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1. Notary Allocator Pathway Name * XnMatrix
2. Organization * XnMatrix
3. On-chain address for Allocator * f1bcvvwv3w6az7ivhdzory7anha54ocrlkxazm3yq
4. Country of Operation * United States of America
5. Region of Operation * North America
6. Type Of Allocator *
7. DataCap requested for allocator for 12 months of activity * 20 PiB.
8. Is your allocator providing a unique, new, or diverse pathway to DataCap? How does this allocator differentiate itself from other applicants, new or existing? *
 XnMatrix has been a partner with Filecoin since 2019. Through this partnership, we have significantly contributed to the overall network. We assess all laws before storing any data in the Filecoin ecosystem. We investigate the dataset with the Filecoin Plus protocols. To guarantee legitimacy and accuracy, we analyze data through sampling techniques that all adhere to Filecoin's rules. We do not provide a unique, new, or diverse pathway to Datacap but we differentiate ourselves by serving as the bridge between users and the centralized data cloud. We take pride in continuing to be involved in the mining of filecoin moving forward. XnMatrix has a due diligence process for DataCap allocation, ensuring transparency and efficiency. Here's an overview of our procedure:
A. Basic Information / Initial Verification:
1. VerifyifthecustomerhasusedallocatedDataCap. 2. Validateclient:
a. Activetimeofatleast6monthsonGitHuborotherauthorizedsocial platforms.
b. Basicrequirementsadherence.
3. ApplicationRequirements:
a. Legallyexistingentitiescanapply,meetingbasic,ban,and announcement requirements.
b. Datatobestoredshouldhaveirrefutableproprietaryrightsand comply with legal standards.
c. Discouragementofminersorentitiesassociatedwithminers applying for DataCap.
4. AnnouncementPrinciples:
a. ExhaustedDataCapprinciple.
b. WaitingprincipleforapplicationsfromregionsoutsideNorth
c. Updatedspecificationsprinciple.
d. Responseandallocationprinciples.
B. Basic Requirements of DataCap Allocation / Second Verification:
1. Verifyiftheregionmatchesthenotary'sregion.
2. Ensureinformationintegrity,includingrequireddetailsforindividualsand
3. Verifyinformationaccuracy.
C. More Information / Final Verification:
1. ConfirmDataCapallocationplanwithqualifiedclients.
2. Collectapplicationrecordsfromothernotaries,pastallocations,andclient
acceptance of the allocation plan.
Training and Online Test:

 - Implement a training plan and an online test for DataCap and Filecoin. Only clients passing the test can apply for DataCap.
Client Support:
- Help clients match with suitable miners by providing information on failure rate, storage cost, safety, reliability, and capacity.
- Use client feedback on DataCap usage to influence future allocations and customer behavior.
Incentive, Punishment, and Supervision Mechanisms:
1. IncentiveMechanism:
- Increase in reputation credit for valid and efficient DataCap
- Higher credit allows clients to apply for more DataCap (maximum
increase of 200%).
- Additional incentives for allocating DataCap to new miners.
2. PunishmentMechanism:
- Reduction of 50% in the next application for abusing data.
- Banlist inclusion for clients and miners involved in cheating.
3. SupervisionMechanism:
- Development of a tool to randomly check verified transactions to
ensure compliance.
- Incentive mechanisms to encourage clients to report unfair
allocations and monitor each other.
9. As a member in the Filecoin Community, I acknowledge that I must adhere to the Community Code of Conduct, as well other End User License Agreements for accessing various tools and services, such as GitHub and Slack.
Additionally, I will adhere to all local & regional laws & regulations that may relate to my role as a business partner, organization, notary, or other operating entity. *
You can read the Filecoin Code of Conduct here:
 ~~~ Client Diligence ~~~
This section will pertain to your client diligence processes. Be as specific as possible, including examples where necessary.
Reminder: Filecoin Plus is designed for all client actors with quality data who engage in distributed onboarding.
Client actors can be either data owners or preparers (including SPs), who either provide some form of KYC (and KYB) information to earn social trust or prove long term commitment (i.e., collateral in a trustless notary).
