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Document Lifecycle

This guide covers OpenSearch .NET Client API actions for Document Lifecycle. You'll learn how to create, read, update, and delete documents in your OpenSearch cluster. Whether you're new to OpenSearch or an experienced user, this guide provides the information you need to manage your document lifecycle effectively.


Assuming you have OpenSearch running locally on port 9200, you can create a client instance with the following code:

var node = new Uri("https://localhost:9200");
var config = new ConnectionSettings(node)
    .BasicAuthentication("admin", <admin-password>)
var client = new OpenSearchClient(config);

class Movie
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Director { get; set; }
    public int? Year { get; set; }
    public override string ToString()
        return $"{nameof(Title)}: {Title}, {nameof(Director)}: {Director}, {nameof(Year)}: {Year}";

Next, create an index named movies with the default settings:

var createIndexResponse = client.Indices.Create("movies", c => c
    .Map<Movie>(m => m
        .Properties(p => p
            .Text(t => t
                .Name(o => o.Title))
            .Text(t => t
                .Name(o => o.Director))
            .Number(n => n
                .Name(o => o.Year)
Debug.Assert(createIndexResponse.IsValid, createIndexResponse.DebugInformation);

Document API Actions

Create a new document with specified ID

To create a new document, use the Create or Index API action. The following code creates two new documents with IDs of 1 and 2:

var createResponse = client.Create(new Movie
    Title = "The Godfather",
    Director = "Francis Ford Coppola",
    Year = 1972
}, i => i.Index("movies").Id(1));
Debug.Assert(createResponse.IsValid, createResponse.DebugInformation);

var indexResponse = client.Index(new Movie
    Title = "The Godfather: Part II",
    Director = "Francis Ford Coppola",
    Year = 1974
}, i => i.Index("movies").Id(2));
Debug.Assert(indexResponse.IsValid, indexResponse.DebugInformation);

Note that the Create action is NOT idempotent. If you try to create a document with an ID that already exists, the request will fail:

var createResponse2 = client.Create(new Movie
    Title = "The Godfather: Part II",
    Director = "Francis Ford Coppola",
    Year = 1974
}, i => i.Index("movies").Id(2));
Debug.Assert(createResponse2.IsValid, createResponse2.DebugInformation); // Will fail because the document with ID 2 already exists

The Index action, on the other hand, is idempotent. If you try to index a document with an existing ID, the request will succeed and overwrite the existing document. Note that no new document will be created in this case. You can think of the Index action as an upsert:

var indexResponse2 = client.Index(new Movie
    Title = "The Godfather: Part III",
    Director = "Francis Ford Coppola",
    Year = 1974
}, i => i.Index("movies").Id(2));
Debug.Assert(indexResponse2.IsValid, indexResponse2.DebugInformation);

// Succeeds and overwrites the existing document
var indexResponse3 = client.Index(new Movie
    Title = "The Godfather: Part IV",
    Director = "Francis Ford Coppola",
    Year = 1974
}, i => i.Index("movies").Id(2));
Debug.Assert(indexResponse3.IsValid, indexResponse3.DebugInformation);

Create a new document with auto-generated ID

You can also create a new document with an auto-generated ID by omitting the Id parameter. The following code creates documents with an auto-generated IDs in the movies index:

var indexResponse4 = client.Index(new Movie
    Title = "The Godfather: Part V",
    Director = "Francis Ford Coppola",
    Year = 1974
}, i => i.Index("movies"));
Debug.Assert(indexResponse4.IsValid, indexResponse4.DebugInformation);
Console.WriteLine("Auto generated id: " + indexResponse4.Id); // Auto generated id: NwLwaYsBxGGvdhiDoN5-

Get a document

To get a document, use the Get API action. The following code gets the document with ID 1 from the movies index:

var getResponse = client.Get<Movie>(1, g => g.Index("movies"));
// -> Title: The Godfather, Director: Francis Ford Coppola, Year: 1972

You can also use SourceIncludes and SourceExcludes parameters to specify which fields to include or exclude in the response:

var getResponse2 = client.Get<Movie>(1, g => g
    .SourceIncludes(m => m.Title));
// -> Title: The Godfather, Director: , Year:

var getResponse3 = client.Get<Movie>(1, g => g
    .SourceExcludes(m => m.Title));
// -> Title: , Director: Francis Ford Coppola, Year: 1972

