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Cutscene Script Custom Guide

YURIA edited this page Oct 3, 2021 · 16 revisions

Custom Cutscene Guide


  • Though the cutscene script has to do with javascript, it isn't so hard.
  • Of course, you need some grammar to make your journey easier, however the cutscene script is something that likes Lego Bricks. You just need to buffer code blocks one by one then you can maje cutscenes.
  • So relax. You Can Do It


  • Powered by JavaScript.
  • Could be stored into the map file after you finish it, making it available without external files.
  • Available for multiple-player games and servers.


  • Unsafe because the js don't have SECURITY LIMIT.
  • Difficult to debug, as the crashes often occurred without a report, and the tools are still in develop period currently.
  • While a map has both packaged script & external script file, only the packaged on will be run.


PRE IMPORTER"Loaded Cutscene Vault");

const loader = Vars.mods.getMod(modName).loader;

const loadClass = (fullName) => loader.loadClass(fullName).newInstance(); //Garbage things

const CutsceneScript = loadClass("newhorizon.feature.CutsceneScript");
const UIActions = loadClass("newhorizon.feature.CutsceneScript$UIActions");
const KeyFormat = loadClass("newhorizon.feature.CutsceneScript$KeyFormat");
const WorldActions = loadClass("newhorizon.feature.CutsceneScript$WorldActions");

const NHBlocks = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHBlocks");
const NHBullets = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHBullets");
const NHItems = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHItems");
const NHLiquids = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHLiquids");
const NHSounds = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHSounds");
const NHWeathers = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHWeathers");
const NHUnitTypes = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHUnitTypes");
const NHStatusEffects = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHStatusEffects");
const NHSectorPresets = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHSectorPresets");
const NHFx = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHFx");
const NHColor = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHColor");
const NHPlanets = loadClass("newhorizon.content.NHPlanets");
const NHFunc = loadClass("newhorizon.func.NHFunc");
const DrawFunc = loadClass("newhorizon.func.DrawFunc");
const Tables = loadClass("newhorizon.func.Tables");
const TableFunc = loadClass("newhorizon.func.TableFunc");
const NHInterp = loadClass("newhorizon.func.NHInterp");
const PosLightning = loadClass("newhorizon.feature.PosLightning");

const OFFSET = 12, LEN = 60;

const state = Vars.state;
const tilesize = Vars.tilesize;
const world =;

The way I used to import the Class is really garbage. If you are able to improve it, just PULL REQUEST . Also, when your cutscene js is run by the mod, the line of the code is plussed the line number of the PRE IMPORTER.


You write WorldActions.raidFromCoreDefault(NHBulltes.airRaid, 10, 1, 120, 1) in the first line in your script file.

If something goes wrong at this line, the report will say Line 36(35 + 1) has problems

This importer has imported most of the MOD Classes that you will need. If you need more, you can invoke the method loadClass(<String> Class Full Name); to load more classes.

Main Process

  1. Write (@HC), which means Annotation: Has Cutscene, in your map's name.

Like this

  1. Save the map and open it.
  2. The js file with a specific name will be automatically generated. If everything goes right, press F8 to open the last-log and you will see this:
  3. Write your script in the file generated by the mod.
  4. Go through the tough debugging time.
  5. Open the Menu in Map Editor (Tap ESC on your keyboard or Home Button on your phone, or click the button on the dialog's left top), Click button Cutscene Scripts:
  6. Click button Package Scripts, then select the js file and confirm.
  7. If you want to confirm, Click button Read Scripts to see whether the map has your script installed or not.
  8. Save the map and the open the world, test your script.
  9. If something wrong that didn't ever appear happens, try to repackage the script.
  10. Publish your map.

Core Method

 * Add ordered scripts. 
 * @see DelayAction
 * @see ParallelAction
 * @see SequenceAction
 * @see RunnableAction
 * @see ImportantRunnableAction
 * @see LabelAction
 * @see CameraMoveAction
 * @see CameraTrackerAction
 * @see CautionAction
public static boolean actionSeq(Action... actions){
    boolean isPlaying = isPlayingCutscene;
    Action[] acts = new Action[actions.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(actions, 0, acts, 0, actions.length);
    acts[acts.length - 1] = Actions.parallel(Actions.remove(), -> currentActions = null));
        isPlayingCutscene = true;
        currentActions = acts;
        Table filler = new Table(Tex.clear){
                keyDown(k -> {
                    if(k == KeyCode.escape) remove();
            public void act(float delta){
                if(Vars.state.isMenu()) remove();
            public boolean remove(){
          , () -> {
                        isPlayingCutscene = false;
                }else isPlayingCutscene = false;
                return super.remove();
    return isPlaying;
  • Fill the method with Action one by on, follow time order.
  • Cutscene is powered by arc.scene.Action.
  • If you quit the world while a cutscene is playing, It won't be saved, which may causing some saving problems.
  • If multiple actions are called overlapped, they will be acted one by one.


