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Voice patches for PSP games Zero no Kiseki & Ao no Kiseki

NOTE: This projcet is licensed under the GPLv3. You MUST copy, distribute and/or modify any code or binaries from this projcet under this license. See LICENSE for details

NOTE: Do NOT upload any offical resources (The entire game or game resources like voice files, Chinese or Japesene texts, scena files, etc.) or anything modified from them.


You can get the built files in Release.

If you want to build them by yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Install psptoolchain and pspsdk by following the project psptoolchain (with gcc 4.9.3), or download and install a prebuild pspsdk Minimalist PSPSDK (with gcc 4.3.5).

  2. Enter the root path of this projcet and type command make.

Then you will get 4 files under folder "bin" :

  • za_voice.prx : main module of this project.

  • EBOOT.BIN : the loader, used to load za_voice.prx and the game's BOOT module.

  • EBOOT.PBP & PARAM.SFO : just for testing, no need to care about them.

2.How to let it work

  1. Open your game image (.iso) with WQSG_UMD. And extract /PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN and PSP_GAME/PARAM.SFO. Keep WQSG_UMD open.

  2. Open extracted PARAM.SFO with SFOEditor and add a param MEMSIZE with value 1.

  3. Rename extracted EBOOT.BIN to BOOT.BIN.
    NOTE: If you run your game in a real PSP or PSVita, EBOOT.BIN need to be decrypted.
    You can decrypt it with PRXdecrypter 2.7a (Runs on a PSP or PSVita) or PPSSPP (Check on Setting -> Tools -> Developer tools -> Dump decrypted EBOOT.BIN on game boot, and run the game. Then you will get decrypted EBOOT.BIN under (memorystick)/PSP/SYSTEM/DUMP with a name like (game-id).bin.)

  4. Drag modified PARAM.SFO, renamed BOOT.BIN, and EBOOT.BIN from this projcet, back to your game image. Now it's OK to close WQSG_UMD.

  5. Add voice script files(.bin) to ISO via tools/AddScnsToIso.   More details about voice script files, see 5.About the script files.

  6. Extract voice files(.at9) from the Vita edition game and convert them to wav with at9tool.

  7. Convert wav files to at3(via at3tool, need to resample to 44100Hz first.) or ogg.
    At3 is recommended.
    NOTE: PPSSPP only supports 44100Hz.(Even with ogg files)
    NOTE: You should keep the voice files' names not changed (except the extention).
    e.g. v1234567.at9 should be converted to v1234567.at3 or v1234567.ogg.

  8. Copy voice files to (memorystick)/PSP/za_voice/(game)/(ext)/
    (game) should be zero (for Zero no Kiseki) or ao (for Ao no Kiseki)
    (ext) is the extention of the voice files
    e.g. at3 format voice files for Zero no Kiseki should be put under (memorystick)/PSP/za_voice/zero/at3/.

    OR (This way is recommended)
    Pack converted voice files with tools/PackVoiceFiles, rename the packed file to voice.pak and copy it to (memorystick)/PSP/za_voice/(game)/

  9. Copy za_voice.prx and za_voice.ini to (memorystick)/PSP/za_voice/
    NOTE: If you are a PPSSPP user, open za_voice.ini and modify the last line 'PPSSPP = 0' to 'PPSSPP = 1'
    za_voice.ini is the configuration file, for more details, see Settings.

  10. Enable extra memory of your system.

  • PSVita (Henkaku, Adrenaline 4.1+)
    XMB -> ADRENALINE VSH MENU -> RECOVERY MENU -> Advanced -> Advanced configuration ->
    Set Force high memory layout to Enabled

  • PPSSPP (Latest version)
    Settings -> System ->
    Set PSP model to PSP-2000/3000

  • Real PSP 2000/3000/go/E1000 (PRO 6.60+)
    XMB -> PRO VSH MENU -> RECOVERY MENU -> Advanced -> Advanced configuration ->
    Set Force high memory layout to Enabled
    Set Inferno & NP9660 Use ISO Cache to Disabled

NOTE: PSP1000 is not possible. So voice patches will not work with PSP1000.

