Wire Host Core Controller, which guarantees protocol timing for driving off-board devices. It can be configured to generate an interrupt when the controller completes the signal instruction cycle. The AXI 1-Wire Host can be configured to bypass the 1-Wire Host Core Controller to manipulate the 1-Wire bus as a general purpose I/O (GPIO). The AXI 1-Wire Host primary components are the AXI4-Lite interface, the 1-Wire Host Core Controller, the interrupt controller, and the GPIO module.

AXI4-Lite Interface

The AXI4-Lite Interface module implements a 32-bit AXI4-Lite slave interface for accessing 1-Wire Host and GPIO registers. For additional details about the AXI4-Lite slave interface, see the specification usage section of the AXI4-Lite IPIF LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG155).

1-Wire Host Core Controller

The 1-Wire Host Core Controller implements hardware to guarantees 1-Wire protocol timing to drive off-board devices. It is controlled by an external processor to generate and report the 1-Wire bus master signals. It supports the following five instructions:

  • Reset/Presence
  • Write bit (0 or 1)
  • Read bit (0 or 1)
  • Write byte
  • Ready byte.

Interrupt Controller

The interrupt control gets the interrupt status from the 1-Wire Host Core Controller and generates an interrupt to the external processor.

The GPIO module implements a 3-state buffer to bypass the 1-Wire Host Core Controller and to manipulate the 1-Wire bus through GPIO.

Port Descriptions

The AXI 1-Wire HOST I/O signals are listed and described in the following table.

Signal Name Interface I/O Description
s00_axi_aclk Clock I AXI Clock
S00_axi_aresetn Reset I AXI Reset, active-Low.
s00_axi_* S_AXI NA AXI4-Lite Slave Interface signals. See Appendix A of the Vivado AXI Reference Guide (UG1037) for AXI4, AXI4-Lite, and AXI4-Stream signals.
w1_bus Signal IO 1-Wire bus input-output pin.
w1_irq Interrupt O AXI 1-Wire Host interrupt. Active-High, level sensitive signal.

User Parameters

The AXI 1-Wire Host user parameters are listed and described in the following table.

Parameter Vivado IDE Name Parameter Name Default Value Description
S00 AXI CLK DIVIDER CLK_DIV_VAL_TO_1MHz 100 S00_AXI_CLK divider value to produce a 1 MHz clock (e.g., for a 100MHz S00_AXI_CLK, the divider value would be 100).

Register Space

The AXI 1-Wire Host registers are listed and described in the following table.

Address Space Offset Register Name Access Type Default Value Description
0x0000 w1_INSTR R/W 0x0 AXI 1-Wire Host Instruction register.
0x0004 w1_CTRL R/W 0x0 AXI 1-Wire Host Control signal register.
0x0008 w1_IRQCTRL R/W 0x0 AXI 1-Wire Host Interrupt Control register.
0x000C w1_STAT R/W 0x0 AXI 1-Wire Host Status signal register.
0x0010 w1_RXDATA R/W 0x0 AXI 1-Wire Host Received data through 1-Wire Host Core Controller register.
0x0014 w1_GPIODATA R/W 0x0 AXI 1-Wire Host Received data through GPIO register.
0x0018 w1_IPVER R 0x7600_0100 AXI 1-Wire Host Version register.
0x001C w1_IPID R 0x10EE_4453 AXI 1-Wire Host Identification register.

AXI 1-Wire Host Instruction Register (w1_INSTR)

The AXI 1-Wire Host Instruction Register is used by the external processor to specify the instruction to be executed by the 1-Wire Host. The functionality of this register is detailed in the following table.

Bits Field Name Description
[31] GPIO/Controller enable 0 = Controller enable/GPIO disable
1 = Controller disable/GPIO enable
[23] GPIO Tri State 0 = I/O pin configured as output, write to the 1-Wire bus.
1 = I/O pin configured as input, read from the 1-Wire bus.
[16] GPIO Output 1-Wire bus level when configured as GPIO output.
[11:8] Controller Instruction 1000 = Reset/Presence pulse
1110 = Write bit pulse
1100 = Read bit pulse
1111 = Write byte (eight write bit pulses)
1101 = Ready byte (eight read bit pulses)
[7:0] Data to write Bit(s) to transmit on the 1-Wire bus. If the controller instruction is Write Bit, only the least significant bit (LSB) is transmitted, if the instruction is Write Byte, all eight bits are transmitted.

