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Upgrading 1.0 to 1.1

Justin Richer edited this page Dec 2, 2013 · 6 revisions

The 1.1 version of MITREid Connect contains several changes from the 1.0 version series that will require a manual upgrade process.

Project Layout

The project now contains four modules instead of three. The openid-connect-server module now produces a .jar file, and the new openid-connect-server-webapp module produces the .war file that was previously produces by the openid-connect-server module. All overlays must be

Data Model

The underlying data model has changed between 1.0 and 1.1, and updates to the database are required.

If you are running the server with a persistent database store, you will need to run the database upgrade script found in openid-connect-server-webapp/src/main/resources/db/upgrade. Upgrade scripts are included for both MySQL and HSQL databases. These are designed to be run in-place on the database in question.

  1. Shut down the version 1.0 server
  2. Connect to the MySQL or HSQL database as a user with appropriate rights
  3. Run the appropriate upgrade script
  4. Deploy the version 1.1 server