Some courses or papers I have learned.
- Online Courses
- Papers
- Software and Skills
LeCun Y, Bengio Y, Hinton G. Deep learning[J]. (Nature 2015) [paper]
Ruder S. An overview of multi-task learning in deep neural networks[J]. (arXiv 2017) [paper]
Garcia-Garcia A, Orts-Escolano S, Oprea S, et al. A review on deep learning techniques applied to semantic segmentation[J]. (arXiv 2017) [Segmentation]
Liu L, Ouyang W, Wang X, et al. Deep learning for generic object detection: A survey[J]. (arXiv 2018) [Detection]
Hong Y, Hwang U, Yoo J, et al. How Generative Adversarial Networks and Their Variants Work: An Overview[J]. (CSUR 2019) [paper]
Simonyan K, Zisserman A. Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition[C]. (ICLR 2015) [VGGNet]
Szegedy C, Liu W, Jia Y, et al. Going deeper with convolutions[C]. (CVPR 2015) [Inception]
He K, Zhang X, Ren S, et al. Delving deep into rectifiers: Surpassing human-level performance on imagenet classification[C]. (ICCV 2015) [PReLU]
Ioffe S, Szegedy C. Batch normalization: Accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift[C]. (ICML 2015) [BatchNorm]
Szegedy C, Vanhoucke V, Ioffe S, et al. Rethinking the inception architecture for computer vision[C]. (CVPR 2016) [InceptionV3]
He K, Zhang X, Ren S, et al. Deep residual learning for image recognition[C]. (CVPR 2016) [ResNet]
He K, Zhang X, Ren S, et al. Identity mappings in deep residual networks[C]. (ECCV 2016) [ResNetV2]
Xie S, Girshick R, Dollár P, et al. Aggregated residual transformations for deep neural networks[C]. (CVPR 2017) [ResNeXt]
Huang G, Liu Z, Van Der Maaten L, et al. Densely connected convolutional networks[C]. (CVPR 2017) [DenseNet]
Hu J, Shen L, Sun G. Squeeze-and-excitation networks[C]. (CVPR 2018) [SE-Net]
Sun S, Pang J, Shi J, et al. FishNet: A versatile backbone for image, region, and pixel level prediction[C]. (NIPS 2018) [FishNet]
Zeiler M D, Fergus R. Visualizing and understanding convolutional networks[C]. (ECCV 2014) [paper]
Xu K, Ba J, Kiros R, et al. Show, attend and tell: Neural image caption generation with visual attention[C]. (ICML 2015) [paper]
Zhou B, Khosla A, Lapedriza A, et al. Learning deep features for discriminative localization[C]. (CVPR 2016) [CAM]
Geirhos R, Rubisch P, Michaelis C, et al. ImageNet-trained CNNs are biased towards texture; increasing shape bias improves accuracy and robustness[C]. (ICLR 2019) [shapeVStexture]
Lin M, Chen Q, Yan S. Network in network[C]. (2013.12) [Conv1x1]
Springenberg J T, Dosovitskiy A, Brox T, et al. Striving for simplicity: The all convolutional net[C] (ICLR workshop 2015) [paper]
Jaderberg M, Simonyan K, Zisserman A. Spatial transformer networks[C]. (NIPS 2015) [STN]
Yu Q, Wang J, Zhang S, et al. Combining local and global hypotheses in deep neural network for multi-label image classification[J]. (Neurocomputing 2017) [2015.08]
Chollet F. Xception: Deep learning with depthwise separable convolutions[C]. (CVPR 2017) [Xception]
Howard A G, Zhu M, Chen B, et al. MobileNets: Efficient convolutional neural networks for mobile vision applications[C]. (2017.04) [MobileNet]
Wu Y, He K. Group normalization[C]. (ECCV 2018) [GroupNorm]
Xie J, He T, Zhang Z, et al. Bag of tricks for image classification with convolutional neural networks[C]. (CVPR 2019) [tricks]