  • All Actions' time are formatted into Second while other method are tick(1 / 60 Sec) format.
  • Almost all methods uses *8 coordinates.

Commonly Used Fields & Methods

Interpolation: Interp & NHInterp

  • You can get these from class arc.math.Interp, newhorizon.func.NHInterp.
  • These are use as animation curves, which can adjust the progress of animations.
  • If you activated the Tool Panel & Debug Mod in Mod Settings, you can access this table from Cheat Table -> Debug -> Interp.

Action: arc.scene.Action

  • Originally used for UI animations. Now particular of them are usable in the cutscene scripts.
    • DelayAction
    • ParallelAction
    • SequenceAction
    • RunnableAction
    • ImportantRunnableActi
    • LabelAction
    • CameraMoveAction
    • CameraTrackerAction
    • CautionAction
    • AddAction
    • AddListenerAction
    • RemoveListenerAction
    • AfterAction
    • IntAction
    • FloatAction
    • TimeScaleAction
    • RepeatAction

Fields & Methods From Class: CutsceneScript

Actor Vault
public static final Seq<Runnable> curUpdater = new Seq<>(), curIniter = new Seq<>();
public static final Seq<Cons<Boolean>> curEnder = new Seq<>();
  • curUpdater Used to storage movements that is acted every update(Do not run during pause).
  • curIniter Used to storage movements that is acted when the world is loaded.
  • curEnder Used to storage movements that is acted when game over. Param Boolean: true -> win; false -> lose.

Block Destroy Listener
public static final ObjectMap<Block, Cons<Building>> blockDestroyListener = new ObjectMap<>();
  • Used to storage movements that will be called when a specific type of block is destroyed

public static Interval timer = new Interval(6);
  • Used for events that have short spacing.
  • Use Method: reload(...) for events that have long time spacing and need to be saved.

addListener(Seq types, Cons actor)
public static void addListener(Seq\<Block> types, Cons<Building> actor){
    for(Block type : types)addListener(type, actor);
  • Used for adding Block Destroy Listener for multiple block types at once
public static boolean canInit(){
    boolean b = !state.rules.tags.containsKey("inited") || !Boolean.parseBoolean(state.rules.tags.get("inited"));
    state.rules.tags.put("inited", "true");
    initHasRun = true;
    return b;
  • Used for judging whether the mod hasn't running init cutscenes.
  • Using it in a if statement, and write the initialization action in the following statement
eventHasData(String key)
public static boolean eventHasData(String key){
    return state.rules.tags.containsKey(key);
  • Used for checking whether an event has its data or not.
  • Use it to know whether an event has happened or is going to happen.
run(String key, Boolf<String> boolf, Runnable run)
public static void run(String key, Boolf<String> boolf, Runnable run){
    if(state.rules.tags.containsKey(key) && boolf.get(state.rules.tags.get(key))){;
  • Used for running an event when the data of the event is qualified.
getBool(String key)
public static boolean getBool(String key){
    return state.rules.tags.containsKey(key) && Boolean.parseBoolean(state.rules.tags.get(key));
  • Used for getting a true if an event's data equals "true", or it will return false.
getFloat(String key)
public static float getFloat(String key){
    return Float.parseFloat(state.rules.tags.get(key));
  • Used for getting a float if an event's data if the string does not contain a parsable float, or it will throw an Exception.
getFloatOrNaN(String key)
public static float getFloatOrNaN(String key){
    float f = Float.NaN;
        f = Float.parseFloat(state.rules.tags.get(key));
    }catch(Exception ignore){}
    return f;
  • Used for getting a float if an event's data if the string does not contain a parsable float, or it will return Float.NaN.

Sorry I'm too tired, I may finish these in the future. Read instead

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