Get multiple documents

To get multiple documents, use the MultiGet API action or the GetMany helper. The following code gets the documents with IDs 1 and 2 from the movies index:

var mgIds = new long[] { 1, 2 };

var multiGetResponse = client.MultiGet(mg => mg
    .GetMany<Movie>(mgIds, (g, id) => g.Index("movies")));
Console.WriteLine(string.Join('\n', multiGetResponse.SourceMany<Movie>(mgIds)));

// OR:

var multiGetHits = client.GetMany<Movie>(mgIds, "movies");
Console.WriteLine(string.Join('\n', multiGetHits.Select(h => h.Source)));

// -> Title: The Godfather, Director: Francis Ford Coppola, Year: 1972
// -> Title: The Godfather: Part IV, Director: Francis Ford Coppola, Year: 1974

Check if a document exists

To check if a document exists, use the DocumentExists API action. The following code checks if the document with ID 1 exists in the movies index:

var existsResponse = client.DocumentExists<Movie>(1, d => d.Index("movies"));
Debug.Assert(existsResponse.Exists, existsResponse.DebugInformation);

Update a document

To update a document, use the Update API action. The following code updates the Year field of the document with ID 1 in the movies index:

var updateResponse = client.Update<Movie>(1, u => u
    .Doc(new Movie { Year = 2023 }));
Debug.Assert(updateResponse.IsValid, updateResponse.DebugInformation);
Console.WriteLine(client.Get<Movie>(1, g => g.Index("movies")).Source);
// -> Title: The Godfather, Director: Francis Ford Coppola, Year: 2023

Alternatively, you can use the Script parameter to update a document using a script. The following code increments the Year field of the document with ID 1 by 5 using painless script, the default scripting language in OpenSearch:

var updateResponse2 = client.Update<Movie>(1, u => u
    .Script(s => s
        .Source("ctx._source.year += params.count")
        .Params(p => p
            .Add("count", 5))));
Debug.Assert(updateResponse2.IsValid, updateResponse2.DebugInformation);
Console.WriteLine(client.Get<Movie>(1, g => g.Index("movies")).Source);
// -> Title: The Godfather, Director: Francis Ford Coppola, Year: 2028

Note that while both Update and Index actions perform updates, they are not the same. The Update action is a partial update, while the Index action is a full update. The Update action only updates the fields that are specified in the request body, while the Index action overwrites the entire document with the new document.

Update multiple documents by query

To update documents that match a query, use the UpdateByQuery API action. The following code decreases the Year field of all documents with Year greater than 2023:

var updateByQueryResponse = client.UpdateByQuery<Movie>(u => u
    .Query(q => q
        .Range(r => r
            .Field(f => f.Year)
    .Script(s => s
        .Source("ctx._source.year -= params.count")
        .Params(p => p
            .Add("count", 1)))
Debug.Assert(updateByQueryResponse.IsValid && updateByQueryResponse.Updated == 1, updateByQueryResponse.DebugInformation);
Console.WriteLine(client.Get<Movie>(1, g => g.Index("movies")).Source);
// -> Title: The Godfather, Director: Francis Ford Coppola, Year: 2027

Delete a document

To delete a document, use the Delete API action. The following code deletes the document with ID 1:

var deleteResponse = client.Delete<Movie>(1, d => d.Index("movies"));
Debug.Assert(deleteResponse.IsValid, deleteResponse.DebugInformation);

Delete multiple documents by query

To delete documents that match a query, use the DeleteByQuery API action. The following code deletes all documents with Year greater than 1965:

var deleteByQueryResponse = client.DeleteByQuery<Movie>(d => d
    .Query(q => q
        .Range(r => r
            .Field(f => f.Year)
    deleteByQueryResponse.IsValid && deleteByQueryResponse.Deleted == 2,


To clean up the resources created in this guide, delete the movies index:

var deleteIndexResponse = client.Indices.Delete("movies");
Debug.Assert(deleteIndexResponse.IsValid, deleteIndexResponse.DebugInformation);