Karpathy A, Toderici G, Shetty S, et al. Large-scale video classification with convolutional neural networks[C]. (CVPR 2014) [paper]
Yue-Hei Ng J, Hausknecht M, Vijayanarasimhan S, et al. Beyond short snippets: Deep networks for video classification[C]. (CVPR 2015) [paper]
Donahue J, Anne Hendricks L, Guadarrama S, et al. Long-term recurrent convolutional networks for visual recognition and description[C]. (CVPR 2015) [paper]
Wang X, Girshick R, Gupta A, et al. Non-local neural networks[C]. (CVPR 2018) [Non-local]
Redmon J, Divvala S, Girshick R, et al. You only look once: Unified, real-time object detection[C]. (CVPR 2016) [YOLO]
Liu W, Anguelov D, Erhan D, et al. Ssd: Single shot multibox detector[C]. (ECCV 2016) [SSD]
Redmon J, Farhadi A. YOLO9000: better, faster, stronger[C]. (CVPR 2017) [YOLOv2]
Redmon J, Farhadi A. YOLOv3: An incremental improvement[J]. (arXiv 2018) [YOLOv3]
Lin T Y, Goyal P, Girshick R, et al. Focal loss for dense object detection[C]. (ICCV 2017) [Focal Loss]
Zhang S, Wen L, Bian X, et al. Single-shot refinement neural network for object detection[C]. (CVPR 2018) [RefineDet]
Girshick R, Donahue J, Darrell T, et al. Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation[C]. (CVPR 2014) [R-CNN]
Girshick R. Fast R-CNN[C]. (ICCV 2015) [Fast R-CNN]
Ren S, He K, Girshick R, et al. Faster r-cnn: Towards real-time object detection with region proposal networks[C]. (NIPS 2015) [Faster R-CNN]
Shrivastava A, Gupta A, Girshick R. Training region-based object detectors with online hard example mining[C]. (CVPR 2016) [OHEM]
Lin T Y, Dollár P, Girshick R, et al. Feature pyramid networks for object detection[C]. (CVPR 2017) [FPN]
He K, Gkioxari G, Dollár P, et al. Mask R-CNN[C]. (ICCV 2017) [Mask R-CNN]
Long J, Shelhamer E, Darrell T. Fully convolutional networks for semantic segmentation[C]. (CVPR 2015) [FCN]
Chen L C, Papandreou G, Kokkinos I, et al. Semantic image segmentation with deep convolutional nets and fully connected CRFs[J]. (arXiv 2014) [DeepLabV1]
Ronneberger O, Fischer P, Brox T. U-Net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation[C]. (MICCAI 2015) [U-Net]
Badrinarayanan V, Kendall A, Cipolla R. SegNet: A deep convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for image segmentation[J]. (TPAMI 2017) [SegNet]
Yu F, Koltun V. Multi-scale context aggregation by dilated convolutions[J]. (arXiv 2015) [paper]
Wu Z, Shen C, Hengel A. High-performance semantic segmentation using very deep fully convolutional networks[J]. (arXiv 2016) [OHEM]
Chen L C, Papandreou G, Kokkinos I, et al. Deeplab: Semantic image segmentation with deep convolutional nets, atrous convolution, and fully connected CRFs[J]. (TPAMI 2018) [DeepLabV2]
Lin G, Milan A, Shen C, et al. RefineNet: Multi-path refinement networks for high-resolution semantic segmentation[C]. (CVPR 2017) [RefineNet]
Zhao H, Shi J, Qi X, et al. Pyramid scene parsing network[C]. (CVPR 2017) [PSPNet]
Wang P, Chen P, Yuan Y, et al. Understanding convolution for semantic segmentation[C]. (WACV 2018) [DUC]
Yu F, Koltun V, Funkhouser T. Dilated residual networks[C]. (CVPR 2017) [paper]
Chen L C, Papandreou G, Schroff F, et al. Rethinking atrous convolution for semantic image segmentation[J]. (arXiv 2017) [DeepLabV3]