10. Who are your target clients? *
Individuals learning about Filecoin Small-scale developers or data owners Enterprise Data Clients
Other (specified above)
11. Describe in as much detail as possible how you will perform due diligence on clients. If you are proposing an automated pathway, what diligence mechanism will you use to
determine client eligibility? *
At XnMatrix, our commitment to adhering to the law extends to every facet of data stored within the Filecoin ecosystem. In determining eligibility, we meticulously assess the data for any content misaligned with our values or legal requirements. Our dedication leads us to reject data containing graphic elements. Furthermore, we prioritize checks for general compliance, ownership, public disclosure, and copyright. Following the data review, clients provide us with all storage provider addresses, ensuring compliance with Filecoin regulations for retrieval and location. At XnMatrix, our approach continues with a KYC process that involves a comprehensive questionnaire for clients to read and answer thoroughly. This process offers valuable insights into their storage requests. Upon our approval, we systematically record data on an Excel sheet, tracking their requested Datacap amount and other essential details.
Here is a link to our allocation process: 1eb-82de-1dcdcf94b441.jpg
 12. Please specify how many questions you’ll ask, and provide a brief overview of the questions. *
If you have a form, template, or other existing resource, provide the link.
We pose approximately 25 thoughtfully crafted questions during our inquiry process. These questions delve into various aspects, including the identity of the DataCap applicant and their relationship to the project, comprehensive project details, organizational specifics, a detailed description of the data, the methodology involved in data preparation, the intended frequency of data retrieval, the projected storage duration, and the geographic distribution of the data. Each question is carefully designed to extract pertinent information in order to thoroughly understand and assess the nature of the data and its associated context.
13. Will you use a 3rd-party "Know your client" (KYC) service? *
Provide as much detail about the service, what questions and regions they cover, and
how the data will be integrated with your pathway.
XnMatrix employs a KYC service for all prospective and existing clients to assess eligibility and validate legitimacy. The process involves posing questions, including a request for a valid form of identification.
14. Can any client apply to your pathway, or will you be closed to only your own internal clients? (eg: bizdev or self-referral) *
For example, a 'white label' service where you apply directly on behalf of your clients.
On our platform, we welcome any client to work with us with proof of identity.
15. How do you plan to track the rate at which DataCap is being distributed to your clients? *
At XnMatrix, we uphold a value of open transparency. Employing open-source tools, we systematically gather and track data on a daily basis. With our KYC process, we gain insights into the usage of the client's Datacap through a maintained tracking record that we compile. This approach ensures clarity and accountability in our data management practices.

 ~~~ Data Diligence ~~~
This section will cover the types of data that you expect to notarize.
As a reminder: The Filecoin Plus program defines quality data is all content that meets local regulatory requirements AND
• the data owner wants to see on the network, including private/encrypted dataor is open and retrievable
• or demonstrates proof of concept or utility of the network, such as efforts to improve onboarding
16. As an operating entity in the Filecoin Community, you are required to follow all local & regional regulations relating to any data, digital and otherwise. This may include PII and data deletion requirements, as well as the storing, transmitting, or accessing of data. *
17. What type(s) of data would be applicable for your pathway? * Public Open Dataset (Research/Non-Profit)
Public Open Commercial/Enterprise
Private Commercial/Enterprise
Private Non-Profit/Social Impact
Other (specified elsewhere)
18. How will you verify a client’s data ownership? Will you use 3rd-party KYB (know your business) service to verify enterprise clients? *
Provide as much detail as possible about how you will confirm the provenance of claimed data, such as the type of KYB service.
We verify a client's data ownership through comprehensive data reviews, adhering to Filecoin Plus protocols and aligning with our core values. The legitimacy of the client and their data holds importance for approval into the Filecoin ecosystem. To ensure authentic identification, we employ Jumio, a trusted tool in our verification process.
19. How will you ensure the data meets local & regional legal requirements? *
 Ensuring that clients uphold moral standards consistent with legal requirements is a top priority for us before granting Datacap requests. Our process begins by verifying the client's identification through Jumio. Subsequently, we conduct a thorough examination of the storage providers' locations, ensuring legal compliance at a regional level. We strictly refrain from accepting any data that violates legal standards across most countries. In addition, we employ data sampling techniques to confirm that the data hasn't been flagged previously, and we ensure it is free from any illegal activities. As a final security measure, we request clients to encrypt their data. Our guidelines are stringent, and we reject applications that deviate from Filecoin Plus protocols, legal laws, or the standards set by our organization. This approach underscores our commitment to maintaining ethical and legal standards within the Filecoin ecosystem.
20. What types of data preparation will you support or require? *
Will you provide specific data prep services or integrations? Will you support or require
things like sharding of data?
