- 404 cause breadcrumb error (2537c14)
- add toggle class when toggle full screen (ef5ab01)
- advacned form onYes logic error (17b692c)
- auth page style error (37a72e0)
- auto-import failed in tsx (ddbc565)
- axios: filter falsy value deeply and one type error (4ef6e7b)
- change with value hoc watchEffect instead of onMounted (84a064a)
- chart: resize event handle (af109db)
- close tab error (cf6a9f2)
- do not change expire time when value changed (5654f04)
- echarts: keep-alive error (42b9ef3)
- ensure request go continue when bad request (4bc2e8b)
- findPath may return null (2de08a2)
- fix 401 do not push to auth page (6696e56)
- fix app full screen should not add style (e25df57)
- fix app icon style (5ccd4e5)
- fix app resize logic error (fe66046)
- fix axios response not reject (f2e3627)
- fix breakpoint bug (d65fd00)
- fix buttonGroup type error (4cc21b2)
- fix CRUD recurive error (5fd5d43)
- fix default sort params only work for the init function (00ab75c)
- fix drawer form click event not trigger (bd879d5)
- fix error when menuActiveName is set in breadcrumb (344ca4a)
- fix error when toggle header visible (5f6348e)
- fix footer style (e1a0de8)
- fix for-await caused build error (a8a5b92)
- fix form divider not working (275c60a)
- fix form divider undefined error (ede3bcd)
- fix full screen wrong call (2e43dcb)
- fix gutter not working (130d551)
- fix hmr keep alive error (e357129)
- fix HMR t undefined error (3b2a508)
- fix HMR useI18n failed (987af6e)
- fix i18n bundle error (ecd35b1)
- fix icon style uncorrect (f65c912)
- fix iframe height (2374e2d)
- fix jsx render wrong prop (ea45434)
- fix locale initial error (6e5f9a7)
- fix logo style (8057ced)
- fix memory state not reactive (d27ed39)
- fix menu form name assign value not right (079bb03)
- fix menu title list empty (850ed6d)
- fix network error page hangup (8d5aff2)
- fix nprogress not done when useRouter got error (5985b54)
- fix prod env storage write logic error (5a00fb6)
- fix push to 500 when network error (1bd3883)
- fix query form state (2495d34)
- fix query form undefined error in table advanced usage (7448830)
- fix repeat assign value, select tree do not change reactively (2ce9ee4)
- fix resetState error (036c5cb)
- fix root route error (f97a59e)
- fix root route still can access (88fdc48)
- fix select slot error (65bc5e0)
- fix showIcon in breadcrumb dropdown not working (44ab741)
- fix sign out did not clear menus (1c0865f)
- fix signout tabs have not been cleared (fdee808)
- fix some fade transition not working (a3bac45)
- fix string wrap in msg (6d12286)
- fix tab devTool conflict with ctxMenu (db71488)
- fix tab error (0ec0c23)
- fix tab hover error (3056b7a)
- fix tab style (8c48987)
- fix table column do not have unique key when rendering (a02bd20)
- fix table column text display error (89dcb39)
- fix table headers null error (66a8c94)
- fix table label error (6689017)
- fix title not shown (fba9bc4)
- fix transition warning (3c0afaf)
- fix tree feedback bug (f6e6a17)
- fix undefined error (c5a8280)
- fix undefined path cause label render error (808bb63)
- fix use full screen error (94e644d)
- fix useI18n error in axios transform (58d2f9e)
- fix useI18n usage error (0216192)
- fix useProps setProp work incorrectly (cd04d3c)
- fix vShow not working (c829eb8)
- fix w-table-column do not have unique key (ec3a5d0)
- fix when children is empty array, still render nested column (432cc69)
- fix when children items all not visible, el-table yield error (87a0e98)
- fix when no instance also startLoading (9886fd1)
- fix when query form folded, item visible cannot access (aaac081)
- fix when val is empty, title render undefined (57a45fb)
- fix windicss children selector (d85d43d)
- form: fix renderList not using key (6ea4338)
- form: form item vIf vShow not working (785331c)
- form: query default fold errors (641c8d3)
- form: temporarily fix _internalShow get errors (d407011)
- full screen style (d73e75e)
- glob: fix menu viewOptions error (e6a482a)
- i18n t error (feeb7fe)
- i18n: fix document not reactive when change locale (6a41e6d)
- i18n: fix t function not accepted other args (57d8da4)
- i18n: fix when HMR trigger, i18n undefined error (b79d23e)
- iconpicker: clear do not trigger form validation (661075b)
- json copy not working (47bcbbe)
- layout content height (24ecf53)
- localePicker: wrong prefix (a930ba4)
- logo style error (d204c10)
- menu breadcrumb inverted color (d3eff18)
- menu do not expand correctly when menuActiveName is set (39e1b4f)
- menu-collapse: wrong button style in light mode (a439c41)
- naive locale not working (3835b07)
- reduced-motion: missing transition reset (3f500fe)
- route duplicate (81a1742)
- should not excute code any more when error (3f8d093)
- show false menu should add into route (26b7972)
- sign in loading (2c1851a)
- sign in logic error (c9c85f7)
- snapshot style error (ee09d16)
- some specific dark mode handle (43d2f5e)
- tab devtool and dot in mobile (748005a)
- tab devTool display error (750d4ac)
- tab middle click event error (2638bf4)
- tab scroll to index not reactive (d1a6fb1)
- tab sortable true failed (f60fc47)
- table: fix switch type judge not reactive (1cff834)
- useInitialState default value (9663737)
- when table list error, loading should set to false (595e455)
- when table list, query form should be disabled by loading (d42f093)
