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ESPHome Tuya Door Lock

This is tuya that's renamed to tuya_door_lock, then adapted to be compatible with battery powered door lock.

Why? The command between normal tuya protocol and this one overlapped too much.

My datapoint are

DP DP_NAME Transfer Type Data Type Properties
1 unlock_fingerprint Report Only Value Value Range: 0-999, Pitch: 1, Scale: 0, Unit:
2 unlock_password Report Only Value Value Range: 0-999, Pitch: 1, Scale: 0, Unit:
3 unlock_temporary Report Only Value Value Range: 0-999, Pitch: 1, Scale: 0, Unit:
4 unlock_dynamic Report Only Value Value Range: 0-999, Pitch: 1, Scale: 0, Unit:
5 unlock_card Report Only Value Value Range: 0-999, Pitch: 1, Scale: 0, Unit:
8 alarm_lock Report Only Enum Enum Value: wrong_finger, wrong_password, wrong_card, wrong_face, tongue_bad, too_hot, unclosed_time, tongue_not_out, pry, key_in, low_battery, power_off, shock
9 unlock_request Send Only Value Value Range: 0-90, Pitch: 1, Scale: 1, Unit:
10 reply_unlock_request Report Only Bool
11 battery_state Report Only Enum Enum Value: high, medium, low, poweroff
15 unlock_app Report Only Value Value Range: 0-999, Pitch: 1, Scale: 0, Unit:
16 hijack Report Only Bool
19 doorbell Report Only Bool

Hidden features:

  • Request remote unlock (9 + #) it set time left to DP9, you must answer with DP10. My implementation require that to answer the unlock, you also needs to send the totp of 30s and length 6 which was generated using the app too.
  • When input password of length 8, it will check with dynamic password

Configuration variables:

  • time_id (Optional, :ref:config-id): Some Tuya devices support obtaining local time from ESPHome. Specify the ID of the :doc:time/index which will be used.

  • status_pin (Optional, :ref:Pin Schema <config-pin_schema>): Some Tuya devices support WiFi status reporting ONLY through gpio pin. Specify the pin reported in the config dump or leave empty otherwise. More about this here <>__.

  • ignore_mcu_update_on_datapoints (Optional, list): A list of datapoints to ignore MCU updates for. Useful for certain broken/erratic hardware and debugging.

  • en_binary_sensor (Optional, :ref:Binary Sensor <config-binary_sensor>): After you forced the device to be 24/7 online, you can use some binary_sensor watch the original power control.

  • totp_key_b32 (Optional): A Based32 (RFC 4648, RFC 3548) encoded string you can use site like this to convert some bytes into your secret keys. You can generate the qrcode for authenticator scan using site like this. For temp password time should be 300 seconds, legth is 8. For request remote unlock, you need to use 30s with length of 6.

Example configuration

   - id: global_last_unlock_method
     type: std::string
     restore_value: yes
     max_restore_data_length: 19 # 18 + 1

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: homeassistant_time

  id: tuyadeivce
  time_id: homeassistant_time
  totp_key_b32: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO" # please beware of the = padding at the end, you don't need it
  en_binary_sensor: tuya_mcu_power
    - sensor_datapoint: 9 # Remote unlock time
      datapoint_type: int
        - lambda: |-
            ESP_LOGD("main check_remote_unlock", "on_datapoint_update (Request remote unlock) %u", x);
            if (x <= 0) { return; }
            auto tuya_instance = id(tuyadeivce);
            auto ha_time = id(homeassistant_time);
            auto input_password_instance = id(input_totp_text);
            auto input_password = input_password_instance->state;
            if (input_password.length() < 6) { return; }
            if (tuya_instance->totp_key_length_ > 0 && tuya_instance->totp_key_ != nullptr) {
              // Generate totp password
              ESPTime now = ha_time->now();
              char generated_password_str[7];
              if (now.is_valid()) {
                // Convert the current time to a timestamp (in seconds since the epoch)
                auto timestamp = (time_t)floor(now.timestamp / 30.0);  // Use the 30s time window
                const uint32_t generated_password = otp::totp_hash_token(tuya_instance->totp_key_, tuya_instance->totp_key_length_, timestamp, 6);
                snprintf(generated_password_str, sizeof(generated_password_str), "%06u", generated_password);
                ESP_LOGD("main check_remote_unlock", "Generated TOTP password: %u", generated_password);
              } else {
                ESP_LOGW("main check_remote_unlock", "Current time is invalid, cannot generate TOTP password.");
              bool is_password_valid = memcmp(generated_password_str, input_password.c_str(), 6) == 0;
              if (is_password_valid) {
                ESP_LOGD("main check_remote_unlock", "Password matched");
              } else {
                ESP_LOGD("main check_remote_unlock", "Password not matched");
              tuya_instance->force_set_boolean_datapoint_value(10, is_password_valid);
              auto call = input_password_instance->make_call();
              call.set_value(""); // reset the password field
    - sensor_datapoint: 1 # unlock_fingerprint
      datapoint_type: int
        - text_sensor.template.publish:
            id: last_unlock_method
            state: "Fingerprint"
    - sensor_datapoint: 2 # unlock_password
      datapoint_type: int
        - text_sensor.template.publish:
            id: last_unlock_method
            state: "Password"
    - sensor_datapoint: 3 # unlock_temporary
      datapoint_type: int
        - text_sensor.template.publish:
            id: last_unlock_method
            state: "Temporary Password"
    - sensor_datapoint: 4 # unlock_dynamic
      datapoint_type: int
        - text_sensor.template.publish:
            id: last_unlock_method
            state: "Dynamic Password"
    - sensor_datapoint: 5 # unlock_card
      datapoint_type: int
        - text_sensor.template.publish:
            id: last_unlock_method
            state: "Card"
    - sensor_datapoint: 15 # unlock_app
      datapoint_type: int
        - text_sensor.template.publish:
            id: last_unlock_method
            state: "App"

  - platform: template
    id: input_totp_text
    name: TOTP input # for request remote unlock
    mode: password
    optimistic: true
    initial_value: ""

  - platform: template
    name: Last unlock method
    id: last_unlock_method
    icon: mdi:book-check
    lambda: "return id(global_last_unlock_method);"
      - globals.set:
          id: global_last_unlock_method
          value: !lambda |-
            return x;

  - platform: gpio
    name: Tuya mcu power
    id: tuya_mcu_power
    internal: False
      number: GPIO1
      inverted: False
        input: True
        pulldown: True
        - script.execute:
            id: reset_last_unlock_method

  - id: reset_last_unlock_method
    mode: restart
      - delay: 5s
      - text_sensor.template.publish:
          id: last_unlock_method
          state: "Locked"



Esphome external components for tuya door lock battery








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