Represents a transfer within the Transfers API.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | Plaid’s unique identifier for a transfer. | |
funding_account_id | str, none_type | The id of the associated funding account, available in the Plaid Dashboard. If present, this indicates which of your business checking accounts will be credited or debited. | |
type | TransferType | ||
user | TransferUserInResponse | ||
amount | str | The amount of the transfer (decimal string with two digits of precision e.g. "10.00"). | |
description | str | The description of the transfer. | |
created | datetime | The datetime when this transfer was created. This will be of the form `2006-01-02T15:04:05Z` | |
status | TransferStatus | ||
network | TransferNetwork | ||
cancellable | bool | When `true`, you can still cancel this transfer. | |
failure_reason | TransferFailure | ||
metadata | TransferMetadata | ||
origination_account_id | str | Plaid’s unique identifier for the origination account that was used for this transfer. | |
guarantee_decision | TransferAuthorizationGuaranteeDecision | ||
guarantee_decision_rationale | TransferAuthorizationGuaranteeDecisionRationale | ||
iso_currency_code | str | The currency of the transfer amount, e.g. "USD" | |
standard_return_window | date, none_type | The date 3 business days from settlement date indicating the following ACH returns can no longer happen: R01, R02, R03, R29. This will be of the form YYYY-MM-DD. | |
unauthorized_return_window | date, none_type | The date 61 business days from settlement date indicating the following ACH returns can no longer happen: R05, R07, R10, R11, R51, R33, R37, R38, R51, R52, R53. This will be of the form YYYY-MM-DD. | |
expected_settlement_date | date, none_type | The expected date when the full amount of the transfer settles at the consumers’ account, if the transfer is credit; or at the customer's business checking account, if the transfer is debit. Only set for ACH transfers and is null for non-ACH transfers. Only set for ACH transfers. This will be of the form YYYY-MM-DD. | |
originator_client_id | str, none_type | The Plaid client ID that is the originator of this transfer. Only present if created on behalf of another client as a third-party sender (TPS). | |
refunds | [TransferRefund] | A list of refunds associated with this transfer. | |
recurring_transfer_id | str, none_type | The id of the recurring transfer if this transfer belongs to a recurring transfer. | |
credit_funds_source | TransferCreditFundsSource | ||
ach_class | ACHClass | [optional] | |
account_id | str | The Plaid `account_id` corresponding to the end-user account that will be debited or credited. | [optional] |
sweep_status | TransferSweepStatus | [optional] | |
expected_sweep_settlement_schedule | [TransferExpectedSweepSettlementScheduleItem] | The expected sweep settlement schedule of this transfer, assuming this transfer is not `returned`. Only applies to ACH debit transfers. | [optional] |
any string name | bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional] |