AXI 1-Wire Host Control Register (w1_CTRL)

The AXI 1-Wire Host Control Register is used by the external processor to control the process of the 1-Wire Host Core Controller. The functionality of this register is detailed in the following table.

Bits Field Name Description
[31] Reset Controller Soft reset of 1-Wire Host Core Controller, active-High.
[0] GO Signal Used by the external processor to signal to the 1-Wire Host Core Controller that the instruction can be fetched and executed.

AXI 1-Wire Host Interrupt Control Register (w1_IRQCTRL)

The AXI 1-Wire Host Interrupt Control Register is used by the external processor to mask the interrupts generated by the 1-Wire Host Core Controller. The functionality of this register is detailed in the following table.

Bits Field Name Description
[4] Ready Interrupt Mask 0: The 1-Wire Host Core Controller READY signal does not raise an interrupt.
1: The 1-Wire Host Core Controller READY signal does raise an interrupt, active-High.
[0] Done Interrupt Mask 0: The 1-Wire Host Core Controller DONE signal does not raise an interrupt.
1: The 1-Wire Host Core Controller DONE signal does raise an interrupt, active-High.

AXI 1-Wire Host Status Register (w1_STAT)

The AXI 1-Wire Host Status Register is used by the 1-Wire Host Core Controller to report the execution status to the external processor. The functionality of this register is detailed in the following table.

Bits Field Name Description
[31] Presence 0: The 1-Wire Host Core Controller detected device(s) on the 1-Wire bus during the Reset/Presence pulse sequence.
1: The 1-Wire Host Core Controller did not detect device(s) on the 1-Wire bus during the Reset/Presence pulse sequence.
[4] Ready 0: The 1-Wire Host Core Controller is not ready to execute the next instruction. Either is executing the current instruction or is waiting for the GO signal to be cleared.
1 : The 1-Wire Host Core Controller is ready to receive and execute a new instruction.
[0] Done 0: The 1-Wire Host Core Controller has completed the instruction execution and has written received data (if applicable) to register.
1: The 1-Wire Host Core Controller has not completed the instruction execution.

AXI 1-Wire Host Received Data Register (w1_RXDATA)

The AXI 1-Wire Host Received Data Register is used by the 1-Wire Host Core Controller to store the received data. The functionality of this register is detailed in the following table.

Bits Field Name Description
[7-0] Read Data Bits received from the 1-Wire bus. If the controller instruction is Read Bit, the bit is stored in the LSB, if the instruction is Read Byte, all eight bits are stored.

AXI 1-Wire Host Received Data Register (w1_GPIODATA)

The AXI 1-Wire Host GPIO Read Data Register is used to store the 1-Wire bus level. The functionality of this register is detailed in the following table.

Bits Field Name Description
[0] Read GPIO The 1-Wire bus level is consistently stored. It can be used to read the bus level when using the AXI 1-Wire Host in GPIO mode or to monitor the 1-Wire bus level.

Programming Sequence

The following steps are helpful in accessing the AXI 1-Wire Host.

Using the 1-Wire Host Core Controller

  1. Reset the core (write 0x8000_0000 to register, w1_CTRL).
  2. Enable the Ready interrupt mask (write 0x0000_0010 to register w1_IRQCTRL).
  3. Wait for the interrupt to be raised, and read the w1_STAT register to ensure the Ready signal raised the interrupt.
  4. Clear the interrupt mask (write 0x0000_0000 to register w1_IRQCTRL).
  5. Write instruction (write 0x0000_0*zyy* to w1_INSTR, z is the instruction and yy the data to be transmitted if applicable. E.g., to transmit byte 0110_1010, instruction will be 0x0000_0F6A).
  6. Signal Go and clear the reset (write 0x0000_0001 to w1_CTRL).
  7. Enable the Done interrupt mask (write 0x0000_0001 to register w1_IRQCTRL).
  8. Wait for the interrupt to be raised and read the w1_STAT register to ensure the Done signal raised the interrupt.
  9. Clear the interrupt mask (write 0x0000_0000 to register, w1_IRQCTRL).
  10. Read the data register (w1_RXDATA) to fetch the received bits, if applicable.
  11. Clear the Go signal (write 0x0000_0000 to w1_CTRL).
  12. Return to step 2.

