We recommend you to directly compare with the released results.
cd ./dynamic
run ./scripts/test_cityscapes.sh to generate dynamic masks, which indicates the moving cars
use ./process_scripts/gen_nonrigid_small/non_rigid.py to generate non rigid masks(including person and biker)
use ./process_scripts/gen_nonrigid_small/small.py to generate small object masks.
We use the Generative Inpainting to inpaint missing region
use the python files
./process_scripts/test_cityscapes.py ./process_scripts/test_kitti.py
to generate list storing the paths for testing
Then run
use the script ./process_scripts/occ.py
We use the Deep-Flow-Guided-Video-Inpainting to inpaint occlusion area.
Please note that, for Cityscapes dataset, we run the test procedure twice. After finishing the prediction of next 5 frames, we run the semantic segmenation method on predicted frames to obtain their semantic maps. It is used for next 5 to 10 frames prediction