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Resources for Spin and Dapr samples


review and install Azure, Terraform and Helm prerequisites

  1. be sure to clear previous state with rm .terraform.lock.hcl and rm -rf .terraform
  2. initialize with terraform init
  3. create and adjust terraform.tfvars to define desired resource naming and location/region or generate with terraform-docs tfvars hcl . >./terraform.tfvars
resource_prefix           = "my"
location                  = "westus"
tags = {
  "Workload" : "Spin with Dapr on AKS"

cluster_admins           = ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]

keda_deploy  = true
kwasm_deploy = true
dapr_deploy  = true
spin_deploy  = "operator"
  1. review deployment plan with terraform plan
  2. deploy with terraform apply
  3. finalize cluster with ./

configuration values

name (type) purpose
resource_prefix gives resouces a unique identifier
location Azure region short name
tags optional, map(string) to add Azure resource tags if required
cluster_admins optional, list(string) to add AKS RBAC admins
monitoring string to specify how monitoring is deployed - with container-insights or grafana
keda_deploy bool to specify whether Keda is deployed with Terraform
kwasm_deploy bool to specify whether Kwasm installer is deployed with Terraform
dapr_deploy bool to specify whether Dapr is deployed with Terraform
spin_deploy string to specifcy how Spin is deployed - with operator or regular deploy