Steps 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9 suppose the usage of the interrupt. If the interrupt is not used, steps 2, 3, and 4 can be replaced by a loop that reads the Ready value in the w1_STAT to be 1 and by replacing steps 7, 8, and 9 with a loop that reads the Done value in the w1_STAT to be 1.

Using the GPIO

For reading the 1-Wire bus level:

  1. Configure the AXI 1-Wire Host for a GPIO read (write 0x8080_0000 to w1_INSTR).
  2. Read the w1_GPIODATA register.

For writing to the 1-Wire bus:

  1. Configure the AXI 1-Wire Host for a GPIO write (write 0x808*y*_0000 to w1_INSTR, replace y with 0 to write 0, 1 to write 1).


Linux Drivers

The upstreamed AXI 1-wire host driver for AMD programmable logic IP core Linux driver can be used with a Linux system to interface with the AXI 1-Wire host.

Baremetal Drivers

Rudimentary baremetal drivers are provided with the AXI 1-Wire Host to develop applications using AMD Vitis™. The driver does not implement an interrupt; you are encouragekd to implement your own version of the baremetal driver to make use of the interrupt. To include the provided baremetal drivers, include the axi_1wire_host.h file. The provided driver functions are listed follows.

 * Reset the 1-Wire Microcontroller.
 * @param baseaddr is the base address of the AXI_1WIRE_HOST instance to be worked on.
 * @return
 void AXI_1WIRE_HOST_Reset(u32 baseaddr);
 * Performs the touch-bit function - write a 0 or 1 and reads the bus level.
 * @param baseaddr is the base address of the AXI_1WIRE_HOST instance to be worked on.
 *        bit is the level to write
 * @return The level read
 u8 AXI_1WIRE_HOST_TouchBit(u32 baseaddr, u8 bit);
 * Performs the read-byte function.
 * @param baseaddr is the base address of the AXI_1WIRE_HOST instance to be worked on.
 * @return The value read
 u8 AXI_1WIRE_HOST_ReadByte(u32 baseaddr);
 * Performs the write-byte function.
 * @param baseaddr is the base address of the AXI_1WIRE_HOSTinstance to be worked on.
 *        byte is the byte to write
 void AXI_1WIRE_HOST_WriteByte(u32 baseaddr, u8 byte);
 * Performs the Reset-Presence function.
 * @param baseaddr is the base address of the AXI_1WIRE_HOST instance to be worked on.
 * @return 0=Device present, 1=No device present
 u8 AXI_1WIRE_HOST_ResetBus(u32 baseaddr);
 * Run a self-test on the driver/device. Note this may be a destructive test if resets of the device are performed.
 * If the hardware system is not built correctly, this function may never return to the caller.
 * @param baseaddr is the base address of the AXI_1WIRE_HOST instance to be worked on.
 * @return
 * - XST_SUCCESS if all self-test code passed
 * - XST_FAILURE if any self-test code failed
 * @note Caching must be turned off for this function to work.
 * @note Self test may fail if data memory and device are not on the same bus.
 XStatus AXI_1WIRE_HOST_SelfTest(u32 baseaddr);
 * Read the 1-Wire bus level. The 1-Wire bus is controlled through GPIO.
 * @param baseaddr is the base address of the AXI_1WIRE_HOST instance to be worked on.
 * @return Bus level
 u8 AXI_1WIRE_HOST_GPIO_Read(u32 baseaddr);
 * Set the 1-Wire bus level. The 1-Wire bus is controlled through GPIO.
 * @param baseaddr is the base address of the AXI_1WIRE_HOST instance to be worked on.
 *        bit is the bus level
 * @return
 void AXI_1WIRE_HOST_GPIO_Write(u32 baseaddr, u8 bit);

Example Design Flow

This section describes the process of creating a design targeting the AMD Kria™ KD240 Drives Starter Kit. It includes customizing and generating the AXI 1-Wire Host, constraining the core, the synthesis and implementation steps to generate the hardware design, and the software integration.

