Defines the request schema for /transfer/event/list
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
client_id | str | Your Plaid API `client_id`. The `client_id` is required and may be provided either in the `PLAID-CLIENT-ID` header or as part of a request body. | [optional] |
secret | str | Your Plaid API `secret`. The `secret` is required and may be provided either in the `PLAID-SECRET` header or as part of a request body. | [optional] |
start_date | datetime, none_type | The start datetime of transfers to list. This should be in RFC 3339 format (i.e. `2019-12-06T22:35:49Z`) | [optional] |
end_date | datetime, none_type | The end datetime of transfers to list. This should be in RFC 3339 format (i.e. `2019-12-06T22:35:49Z`) | [optional] |
transfer_id | str, none_type | Plaid’s unique identifier for a transfer. | [optional] |
account_id | str, none_type | The account ID to get events for all transactions to/from an account. | [optional] |
transfer_type | TransferEventListTransferType | [optional] | |
event_types | [TransferEventType] | Filter events by event type. | [optional] |
sweep_id | str | Plaid’s unique identifier for a sweep. | [optional] |
count | int, none_type | The maximum number of transfer events to return. If the number of events matching the above parameters is greater than `count`, the most recent events will be returned. | [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 25 |
offset | int, none_type | The offset into the list of transfer events. When `count`=25 and `offset`=0, the first 25 events will be returned. When `count`=25 and `offset`=25, the next 25 events will be returned. | [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of 0 |
origination_account_id | str, none_type | The origination account ID to get events for transfers from a specific origination account. | [optional] |
originator_client_id | str, none_type | Filter transfer events to only those with the specified originator client. | [optional] |
funding_account_id | str, none_type | Filter transfer events to only those with the specified `funding_account_id`. | [optional] |
any string name | bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional] |