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259 lines (197 loc) · 8.18 KB

File metadata and controls

259 lines (197 loc) · 8.18 KB


Reflective and code gen implementations for serializing Kotlin sealed classes via Moshi polymorphic adapters.

Simply annotate a sealed class with @JsonClass with a generator value of sealed:{typeLabel}. {typeLabel} is the value of the type label that should be used for a Moshi PolymorphicJsonAdapterFactory. Annotate subtypes with @TypeLabel to indicate their type label value. One object can be used as an unknown default value via @DefaultObject, or the sealed type can be annotated with @DefaultNull to indicate that null should be the default.

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true, generator = "sealed:type")
sealed class Message {

  @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
  data class Success(val value: String) : Message()

  @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
  data class Error(val error_logs: Map<String, Any>) : Message()

  object Unknown : Message()

object subtypes

object types are useful in cases when receiving empty JSON objects ({}) or cases where its type can be inferred by some delegating adapter that peeks its keys. They should only be used for types that are indicator types and do not actually contain meaningful other data.

In the below example, we have a FunctionSpec that defines the signature of a function and a Type representations that can be used to model its return type and parameter types. These are all object types, so any contents are skipped in its serialization and only its type key is read by the PolymorphicJsonAdapterFactory to determine its type.

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true, generator = "sealed:type")
sealed class Type(val type: String) {
  object VoidType : Type("void")
  object BooleanType : Type("boolean")
  object IntType : Type("int")

data class FunctionSpec(
 val name: String,
 val returnType: Type,
 val parameters: Map<String, Type>

// Usage
val json = """
   "name": "tacoFactory",
   "returnType": { "type": "void" },
   "parameters": {
     "param1": { "type": "int" },
     "param2": { "type": "boolean" }

val functionSpec = moshi.adapter<FunctionSpec>().fromJson(json)
        name = "tacoFactory",
        returnType = VoidType,
        parameters = mapOf("param1" to IntType, "param2" to BooleanType)

Nested sealed types

In some cases, it's useful to have more than one level of sealed types that share the same label key.

sealed interface Response {
  data class Success(val value: String) : Response
  sealed interface Failure : Response {
   data class ErrorMap(val errors: List<String>) : Failure
   data class ErrorString(val error: String) : Failure

moshi-sealed supports this out of the box via @NestedSealed annotation. Simply indicate the nested type with this annotation.

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true, generator = "sealed:type")
sealed interface Response {
  @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
  data class Success(val value: String) : Response
  sealed interface Failure : Response {
    @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
    data class ErrorMap(val errors: List<String>) : Failure

    @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
    data class ErrorString(val error: String) : Failure

In this case, now Failure's subtypes will also participate in Response decoding based on the type label key.


  • @DefaultObject is only supported on direct subtypes.
  • object subtypes are currently only supported on direct subtypes.
  • If you want to look up a subtype rather than the root parent sealed type (i.e. moshi.adapter<Response.Failure>()), you must add the optional NestedSealed.Factory JsonAdapter.Factory to your Moshi instance for runtime lookup.
    val moshi = Moshi.Builder()


In some cases, you may want to use a fallback JsonAdapter for a sealed type. To do this, you can annotate a sealed type with @FallbackJsonAdapter and specify a custom JsonAdapter class for it to use. This adapter will be created at runtime and provided to the underlying Moshi PolymorphicJsonAdapterFactory.withFallbackJsonAdapter(...).

Note: This will only cover cases of unrecognized type labels. Missing type labels are not supported currently by Moshi.

This should usually only be reserved for advanced usage and is not recommended for most cases. You can only use one of @DefaultObject, @DefaultNull, or @FallbackJsonAdapter on any given sealed type.


Moshi-sealed can be used via reflection or code generation. Note that you must include the moshi-adapters artifact as a dependency, as that's where the PolymorphicJsonAdapter implementation lives.

@TypeLabel and default indicator annotations are available in the moshi-sealed-runtime artifact.

implementation "dev.zacsweers.moshix:moshi-sealed-runtime:{version}"

Code gen

Code gen works via KSP and only requires adding the KSP configuration dependency:

dependencies {

No runtime Moshi instance configuration is needed, code gen will generate JsonAdapters in a way that Moshi understands natively.

To add @Generated controls, add them via ksp arguments

ksp {
  arg("moshi.generated", "javax.annotation.Generated")


Reflection works via MoshiSealedJsonAdapterFactory. Just add this in moshi before KotlinJsonAdapterFactory in your Moshi instance construction.

val moshi = Moshi.Builder()

Gradle dependency:

implementation "dev.zacsweers.moshix:moshi-sealed-reflect:{version}"

kotlinx-metadata based reflection

You can also use the kotlinx-metadata based version of reflection artifact, which cuts off the cost of including kotlin-reflect. In your moshi instance construction, use MetadataMoshiSealedJsonAdapterFactory:

val moshi = Moshi.Builder()

Gradle dependency:

implementation "dev.zacsweers.moshix:moshi-sealed-metadata-reflect:{version}"

Java sealed classes support

Experimental support for Java sealed classes and interfaces in moshi-sealed via new moshi-sealed-java-sealed-reflect artifact.

See JavaSealedJsonAdapterFactory. Requires JDK 16 + --enable-preview.

Moshi moshi = new Moshi.Builder()
    .add(new JavaSealedJsonAdapterFactory())

@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true, generator = "sealed:type")
sealed interface MessageInterface
    permits MessageInterface.Success, MessageInterface.Error {

  @TypeLabel(label = "success", alternateLabels = {"successful"})
  final record Success(String value) implements MessageInterface {

  @TypeLabel(label = "error")
  final record Error(Map<String, Object> error_logs) implements MessageInterface {

Gradle dependency:

implementation "dev.zacsweers.moshix:moshi-sealed-java-sealed-reflect:{version}"

Snapshots of the development version are available in Sonatype's snapshots repository.


Copyright (C) 2020 Zac Sweers

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.