  1. Now you can lanch your game. If everything is OK, you can enjoy the voice like the 'Evo' edition.

3.Supported voice formats

The original voice files in the "Evo" edition are at9 files. You can convert them to wav files with at9tool.
And then convert them to supported formats list below:

  • wav
    None compressive format. Lowest CPU pressure.
    But it costs more I/O time because the data is such big.

  • ogg
    Software decoding.
    You can convert wav to ogg with oggenc2.

  • at3 (recommended)
    Hardware decoding.
    You can convert wav to at3 with at3tool.
    at3tool can only convert a wav with sample rate 44100Hz, but the original voice files' sample rate is 48000Hz. So you must change the wav files' sample rate by a resample software before converting them to at3.

After the game lanching, za_voice.prx will check voice folders/pack in a particular order, the first one found will be seleted as the format. The order is:
pak -> at3 -> ogg -> wav

Notes for PPSSPP users:

It seems there's a bug with PPSSPP.   
za_voice.prx uses PSP system's APIs sceAudioSRCCh* to play sound files.  
These APIs supports multiple sample rates : 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11050, 8000  
But in PPSSPP, no matter which sample rate is set, it will play the sound file as 44100Hz.  
So you must resample all voice files to 44100Hz if you are using PPSSPP.  
(oggenc2 supports resampling during conversion) 


  1. Configuration file

The configuration file for za_voice.prx is (memorystick)/PSP/za_voice/za_voice.ini.
List settings here:

  • Volume
    Voice's volume, 0~100, default is 100.

  • AutoPlay
    Auto play the dialog.
    Default is 2.

    • 0 : Off
    • 1 : Enable if the dialog has voice
    • 2 : Enable for all dialogs
      Waiting time of AutoPlay could be set with next 3 settings.
  • WaitTimePerChar
    Default is 60.

  • WaitTimeDialog
    Default is 800.
    Then with default settings, waiting time for a non-voice dialog with 20 characters will be 60*20+800=2000.

  • WaitTimeDialogWithVoice
    Default is 500.
    Then with default settings, waiting time for a dialog with woice will be 500 + length of voice.

NOTE: The time unit of above 3 settings is millisecond. But inside the module, we use Frame as time unit. And we assume:
30 Frames = 1 second = 1000 milliseconds

  • SkipVoice
    When the dialog is closed. Whether stop the voice or not.
    Default is 1.

    • 0 : Off (Do not stop)
    • 1 : On (Stop)
  • DisableDialogTextSE
    Whether disable texts' se (sounds like du du du) when playing voice.
    Default is 1.

    • 0 : Off (Do not disable se)
    • 1 : On (Disable se)
  • DisableDialogSwitchSE
    Whether disable dialog swiching/closing se when playing voice.
    Default is 1.

    • 0 : Off (Do not disable se)
    • 1 : On (Disable se)
  • DisableOriginalVoice
    For Ao no Kiseki, there are two kinds of voices beside battle voice: reaction voices and scene voices.
    This setting could disable the scene voices.
    (Zero no Kiseki has only reaction voices, so this setting has no effict with Zero no Kiseki)
    Default is 1.

    • 0 : Off (Do not disable original scena voices)
    • 1 : On (Disable original scena voices)
  • ShowInfo
    Some settings(describe later) could be changed during the game playing. When these settings changed whether show the infomation about it.
    Default is 1.

    • 0 : Off (Do not show)
    • 1 : On (Show the infomation)
    Default is 0.
    If you are using PPSSPP and want ShowInfo work, then set this setting to 1, otherwise keep it 0.
    NOTE: Never set it to 1 if you run your game in a real PSP or PSVita.

  1. Change settings during game playing

When there's a dialog in the screen, some settings mentioned above could be changed with hotkeys.
List them here:

    Swich setting AutoPlay

    Volume +/- 1

    Volume +/- 5

NOTE: Sometimes hotkeys are not available even if a dialog is showing.