We offer valuable data prechecks to facilitate the onboarding of data. These prechecks are designed to ensure that the data meets the necessary criteria for approval and can successfully pass any verifications required for obtaining Datacap. Our commitment to thorough assessments and compliance measures contributes to a smooth and efficient process for clients seeking approval within the Filecoin ecosystem.
21. What tools or methodology will you use to sample and verify the data aligns with your pathway? *
How will you confirm the data matches what a client claims, both in type and preparation requirements? How will you prevent sector-size abuse, such as sector padding?
We perform data checks to ensure compliance with our standards: a pre-approval check and a random retrieval from customer nodes for further validation.
~~~ Data Distribution ~~~
This section covers deal-making and data distribution.
As a reminder, the Filecoin Plus program currently defines distributed onboarding as multiple physical locations AND multiple storage provider entities to serve client requirements.
Recommended Minimum: 3 locations, 4 to 5 storage providers, 5 copies

 22. How many replicas will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution? *
23. What geographic or regional distribution will you require? *
For LDN, we have a preference for 5 locations, with a minimum requirement of 4. As for Efil+, we mandate 2 physical locations, as specified in their original storage request.
How many physical locations? How many separate geopolitical regions? Will you require (or exclude) certain geopolitical regions?
24. How many Storage Provider owner/operators will you require to meet programmatic requirements for distribution? *
25. Do you require equal percentage distribution for your clients to their chosen SPs? Will you require preliminary SP distribution plans from the client before allocating any DataCap? *
How will you collect this information? Will you use a template?
Ensuring equitable distribution of Datacap among storage providers is a key priority for our organization. This approach incentivizes strengthening the Filecoin Network while offering equal opportunities to providers. Clients must outline their distribution plan if they wish to allocate Datacap in different percentages. While such requests may be approved, adherence to all protocols is imperative to ensure alignment with Filecoin's guidelines.
26. What tooling will you use to verify client deal-making distribution? *
For example, the existing tooling and/or the CID checker bot
To verify client deal-making distribution, we utilize and the CID checker bot.
27. How will clients meet SP distribution requirements? *
Will you use software (such as a data-clearinghouse) to programmatically choose and
distribute data from clients to SPs?
To check if client’s meet SP distribution requirements, we will use the allocation outlined for II+ LDN, available on GitHub [link:

 e-datacap-allocation]. Clients seeking Datacap for data exceeding 100 TiB are recommended to follow Filecoin’s Plus Protocols for storing large data sets.
28. As an allocator, do you support clients that engage in deal-making with SPs utilizing a VPN? *
How will you track and report on VPN usage?
We permit the use of VPNs, provided they comply with both Filecoin Plus regulations and our organization's rules. Our KYC process mandates proof of company and location to prevent identity or location fraud for users utilizing VPNs. This ensures a secure and transparent verification process.
~~~ DataCap Allocation Strategy ~~~
In this section, you will explain your client DataCap allocation strategy.
Keep in mind the program principle over Limited Trust Over Time. Parties, such as clients, start with a limited amount of trust and power. Additional trust and power need to be earned over time through good-faith execution of their responsibilities and transparency of their actions.
29. Will you use standardized DataCap allocations to clients? * Yes we are using standardized DataCap allocations to clients. 30. Allocation Tranche Schedule to clients: *
We follow the standard DataCap tranche size calculations provided by Filecoin.
“First Allocation: 5% of the requested DataCap total or 50% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is smaller.
Second Allocation: 10% of the requested DataCap total or 100% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is smaller.
Third Allocation: 20% of the requested DataCap total or 200% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is smaller.
Fourth Allocation: 40% of the requested DataCap total or 400% of the weekly allocation rate, whichever is smaller.
Subsequent Allocations: 80% of the requested DataCap total or 800% of the

 weekly allocation rate, whichever is smaller.”
31. Will you use programmatic or software based allocations? * We use standardized and software base allocations.
32. What tooling will you use to construct messages and send allocations to clients? * We use the notary registry tool provided by Filecoin+. (
33. Describe the process for granting additional DataCap to previously verified clients. *
Will you use certain criteria for starting a subsequent allocation request, such as the percentage of DataCap remaining? Will you use open-source tooling such as the Subsequent Allocation (SA) bot, or other automated tooling?
We extend additional Datacap to previously verified clients after conducting an extensive search for track records and reviewing previous requests. This thorough process ensures the trustworthiness of the client and helps prevent any fraudulent activities. If a track record is found to violate Filecoin Plus regulations or our organization's rules, we refrain from granting additional Datacap and closely monitor their actions within the ecosystem.