Chen L C, Zhu Y, Papandreou G, et al. Encoder-decoder with atrous separable convolution for semantic image segmentation[C]. (ECCV 2018) [DeepLabV3+]
Ke T W, Hwang J J, Liu Z, et al. Adaptive Affinity Fields for Semantic Segmentation[C]. (ECCV 2018) [AAF]
Zhang H, Dana K, Shi J, et al. Context encoding for semantic segmentation[C]. (CVPR 2018) [EncNet]
Zhang Z, Zhang X, Peng C, et al. ExFuse: Enhancing feature fusion for semantic segmentation[C]. (ECCV 2018) [ExFuse]
Yu C, Wang J, Peng C, et al. Learning a discriminative feature network for semantic segmentation[C]. (CVPR 2018) [DFN]
Chen L C, Collins M, Zhu Y, et al. Searching for efficient multi-scale architectures for dense image prediction[C]. (NIPS 2018) [NAS Seg]
Zhao H, Zhang Y, Liu S, et al. PSANet: Point-wise spatial attention network for scene parsing[C] (ECCV 2018) [PSANet]
Fu J, Liu J, Tian H, et al. Dual attention network for scene segmentation[J]. (arXiv 2018) [DANet]
Huang Z, Wang X, Huang L, et al. CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation[J]. (arXiv 2018) [CCNet]
Paszke A, Chaurasia A, Kim S, et al. ENet: A deep neural network architecture for real-time semantic segmentation[J]. (arXiv 2016) [ENet]
Zhao H, Qi X, Shen X, et al. ICNet for real-time semantic segmentation on high-resolution images[C]. (ECCV 2018) [ICNet]
Mehta S, Rastegari M, Caspi A, et al. ESPnet: Efficient spatial pyramid of dilated convolutions for semantic segmentation[C]. (ECCV 2018) [ESPNet]
Yu C, Wang J, Peng C, et al. BiSeNet: Bilateral segmentation network for real-time semantic segmentation[C] (ECCV 2018) [BiSeNet]
Qi C R, Su H, Mo K, et al. PointNet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation[C]. (CVPR 2017) [PointNet]
Qi C R, Yi L, Su H, et al. Pointnet++: Deep hierarchical feature learning on point sets in a metric space[C] (NIPS 2017) [PointNet++]
- He K, Gkioxari G, Dollár P, et al. Mask R-CNN[C]. (ICCV 2017) [Mask R-CNN]
Kirillov A, He K, Girshick R, et al. Panoptic segmentation[J]. (arXiv 2018) [metric]
Yang T J, Collins M D, Zhu Y, et al. DeeperLab: Single-Shot Image Parser[J]. (arXiv 2019) [DeeperLab]
Kirillov A, Girshick R, He K, et al. Panoptic Feature Pyramid Networks[J]. (arXiv 2019) [Panoptic FPN]
Tzeng E, Hoffman J, Zhang N, et al. Deep domain confusion: Maximizing for domain invariance[J]. (arXiv 2014) [paper]
Ghifary M, Kleijn W B, Zhang M. Domain adaptive neural networks for object recognition[C]. (PRICAI 2014) [paper]
Long M, Cao Y, Wang J, et al. Learning transferable features with deep adaptation networks[C]. (ICML 2015) [DAN]
Ganin Y, Lempitsky V. Unsupervised domain adaptation by backpropagation[C]. (ICML 2015) [DaNN]
Li Y, Wang N, Shi J, et al. Adaptive Batch Normalization for practical domain adaptation[J]. (PR 2018) [AdapaBN]
Kim Y. Convolutional neural networks for sentence classification[C]. (EMNLP 2014) [TextCNN][code]
Christopher Olah. Understanding LSTMs. (2015.08) [url]
Bahdanau D, Cho K, Bengio Y. Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate[C]. (ICLR 2018) [Attention]
Gehring J, Auli M, Grangier D, et al. Convolutional sequence to sequence learning[C]. (ICML 2017) [ConvS2S]
Vaswani A, Shazeer N, Parmar N, et al. Attention is all you need[C]. (NIPS 2017) [Transformer]
- TensorFlow [install&docs]
- Keras [docs]
- PyTorch [install] [docs]