Provides additional Sand and Red Sand
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault coralErosion
Dead Coral and Dead Coral Fans with water flowing out of them will spawn a Sand item every 16-32 seconds. Fire versions spawn Red Sand instead.
The Coral has a 3% chance to break after spawning Sand.
Infinitely automatic farms are possible, but not trivial.
This method was added because:
- Getting Sand purely from the Wandering Trader is not sufficient.
- Gravity block duping and Trader multi-use bugs are unintended and could be fixed at any time.
- The old method where Husks dropped Sand is boring as it's just another standard mob farm.
Provides Shulkers
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault shulkerSpawning
When an Ender Dragon is re-killed, a Shulker spawns on top of the Bedrock pillar.
Provides Nether Wart
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault rammingWart
When a Goat rams a Nether Wart Block, it will break into Nether Wart.
Provides Deepslate
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableDeepslate
Disable only splash with /carpetskyadditions setDefault renewableDeepslate no_splash
Right-clicking or dispensing a Thick Potion on Stone converts it to Deepslate.
A Thick Splash Potion will convert all Stone blocks hit by the splash into Deepslate.
Provides Netherrack and Nylium
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableNetherrack
When a Nether Portal generates in the void, it generates a few blocks of Netherrack or Nylium around it.
Which block is generated depends on the Biome -- Crimson Nylium in Crimson Forests, Warped Nylium in Warped Forests, Netherrack elsewhere.
Provides tall flowers
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault tallFlowersFromWanderingTrader
Tall Flowers trades mimic Bedrock.
Item | Price | Trades until disabled |
Lilac | 1 | 12 |
Rose Bush | 1 | 12 |
Peony | 1 | 12 |
Sunflower | 1 | 12 |
Provides Allays
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault allayableVexes
Play Vexes the right sequence of 5 Note Block notes to convert them to Allays.
Vexes listen to Note Blocks within a 16 block range and emit particles based on whether the correct note is played. The instrument is ignored and the octave is ignored, meaning F#3 is treated the same as F#5.
When a Vex is in a Minecart, a Comparator can be used with a Detector Rail to determine the next note in the sequence. The Comparator outputs a value from 0 (corresponding to F#) to 11 (corresponding to F)
Provides Sweet Berries
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault foxesSpawnWithSweetBerriesChance
Set the chance with /carpetskyadditions setDefault foxesSpawnWithSweetBerriesChance <chance>
When a Fox spawns with an item, there is a 20% chance the item is Sweet Berries. The Fox will eat them soon after spawning, so be quick.
Provides Diamonds
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableDiamonds
A Falling Anvil compresses a stack of Coal Blocks into a Diamond.
Provides Glow Lichen
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault lightningElectrifiesVines
If lightning strikes Glowstone with vines attached, the vines will turn into Glow Lichen. It can also strike a Lightning Rod on the Glowstone.
Provides Chorus Fruit and Chorus Flowers
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault gatewaysSpawnChorus
When an End Gateway is taken to a position over the void, the Endstone island generated spawns with a Chorus Tree on it.
Provides Hearts of the Sea
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableHeartsOfTheSea
When a Dolphin is fed a fish, they may dig a Heart of the Sea out of Sand or Gravel on the sea floor.
Make sure to give the Dolphin enough space to search.
Must be in an Ocean biome -- they're Hearts of the Sea, not Hearts of the Jungle.
Provides Budding Amethysts
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableBuddingAmethysts
A lava block surrounded by Calcite which is then surrounded by Smooth Basalt will eventually turn into a Budding Amethyst.
After some time (1/100 chance on a random tick — ~2 hours on average), the Lava in the center will turn into a Budding Amethyst.
Provides Dead Bushes
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault saplingsDieOnSand
Saplings can be placed on Sand and Red Sand.
After a time, the saplings will die and turn into Dead Bushes.
Provides Dragon Heads
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableDragonHeads
When an Ender Dragon is killed by a Charged Creeper, she will drop her head.
Provides Mycelium
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault hugeMushroomsSpreadMycelium
When a Huge Mushroom grows, it spreads Mycelium nearby, similar to how Mega Spruces Trees spread Podzol.
Provides Echo Shards
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableEchoShards
Bats and Dolphins drop an Echo Shard when killed by a Warden's Sonic Boom attack.
Provides Swift Sneak
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault renewableSwiftSneak
An Enchanting Table placed within 8 blocks of a Warden can enchant items with Swift Sneak.
Provides Cave Spiders
Disable with /carpetskyadditions removeDefault poisonousPotatoesConvertSpiders
Use a Poisonous Potato on a Spider to convert it to a Cave Spider.
Provides Lava
Enable with /carpetskyadditions setDefault lavaFromWanderingTrader true
Disabled by Default - Get Lava from a Hero of the Village Gift Instead
Item | Price | Input Item | Trades until disabled |
Lava Bucket | 16 | Bucket | 1 |
Default installation will also enable these fabric-carpet
- renewableSponges for
- run
/carpet removeDefault renewableSponges
to disable
- run
- piglinsSpawningInBastions
for Piglin Brutes and Ancient Debris
- run
/carpet removeDefault piglinsSpawningInBastions
to disable
- run