XnMatrix implements several measures to ensure responsible usage of DataCap and prevent misuse:
Transaction Monitoring:
● Utilize the website to check if a client has exclusively
transacted with a single Storage Provider (SP).
● Sync with different notaries and crosscheck regularly to eliminate
concerns of misusing DataCap. Customer Disclosure and Tracking:
● Require customers to disclose their addresses.
● Set up tracking records and conduct rigorous investigations into the
customer's stored data. Customer Rating Database:
● Establish a special customer rating database.
● Provide warnings or implement punishments for low-scoring or
poor-performing customers. Incentivizing Positive Behavior:
● Improve the customer's score for storage data diversity and high data authenticity.
● Publicly praise and acknowledge customers with positive behavior. Community Volunteer Participation:
 ● Recruit community volunteers to actively participate in monitoring activities.
● Enhance transparency and community involvement to ensure responsible DataCap usage.
These measures collectively contribute to fostering a secure and responsible environment within the Filecoin community, promoting fair and ethical practices in data storage and allocation.
~~~ Tooling & Bookkeeping ~~~
This program relies on many software tools in order to function. The Filecoin Foundation and PL have invested in many different elements of this end-to-end process, and will continue to make those tools open-sourced. Our goal is to increase adoption, and we will balance customization with efficiency.
This section will cover the various UX/UI tools for your pathway. You should think high-level (GitHub repo architecture) as well as tactical (specific bots and API endoints).
34. Describe in as much detail as possible the tools used for:
• client discoverability & applications: XnMatrix Excel sheets, meetings, folders • due diligence & investigation:
• bookkeeping: Excel Sheet
• on-chain message construction: Filecoin Plus Website
• client deal-making behavior: CID Checker Bot
• tracking overall allocator health: CID Checker Bot
• dispute discussion & resolution: Github Notary Governance Repo, Emailing, Slack
• community updates & comms: Slack, Github, Email
Address all the tools & software platforms in your process.
35. Will you use open-source tooling from the Fil+ team? *
How much and which tools will you utilize? If not, please specify the tools you'll use and explain the process (such as GitHub repo, Google spreadsheet, MongoDB).
 We are using many Fil+ open source tools including GitHub Repo, Excel Sheets, Google Sheets, Checker bots, AC bot, LD bot, CID checker, etc.
36. Where will you keep your records for bookkeeping? How will you maintain transparency in your allocation decisions? *
Not all of your diligence and client info needs to be fully public at all times. The expectation is that some portion of information should be public for community transparency and ongoing auditing, and some information should be available upon request by the Fil+ Governance team to resolve disputes or audits.
Please specify public (e.g. GitHub) vs. private (e.g. email) methods, what info will be in these different platforms, and how to request more info when neccessary.
GitHub serves as a platform for posting community updates, official public records for Datacap requests, and communications made by data clients (if accepted by the client). Email communication is employed to engage with clients, addressing inquiries, providing clarification, discussing their process, resolving issues, and facilitating effective communication throughout the engagement.
~~~ Risk Mitigation, Auditing, Compliance ~~~
This framework ensures the responsible allocation of DataCap by conducting regular audits, enforcing strict compliance checks, and requiring allocators to maintain transparency and engage with the community. This approach safeguards the ecosystem, deters misuse, and upholds the commitment to a fair and accountable storage marketplace.
In addition to setting their own rules, each notary allocator will be responsible for managing compliance within their own pathway. You will need to audit your own clients, manage interventions (such as removing DataCap from clients and keeping records), and respond to disputes.
37. Describe your proposed compliance check mechanisms for your own clients.
How will you track and audit your own DataCap distribution, and the downstream usage
by your clients? How much tolerance will you have for new clients? *
This should include regular check-ins, tracking DataCap distribution metrics, understanding client demographics, time metrics, trust evaluations, and the use of tools such as CID Checker/Retrievability Bot.
We manage our audits of Datacap distribution internally through Google Spreadsheets, where comprehensive client information is documented. Regular

 check-ins via email are conducted to ensure ongoing legitimacy and compliance. In addition, we utilize tools such as the CID Checker Bot, time metrics, and retrievability bot to actively assess data integrity, prevent fraudulent activities, and evaluate Datacap usage. We welcome new clients who successfully pass our rigorous assessments for legitimacy, accuracy, safety, and legal compliance.
38. Describe your process for handling disputes. Highlight response times, transparency, and accountability mechanisms. *
A dispute within the context of DataCap allocation refers to any contention or disagreement arising between parties involved in the storage and retrieval of data on the Filecoin network. This could involve discrepancies over DataCap distribution, disagreements on data compliance with stated parameters, or conflicts over the execution of storage deals.