5.About the script files

The script files need to be modified by adding voice instuctions, then za_voice.prx will know when and which voice should be played.
(Call these modified script files voice script files)
Here's a projcet about voice script files.
You can get some platforms/versions' voice script files there.

  1. Voice instrucions's format

    The original voice instrucions in "Evo" edition have format like #123456789V.
    za_voice.prx uses similar format : #123456789v.
    The only different is the last letter is lowercase v, because Ao no Kiseki has some scene voice and the voice instrucions are also uppercase V.

  2. Add voice instrucions to script files

    This is really not easy work, follow these 3 steps:

    1. Decompile the script files
    2. Add voice instrucions to decompiled scripts
    3. Re-compile the scripts

    About how to decompile/recompile script files, pelease refer to this projcet
    And in this project, there may be some tools useful for step 2.

  3. Add voice script files to game image

    The game doesn't access its resources by path, but use the resources' offset and size which are defined in /PSP_GAME/USRDIR/data.lst . So you must fix data.lst after you adding script files to the game image.
    And for every script file, there's a buckup in a package file /PSP_GAME/USRDIR/data/cclm/map4/xxxxxx.mc1 (xxxxxx stands for the script's name)
    If this backup exists, the game will read this backup instead of the one lays under /PSP_GAME/USRDIR/data/scena/
    So if you don't want to modify the backup one, delete it from xxxxxx.mc1. (you can just change the backup's name in xxxxxx.mc1, so the game won't find it)

    tools/AddScnsToIso in this projcet is a tool which can:

    • Add script files to the end of the game image (iso)
    • Fix script files' offset and size in data.lst
    • Delete all script files' backup in xxxxxx.mc1 (by change their names in xxxxxx.mc1)

External libraries used in this project



注意: 本项目基于GPLv3开源协议,对本项目的任何代码或二进制文件的复制、修改、分发需遵循此协议。 具体细节请参见LICENSE文件

注意: 请勿在此项目中上传任何官方或基于官方修改的资源(游戏本体,或其资源文件如语音文件、中日文本、脚本文件等)


  1.  配置文件  

配置文件路径为 (memorystick)/PSP/za_voice/za_voice.ini.   罗列配置项如下:

  • Volume
       语音音量, 0~100, 默认值为最大值100。

  • AutoPlay
       对话框自动播放   默认值2  

    • 0 : 关闭
    • 1 : 有语音时开启
    • 2 : 总是开启
  • WaitTimePerChar

  • WaitTimeDialog
    则在默认配置下, 1个20字的无语音对话框的等待时间为60*20+800=2000.

  • WaitTimeDialogWithVoice
    则在默认配置下, 1个有语音对话框的等待时间为 500 + 语音长度.

注意: 以上3个配置使用的时间单位为毫秒,但是在内部使用的时间单位为
我们假设: 30 帧 = 1 秒 = 1000 毫秒

  • SkipVoice

    • 0 : 不终止语音
    • 1 : 终止语音
  • DisableDialogTextSE

    • 0 : 不禁用
    • 1 : 禁用
  • DisableDialogSwitchSE

    • 0 : 不禁用
    • 1 : 禁用
  • DisableOriginalVoice

    • 0 : 不禁用原有剧情语音
    • 1 : 禁用原有剧情语音
  • ShowInfo

    • 0 : 不显示
    • 1 : 显示
    如果您在使用PPSSPP并且希望上述的ShowInfo能正常工作的话,将本选项设置为1, 否则让它保持为0。
    注意: 当使用实机或PSVita运行时,绝对不要将本选项设为1.

  1. 在游戏进行中修改配置

当屏幕中有对话框显示时, 部分配置可通过快捷键修改:

  • 方块 +
    切换配置项 AutoPlay

  • 方块 + /
    Volume +/- 1

  • 方块 + 三角 + /
    Volume +/- 5

注意 部分情况下,即使屏幕中有对话框,也无法更改配置
