Unofficial rich apex typings generator. Based on my other project that won't be maintained due to complications with the worst OS ever, windows.
This plugin overrides (or creates) files used by official apex language server stored in .sfdx folder of project. Currently, folders used for completions by this server are stored in:
- .sfdx/tools/sobjects/standardObjects
- .sfdx/tools/sobjects/customObjects
and for soql completions:
- .sfdx/tools/soqlMetadata/stadardObjects
- .sfdx/tools/soqlMetadata/customObjects
This plugin is also capable of generating labels typings.
Unfortunately, only supported editor for automatically generating sObjects typings (containing only helpText) is VS Code, which is:
- bloated,
- constantly tires to become even more bloated by asking to install tons of useless plugins all the time and
- lacks good vim emulation.
Without this tool, apex completions in other editors with language server support, like nevim, have to be created manually.
sfdx plugins:install sfdx-apex-typings-generator
To create SObjects typings, use
sfdx apex-typings:sobject -s Account,Contact,Address,Ship__c
To remove existing typings for all typings, add -r flag
If you want to create custom labels typings, you can do so using
sfdx apex-typings:labels -o path/to/file/in/which/albels/should/be/stored
Remember to:
- add cls extension
- place file in one of directories specified in sfdx-project.json file
because otherwise apex language server won't detect it