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Hijri/Gregorian Dual Calendar API Documentation




new Calendar([isHijriMode[, fullYear[, monthIndex[, firstDay[, language[, colorTheme[, timeout]]]]]]]);


  • isHijriMode (optional)
    Boolean value representing the dates mode
    true: Hijri dates
    false: Gregorian dates
    Default: false

  • fullYear (optional)
    Integer value representing the full year. Allow value below 1 (0 or negative value) that indicates before Hijra/Gregorian era. Value 0 for 1 BH/BE, -1 for 2 BH/BE, and so forth.
    Default: current year

  • monthIndex (optional)
    Integer value representing the month, beginning with 0 for Muharram/January to 11 for Dhul-Hijja/December.
    Default: index of current month

  • firstDay (optional)
    Integer value representing the first day of week (0-6).
    Default: 1 (Monday)

  • language (optional)
    String value representing the language used by the widget. Currently three languages are supported.
    "ar": Arabic
    "en": English
    "id": Indonesian
    Default: "en"

  • colorTheme (optional)
    Integer value representing the color index (0-22) or string value representing the color theme used by the widget.
     0 or "amber"
     1 or "aqua"
     2 or "black"
     3 or "blue"
     4 or "blue-grey""
     5 or "brown"
     6 or "cyan"
     7 or "dark-grey"
     8 or "deep-orange"
     9 or "deep-purple"
    10 or "green"
    11 or "grey"
    12 or "indigo"
    13 or "khaki"
    14 or "light-blue"
    15 or "light-green"
    16 or "lime"
    17 or "orange"
    18 or "pink"
    19 or "purple"
    20 or "red"
    21 or "teal"
    22 or "yellow"
    Default: random color theme

  • timeout (optional)
    Integer value representing the timeout in seconds to display today from another view of dates.
    Default: 120 seconds

Calendar Instance Methods

  • .attachTo(parentElement)
    Attach this widget element into a parent HTML element designated by parentElement.

  • .fireResize()
    Signals this widget to self adjust the appearance in order to keep responsiveness, especially if its container (parent HTML element) is static or not document.body.

  • .getElement()
    Returns this widget element.

  • .resetDate(fullYear, monthIndex)
    Sets the widget to display the desired year and month at once with an integer value pointed by fullYear and an integer value pointed by monthIndex.

  • .setFirstDayOfWeek(firstDay)
    Sets the first day of week with an integer value (0-6) pointed by firstDay.

  • .setFullYear(fullYear)
    Sets the widget to display the desired year by an integer value pointed by fullYear.

  • .setHijriMode(hijriMode)
    Sets the dates mode with a boolean value pointed by hijriMode.
    true: Hijri dates
    false: Gregorian dates

  • .setLanguage(language)
    Sets the language used by this widget with a string value pointed by languge.
    "ar": Arabic
    "en": English
    "id": Indonesian

  • .setMonth(monthIndex)
    Sets the widget to display the desired month by an integer value (0-11) pointed by monthIndex.

  • .setTheme([colorTheme])
    Sets the widget color theme with an integer value (0-22) as color index or a string value as color name pointed by colorTheme. If this colorTheme isn't specified then a random color theme will be applied.
     0 or "amber"
     1 or "aqua"
     2 or "black"
     3 or "blue"
     4 or "blue-grey""
     5 or "brown"
     6 or "cyan"
     7 or "dark-grey"
     8 or "deep-orange"
     9 or "deep-purple"
    10 or "green"
    11 or "grey"
    12 or "indigo"
    13 or "khaki"
    14 or "light-blue"
    15 or "light-green"
    16 or "lime"
    17 or "orange"
    18 or "pink"
    19 or "purple"
    20 or "red"
    21 or "teal"
    22 or "yellow"

  • .setTime(time)
    Sets the widget to display a moment of time that represented by an integer value pointed by time as number of milliseconds.

  • .setTodayTimeout(timeout)
    Sets the timeout by an integer value pointed by timeout as a number in seconds to force the widget to displaying today from another view of dates.

  • .today()
    Sets the widget to display the current year and month.

Date.prototype and HijriDate.prototype Instance Extended Methods

By using this library, the following methods will be added to both Date.prototype and HijriDate.prototype instances.

  • .getMonthName([monthIndex]) Returns the name of desired month index (0-11) that pointed by monthIndex as a human readable string ("January"-"December" or "Muharram"-"Dhul-Hijja"). If monthIndex is omitted, instead the current month's name will be returned.

  • .getMonthShortName([monthIndex]) Returns the name of desired month index (0-11) that pointed by monthIndex as a human readable string ("January"-"December" or "Muharram"-"Dhul-Hijja"). If monthIndex is omitted, instead the current month's name will be returned.

  • .getWeekdayName([day]) Returns the name of desired day of week (0-6) that pointed by day as a human readable string ("Sunday"-"Saturday" or "Ahad"-"Sabt"). If day is omitted, instead the name of current day of week will be returned.

  • .getWeekdayShortName([day]) Returns the short name of desired day of week (0-6) that pointed by day as a human readable string ("Sun"-"Sat" or "Ahd"-"Sab"). If day is omitted, instead the short name of current day of week will be returned.

  • .getYearString([fullYear]) Returns the desired full year in integer value that pointed by fullYear followed by era suffix as a human readable string. If fullYear is omitted, instead the string of current full year will be returned.

  • .todayShortString() Returns today dates in short as a human readable string in accordance with predetemined dates mode (Gregorian or Hijri). For example "Fri, 4 Jan 2019" for the Gregorian dates mode or "Jum, 27 RAk 1440" for the Hijri dates mode.

  • .todayString() Returns today dates as a human readable string in accordance with predetemined dates mode (Gregorian or Hijri). For example "Friday, 4 January 2019" for the Gregorian dates mode or "Jumu'ah, 27 Rabi'ul-Akhir 1440" for the Hijri dates mode.




Designed By ZulNs

@Gorontalo, 14 January 2019