* move/remove/ignore testbot
* anatomy
* upgrade guide
* every adapter doc should link to main client API doc
* link to provisioning guides
* move over more useful skills
* direct_message qualifications
* update/remove message in botworker?
* -> https://github.com/howdyai/botkit/blob/master/lib/TeamsAPI.js
* getchannels <-- can be achieved but is different/ and not compatible with getconversations
* getuserbyid <-- predicated on getconvo members
* getuserbyupn <-- see above
* getconversationmembers <-- works but awkward
* getteamroster <-- works but awkward
* gettoken? <-- works but awkard>
* update cms "options" page to reflect use with botkit-plugin-cms
* botbuilder card builders?
* ears? check for intent, others?
* how to determine what is active dialog / do contextual help