- withValue hoc null value (7105789)
- add axios cache demo (d5de215)
- add button helpMessage prop (f37a16c)
- add contentPadding setting (a54bdd2)
- add cropper (64ac718)
- add el-alert component (f2c8e64)
- add form jsx and slot support (c5e9dc4)
- add jsx support (ea0f059)
- add message relative function (a73eb34)
- add new app log type (6c925dc)
- add query form loading state (482452e)
- add renderSlots utils (f707c16)
- add switch slot (8075528)
- add table column copy (7f535c1)
- add table full screen (c2af600)
- add theme provider for app, using naive ui style (3d03f47)
- add tinymce editor (2e3333b)
- add transition-group for divider item (b893fc9)
- add useProps hook (049e5ff)
- add useTodo message function (0983614)
- advanced form and usage (2b7785c)
- advanced icon usage (5c79c45)
- ali oss upload component and demo (9059ff6)
- apiSelect demo and in form usage (7487a5a)
- app lock basic function (5e860f1)
- app settings component (7ba4c0b)
- app tab bounce animate (198da7a)
- appContext: support for usage of app context outside setup (01df8ef)
- area cascader and demo (26351d9)
- axios: add auto encrypt and auto decrypt config (7aac418)
- axios: add cached for axios (624b76e)
- axios: add filterNull option (87be0bf)
- axios: add transformStringBoolean option (eab0c31)
- axios: add type support for axios (9078b58)
- button: auth and iconButton prop (4a10bd7)
- codeMirror: add i18n logic (dadc862)
- color mode & animation mode (e050b0d)
- completely changed to pinia (6bfef94)
- component: add flip clock (179feb0)
- component: add signature pad and demo (5a9fe7b)
- component: add switch component (2eac936)
- component: code mirror and demo (418b4cc)
- component: virtual scroll (3254380)
- descriptions (f621709)
- dict form item component (39855ab)
- dict page (0a875d8)
- different ways to sign in (0d3fc07)
- divider item sticky style (437f38b)
- download demo (217cdce)
- dropdown (da01b10)
- echarts and demo (d172f5a)
- expose inputNumber ref (575ef45)
- expose locale in useI18n (cdf3b01)
- extract locale select and change some use case in menu and dict (7b44c55)
- finish scrollbar component (db2db62)
- form: add compact prop (d9f3a3f)
- form: add divider form support (30a8b47)
- form: add VVC new prop for form item (be5727d)
- form: validate support custom fields (90139e2)
- homepage (15e5720)
- hook: useDraggableElement (b433aa5)
- html loading (883df6f)
- implement description into form (49e7169)
- input and button (a6e4eea)
- internal iframe pages keep-alive (5756657)
- intro: useAppIntro (346ec45)
- lang page with WCRUD (501a34e)
- layout: add footer (9ba7974)
- make dict form item lable use dict name for a choice (0f73403)
- memory module (b6be21d)
- menu activeName and menuActiveSameTab (2502b2c)
- menu tree add drag to change parent id and context menu (abf5cf1)
- mobile: optimise layout in mobile (f75fa12)
- modal and drawer consitent api (24f3cbd)
- mouse middle button can close tab (9b2293d)
- new button prop confirm (dd298ee)
- new desc item (b445bac)
- new locale mesaages (f7bf3a6)
- oss avatar crop and upload (efb857a)
- provider: add naive-ui noti/msg max config (42b20d3)
- qrcode component (757e70c)
- query form and demo (d65b0cb)
- query form finish and demo (5b91571)
- refresh token achieved with backend (c6f4b16)
- settings: new prefers-reduced-motion setting (9962228)
- signature-pad: add download buttons (51db5a3)
- signin log (6532b9e)
- simple front end verify (cca83ee)
- support https in development (77d5cdd)
- system operate log (5c2b321)
- tab add persistent support (549b380)
- tab ctx menu add fix/snapshot/open in new window (c4eb9b8)
- tab dev tool for vscode (46f4d1a)
- tab: add animation name setting (20d3617)
- table column title help message and optimise (b6fb0f2)
- table preset button auth controll (026dac0)
- table: add editable column (f6d1770)
- table: expose event as prop (0395f7d)
- tab: tab utils show mode (5b0224f)
- temporarily make keep-alive usable (405c3c1)
- transition: add custom animate duration (34add8c)
- tree (9c60b49)
- use AppContext to fully replace vuex (e6a58a7)
- useDict and useRouteQuery hook (adfbad8)
- useEvent hook (7ce5976)
- useInitialState (7513c3a)
- useSortable hook (c1acf24)
- useState hook (2245756)
- value hoc (8d4398e)
- w-drawer (fdfc68d)
- watermark and setting (9ea250b)
- wJSON add copy button (921f5b3)
- app: do not excute extra hooks in root router-view (3637bf5)
- appSettings: split and make it async component (c0eb3f1)
- component: make vendor components async (6b1627c)
- do not packaged src into one file (e040fee)
- ensure normal prop won't trigger form render (dfe6a1f)
- ensure transition won't refresh the form item (7754c16)
- form async component usage (6f933cb)
- form: form item slot render performance (929e820)
- formItem: ensure vIf/vShow has same behavior, optimise logic judgement (e3ebcac)
- formItem: optimise form item logic (03f65fc)
- make async comp delay a little bit more (7e79ae2)
- optimise form default rule (2ad0ae0)
- optimise form item transition (7ad5271)
- optimise header watch logic (b55a003)
- optimise load locale messages (e7eebaf)
- optimise the menu title locale stuff (8a7b692)
- remove useless code in baseAPI (8a7b6bb)
- table: omit custom props on bindValue to el-table (1b8178f)
- tag: no self-closing tag (ed4b47e)
- use shallowRef instead of ref for third party libs (0b487e6)