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API Documentation

Andrew K edited this page Dec 7, 2022 · 37 revisions

### Get current User

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: GET
* URL:
* Headers:
    * Content - Type: application / json
    * Body:


* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


### Log in a User

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: POST
* URL:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


### Sign in a User

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: POST
* URL:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


### Update user

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: PUT
* URL:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


### Delete user

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: DELETE
* URL:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:



### Get all stories

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: GET
* URL: /api/stories / all
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "Stories": [
            "Story": {
                "UserId": 1,
                "Story": "Story Body Goes Here",
                "Tag": "Education",
                "Title": "Story Title goes here",
                "Image": "url",
                "createdAt": "mm/dd/yyyy",
            "User": {
                "userId": 1,
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "profileImage": "url"

Get all stories by current user

  • Require Authentication:
  • Request
  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/stories /: username
  • Headers:
  • Content - Type: application / json
  • Body:

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


    "Stories": [
            "Story": {
                "UserId": 1,
                "Story": "Story Body Goes Here",
                "Tag": "Education",
                "Title": "Story Title goes here",
                "Image": "url",
                "createdAt": "mm/dd/yyyy",

            "Responses": {
                "totalResponses": 10

            "Claps": {
                "totalClaps": 10

Get all stories by authors the user is following

  • Require Authentication:
  • Request
  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/stories /: userId / following
  • Headers:
  • Content - Type: application / json
  • Body:

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "Stories": [
            "Story": {
                "UserId": 1,
                "Story": "Story Body Goes Here",
                "Tag": "Education",
                "Title": "Story Title goes here",
                "Image": "url",
                "createdAt": "mm/dd/yyyy",
            "User": {
                "userId": 1,
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "profileImage": "url"

Get all stories by tag

  • Require Authentication:
  • Request
  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/stories /: tag
  • Headers:
  • Content - Type: application / json
  • Body:

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "Stories": [
            "Story": {
                "UserId": 1,
                "Story": "Story Body Goes Here",
                "Tag": "Education",
                "Title": "Story Title goes here",
                "Image": "url",
                "createdAt": "mm/dd/yyyy",
            "User": {
                "userId": 1,
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "profileImage": "url"

Get story by id

  • Require Authentication:
  • Request
  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/stories /: storyId
  • Headers:
  • Content - Type: application / json
  • Body:

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

            "User": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName" : "Doe",
            "profileImg" : "url",
            "followers" : 5
            "Story": {
                "UserId": 1,
                "Story": "Story Body Goes Here",
                "Tag": "Education",
                "Title": "Story Title goes here",
                "Image": "url",
                "createdAt": "mm/dd/yyyy",

            "Responses": {
                "totalResponses": 10

            "Claps": {
                "totalClaps": 10


### Get top 6 stories by number of claps

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: GET
* URL: /api/stories / trending
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "Stories": [
            "Story": {
                "UserId": 1,
                "Story": "Story Body Goes Here",
                "Tag": "Education",
                "Title": "Story Title goes here",
                "Image": "url",
                "createdAt": "mm/dd/yyyy",
            "User": {
                "userId": 1,
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "profileImage": "url"

### Create a new story

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: POST
* URL: /api/stories / new
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

        "title": "title",
        "story": "story",
        "image" : "url",
        "tag" : "tag"

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

        "id" : 1,
        "userId": 1,
        "title": "title",
        "story": "story",
        "image" : "url",
        "createdAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy"


### Update story by story id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: PUT
* URL: /api/stories /: storyId
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

        "title": "title",
        "story": "story",
        "image" : "url",
        "tag" : "tag"

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

        "id" : 1,
        "userId": 1,
        "title": "title",
        "story": "story",
        "image" : "url",
        "createdAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy"

### Delete story

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: DELETE
* URL: /api/stories /: storyId
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "message": "Successfully Deleted",
    "statusCode" : 200


### Get all responses by story id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: GET
* URL: /api/responses /: storyId
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    Responses: [
            "id": 1,
            "body": "body",
            "userId" : "userId",
            "storyId" : "storyId",
            "createdAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy",
            "updatedAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy"

### Get all responses by user id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: GET
* URL: /api/responses /: userId
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    Responses: [
            "id": 1,
            "body": "body",
            "userId" : "userId",
            "storyId" : "storyId",
            "createdAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy",
            "updatedAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy"

### Create a response by story id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: POST
* URL: /api/responses /: storyId
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "body" : "body",
    "userId" : "userId",
    "storyId" : "storyId"

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

            "id": 1,
            "body": "body",
            "userId" : "userId",
            "storyId" : "storyId",
            "createdAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy",
            "updatedAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy"

### Update a response by response id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: PUT
* URL: /api/responses /: responseId
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "body": "body",

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

            "id": 1,
            "body": "body",
            "userId" : "userId",
            "storyId" : "storyId",
            "createdAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy",
            "updatedAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy"

### Delete response

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: DELETE
* URL: /api/responses/:responseId
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:


* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "messsage" : "Successfully deleted",
    "statusCode" : 200

## Follows

### Add new follows by user id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: POST
* URL: /api/: userId / following
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "followedId" : 10

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "followerId" : 4,
    "followedId" : 10

### Delete  follows by user id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: DELETE
* URL: /api/: userId / following
* Body:

    "followedId" : 10

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "message" : "User unfollowed",
    "statusCode": 200

## Claps

### Add claps by story id and user id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: POST
* URL: /api/claps /: storyId
* Body:

    "storyId" : 1,
    "userId" : 2

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "id": 10,
    "storyId" : 1,
    "userId" : 2,
    "createdAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy",
    "updatedAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy"

### Add claps by response id and user id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: POST
* URL: /api/claps /: responseId
* Body:

    "userId" : 2,
    "responseId" : 1

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "id": 10,
    "responseId" : 1,
    "userId" : 2,
    "createdAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy",
    "updatedAt" : "mm/dd/yyyy"

### Delete claps by story id and user id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: PUT
* URL: /api/claps /: storyId
* Body:

    "storyId" : 1,
    "userId" : 2

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "message" : "Successfully unclapped",
    "statusCode" : 200

### Delete claps by response id and user id

* Require Authentication:
* Request
* Method: PUT
* URL: /api/claps /: userId
* Body:

    "userId" : 2,
    "responseId" : 1

* Successful Response
* Status Code:
* Headers:
* Content - Type: application / json
* Body:

    "message" : "Successfully unclapped",
    "statusCode" : 200
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