Disputes may be internal, involving yourself and your client, or external, where you will need to defend your decisions against another active notary or the Fil+ Governance Team.
Addressing disputes is a top priority for XnMatrix. We leverage the T&T tracker to assess disputes and the involved clients, promoting transparency in our resolution process. Our personal Excel sheet that allows us to track the status of clients efficiently. We commit to responding to any updates within 24 hours, whether on GitHub or through email. Valuing our clients, we remain vigilant in upholding Filecoin's guidelines. We take a case-by-case approach, and if necessary, we will remove DataCap accordingly.
39. Detail how you will announce updates to tooling, pathway guidelines, parameters, and process alterations. *
We expect and encourage iteration of both tactical tooling and strategic programmatic rules. These updates should happen as necessary for security or compliance needs, but not so frequent as to introduce thrash or scope creep.
Certain material programmatic changes or updates may be deemed out of scope by the Fil+ Governance Team, and may require a reapplication to be scored against the rubric. For example, an 'update' from a single automated diligence process to include a new manual process may require a new notary allocator application.
We utilize Github and Slack tools to announce updates.
40. How long will you allow the community to provide feedback before implementing changes? *
We strive for open, transparent, and decentralized community structures. However, decentralization does not always mean equal ownership or power granted to any and every community member.

 How will you engage the community, provide moderation and facilitation, and weigh the feedback?
The implementation of changes is case-dependent. For urgent cases, discussions and implementation will occur within a couple of days. In more complex situations, additional time will be allocated for thorough discussions with the Filecoin community before implementing changes.
41. Regarding security, how will you structure and secure the on-chain notary address? If you will utilize a multisig, how will it be structured? Who will have administrative & signatory rights? *
Describe additional IT & OpSec guardrails.
The on-chain notary address will be safeguarded by utilizing a ledger wallet. Designated ledger holders will possess the authority to sign on this address, ensuring secure access and protection.
42. Will you deploy smart contracts for program or policy procedures? If so, how will you track and fund them? *
Please provide the repo, tooling, and any existing drafts.
We refrain from deploying smart contracts for program or policy procedures.
~~~ Monetization ~~~
While the Filecoin Foundation and PL will continue to make investments into developing the program and open-sourcing tools, we are also striving to expand and encourage high levels of service and professionalism through these new Notary Allocator pathways. These pathways require increasingly complex tooling and auditing platforms, and we understand that Notaries (and the teams and organizations responsible) are making investments into building effective systems.
It is reasonable for teams building services in this marketplace to include monetization structures. Our primary guiding principles in this regard are transparency and equity. We require these monetization pathways to be clear, consistent, and auditable.
43. Outline your monetization models for the services you provide as a notary allocator pathway. *
Monetization structures may include staking and slashing collateral for clients or SPs based on compliance, as well as fees for services: application review, data prep, data clearinghouse distribution, or auditing.

 Provide as much detail as possible, including specific price points for end-to-end services.
Our notary ventures are not driven by monetization. We are committed to continuing our notary journey to contribute to the Filecoin community, fostering a secure environment for decentralized cloud storage.
44. Describe your organization's structure, such as the legal entity and other business & market ventures. *
 XnMatrix proudly stands as the world's premier IPFS supplier, leading with the
 most prominent IPFS mine pool. Our ambition is to evolve into the foremost
 decentralized cloud computing platform globally. Our allocator offers
 comprehensive storage services, encompassing resource management, trading,
 and token transactions across various blockchains. In parallel, XnMatrix delivers
 decentralized cloud computing services, leveraging the Web 3.0 infrastructure
 supported by blockchain technology. Actively engaging in online AMA meetings,
 we remain committed to fostering a robust and collaborative community.
 Furthermore, we achieved success in hosting the 2020 Distributed Storage
 Summit in Chengdu, further solidifying our commitment to advancements in the
 decentralized storage landscape.
45. Where will accounting for fees be maintained? *
Our Notary service does not incur any accounting fees. We aim to provide our services with transparency and efficiency without imposing additional financial burdens on our clients.
Discuss staking, burning, or releasing mechanisms, and how the Fil+ Governance and other stakeholders will be able to audit monetization.
