This project is an interpreter of text files describing commands over graphic figures.
Build instructions:
# clone repo and download googletests
git clone
cd text_graphic_interpreter
git submodule update --init --recursive
# make build directory
mkdir build
cd build
# generate projects
cmake ..
# build
# run unittests
# run program
put Figures file <*.txt> in build directory
./Interpr <*.txt>
when program is ended, output file will be in the same directory
#List of commands that u can use in Figure.txt:
create circle <id> <color> <x> <y> <radius>
create rectangle <id> <color> <x> <y> <w> <h>
create square <id> <color> <x> <y> <side>
create triangle <id> <color> <x> <y> <a> <b>
set color <id> <color>
move <id> <dx> <dy>
scale <id> <scale>
bring to back <id>
bring to front <id>
draw <filename> <scene_x> <scene_y> <scene_w> <scene_h> <width> <height>