This design flow requires the AMD Vivado™ and Vitis Unified Software Platform development tools. It has been tested with the 2023.1 and 2023.2 tools release.

Customizing and Generating the AXI 1-Wire Host

This section includes information about using the Vivado Design Suite IP Integrator to generate a block design and to customize and generate the AXI 1-Wire Host. For more information on how to create an hardware design using the IP Integrator, refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994). The following steps describe the process of creating a complete hardware design for the Kria KD240 Drives Starter Kit; the same process with some adjustments, can be use to target another device.

  1. Create a new Vivado project targeting the Kria KD240 Drives Starter Kit with the companion cards.

  2. Create a Block Design.

  3. In the new Block Design, add the AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoC IP and Run Block Automation to apply Board Preset.

  4. Add the AXI 1-Wire Bus Host to the block design and Run Connection Automation with the default settings. This will add a Processor System Reset and an AXI Interconnect blocks. It will also connect the clocks to the AMD Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC pl_clk0 100 MHz clock and all the reset ports and the AXI interfaces.

  5. Run Connection Automation a second time with the default settings to connect the second AMD Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC AXI interface.

  6. Connect the AXI 1-Wire Bus Host w1_irq port to the AMD Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC pl_ps_irq0[0:0] port.

  7. Right-click the AXI 1-Wire Bus Host w1_bus port and click Make External. The final block design should look similar to the following. Block Diagram

  8. If you double-click the AXI 1-Wire Bus Host, you will see the customization GUI; as you can see, the S00 AXI CLK DIVIDER has a value of 100 by default. If you are not using a 100 MHz clock for the s00_axi_aclk input of the AXI 1-Wire Bus Host, you will need to adjust this value accordingly. Customization GUI

  9. You can now Validate the block design; there should not be any errors. If you have a look under the Address Editor tab, you will see the Base Address for the /axi_1wire_host_0/S00_AXI interface; it will probably be 0xA000_0000, but it might be different if there are other AXI blocks in the design.

  10. Under Sources, select the Hierarchy tab. Expand the Design Sources folder, right-click the block diagram, and select Create HDL Wrapper. Select Let Vivado manage wrapper and auto-update, and click OK.

  11. Create a new constraints source file, and add the following content. This will connect the w1_bus port to the KD240 1-Wire port and set the appropriate voltage and pull up resistor.

    set_property PACKAGE_PIN H13 [get_ports w1_bus_0]
    set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports w1_bus_0]
    set_property PULLUP true [get_ports w1_bus_0]
  12. You can now generate the bitstream and export the Hardware Platform (File→Export→Export Hardware). Make sure to include the bitstream, this will generate a XSA file.

Generating the Standalone Software Platform

This section includes information about using the Vitis Unified Software Platform to create the platform to run an application targeting the AXI 1-Wire Host. For more information on how to create a platform and an application, refer to the Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393).

  1. Create a new blank Vitis Workspace.

  2. Create an Application Project.

  3. For the platform, create a new platform from hardware (XSA) with the XSA previously generated with Vivado.

    • Keep Generate boot componenets checked.
    • Select psu_cortexa53_0 as the Target processor to create the first stage boot loader (FSBL).
    • For the Application, select the psu_cortexa53_0 as the target processor.
    • For the Domain, select standalone as the Operating System and 64-bit for the Architecture.
    • Select the Empty Application(C) templates.
  4. Your workspace should look similar to the one in the following image. The AXI 1-Wire Host standalone driver can be found under <platform>/hw/drivers/axi_1wire_host_v1_0/src/. The driver files consist of a C header file (axi_1wire_host.h) and two C source files (axi_1wire_host.c and axi_1wire_host_selftest.c). You can open the files for more details. Vitis Workspace

  5. You can now create your own application targeting the AXI 1-Wire Host by taking advantage of the provided driver functions:

    • AXI_1WIRE_HOST_Reset
    • AXI_1WIRE_HOST_TouchBit
    • AXI_1WIRE_HOST_ReadByte
    • AXI_1WIRE_HOST_WriteByte
    • AXI_1WIRE_HOST_ResetBus
    • AXI_1WIRE_HOST_SelfTest

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