~~~ Past Experience, Affiliations, Reputation ~~~
The Filecoin ecosystem and marketplace is diverse and expansive, and it is reasonable for organizations to have multiple teams and investments in various projects. The Filecoin Plus program seeks to subsidize activity that benefits the broader network, while eliminating closed loop or sybil behaviors that disproportionately reward a single stakeholder entity.
46. If you've received DataCap allocation privileges before, please link to prior notary applications. *
1. 2.

 3. 47. How are you connected to the Filecoin ecosystem? Describe your (or your
organization's) Filecoin relationships, investments, or ownership. *
These may include Storage Providers, existing client applications, developer service
providers, and more.
 As an organization, our robust relationship with the Filecoin community,
 established since 2019, is characterized by significant contributions to the
 network's advancement. Serving as both a miner and researcher, we actively
 participated in key initiatives, including the testnet, space race, slingshot, and
 mainnet. Our discussions on Github issues reflect our commitment to the
 ongoing development and improvement of the Filecoin network. Furthermore, our
 deep involvement in Filecoin mining is evidenced by our multiple miner IDs
 (f02614, f09652, f010424, f03362, f020928, f039992, and f01929568), boasting a
 substantial total computing power of about 600 PiB. This dedication underscores
 our significant role in the growth and success of the Filecoin ecosystem.
48. How are you estimating your client demand and pathway usage? Do you have existing clients and an onboarding funnel? *
~~~ Additional Disclosure Details ~~~
••• NOTE: Responses from the following section will NOT be made public or posted back in GitHub •••
We have previously collected this information on notary applicants during the ratification and due diligence process. However, in order to decrease delays in onboarding new notaries, we will collect this information during the initial application stage.
By submitting this information, you certify that it is true and correct.
The Filecoin Plus program applies the Filecoin Foundation privacy policies, which can be found here:
 As a data infrastructure company within the Filecoin ecosystem, we specialize in
 decentralized storage. Clients connect with us through various channels for
 datacap applications, and we guide them to the Fil+ program. White-label services
 aren't offered, but we will direct clients to other notaries for DataCap applications.
 Your participation in Filecoin Plus serves as your acknowledgement and acceptance of these policies.
49. Full legal name AND country of residence of the individuals who will have access to the Notary Allocator Address: *
Provide both name and country for all individuals or officers who will be responsible for managing the notary allocator pathway.
Full Name: Wenjie Wu
Country of Residence: United States of America
50. Email address for individuals and overall organization contact: *
Provide all email contacts for individuals or officers who will be responsible for
managing the notary allocator pathway.
Email: 51. Slack Unique ID's: *
Provide Slack IDs and handles for everyone who will be authorized to speak on behalf of the organization
Slack Handle: @XnMatrix
ID: U01RS364Q9H
52. GitHub Handles: *
Provide all GitHub handles for individuals or officers who will be responsible for managing the notary allocator pathway.
Github Handle: @XnMatrixSV
53. Confirm the on-chain notary address for DataCap is secured. * How was the address created, and how are the keys secured?
Created and secured with Ledger hardware wallet
Created and secured with other hardware wallet
  Created with Filecoin implementation, such as Lotus. Private keys and hardware
 secured with passwords and IT OpSec best practices.
54. Additional Network Address Ownership: *
Applicants must disclose additional relevant Filecoin addresses that they (or their organization) control, have a financial stake in, or are strongly connected to by other means. List the addresses and describe the relationship
f02614, f09652, f010424, f03362, f020928, f039992, and f01929568
55. Upfront Ownership Disclosures *
Prior to being confirmed as a Notary, applicants are expected to disclose ALL relevant addresses or other Notaries which they control, have a financial stake in, or are strongly connected to by other means.
56. Commitment to Efficiency / SLA *
Allocators agree to serve as fiduciaries of the Network, striving to work towards bringing useful data onto Filecoin and improving the experience for clients to do so. Allocators should generally be able to respond to Client applications and updates within 3 days, and should be comfortable communicating with Clients, Community, and Governance Team if an application needs to be redirected.
57. Distributed Impact *
To prevent conflicts of interest, notaries should not allocate DataCap to clients over which they control the private keys, or to a client who intends to exclusively spend the allocated DataCap with an address affiliated with the allocator. When in doubt, allocators should bias towards transparency (i.e. public disclosure). * Disputes will be reviewed and if found in violation of terms, may result in Allocator removal from program.
58. Due Diligence & Bookkeeping Plan *
Selecting Acknowledge confirms that you will abide by the allocation & client due diligence plan you laid out in your application. * Disputes will be reviewed and if found in violation of terms, may result in Allocator removal from program.