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Spin with Dapr in Rust

build (locally)

spin build


run with local resources and Dapr multi run

based on Azurite local Azure storage and queue emulator

in 1st terminal session


in 2nd terminal session


run single instance covering all workloads with Azure resources

in 1st terminal session


in 2nd terminal session


build & run on AKS with Azure resources

deploy infrastructure from here


queries in Application Insights

evaluate one run

| where timestamp >= todatetime('2024-01-10T19:11:23.709Z')
| where name startswith "bindings/q-order"
| summarize count() by bin(timestamp,15s), cloud_RoleName
| render columnchart

compare 2 runs

let sidecar=dependencies
| where timestamp between ( todatetime('2024-01-14T09:07:57.872Z') .. todatetime('2024-01-14T09:40:50+00:00') )
| where name startswith "bindings/q"
| summarize count() by performanceBucket, name
| project performanceBucket, name, sidecar=count_
let shared=dependencies
| where timestamp >= todatetime('2024-01-14T09:47:13.035Z')
| where name startswith "bindings/q"
| summarize count() by performanceBucket, name
| project performanceBucket, name, shared=count_
sidecar | union shared
| summarize sum(sidecar), sum(shared) by name, performanceBucket
| order by name, performanceBucket