KGraph provides the following efficient oracle implementation for common tasks. The user is encouraged to use the provided oracles when they meet the demand.
In a very common scenario, objects are stored as rows of a matrix in the row-major order, and L2 distance is used as the similarity function. KGraph provides the class Matrix for user to create such a dataset, and the MatrixProxy class for user to directly use data managed by a OpenCV, Numpy or a FLANN matrix.
Note that the matrix proxy does not copy memory, so the original OpenCV or NumPy matrix must live throughput the life time of the matrix proxy.
#include <kgraph.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <kgraph-data.h> // must follow opencv
cv::Mat data(rows, cols, CV_32FC1);
typedef kgraph::MatrixOracle<float, kgraph::metric::l2sqr
> MyOracle;
kgraph::MatrixProxy<float> proxy(data);
MyOracle oracle(proxy); // defined as above
index->build(oracle, ...);
// MyOracle::query(float const *) returns a search oracle
index->search(oracle.query(data.ptr<float const>(i)), ...);
#include <Python.h>
#include <numpy/ndarrayobject.h>
#include <kgraph.h>
#include <kgraph-data.h>
npy_intp dims[] = {rows, cols};
PyArrayObject *data = PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dims, NPY_FLOAT);
kgraph::MatrixProxy<float> proxy(data);
MyOracle oracle(proxy); // defined as above
index->build(oracle, ...);
float const *query;
index->search(oracle.query(query), ...);
#include <kgraph.h>
#include <kgraph-data.h>
kgraph::Matrix<float> data(rows, cols); // kgraph native matrix
data.size(); // returns # rows
data.dim(); // returns # cols
float *row = data[i]; // pointer to i-th row
// save and load matrix in LSHKIT format.
MyOracle oracle(data); // MyOracle defined as above
index->build(oracle, ...);
float const *query; // pointer to query vector
// oracle.query(query) returns a search oracle.
index->search(oracle.query(query), ...)
If data objects are stored in std::vector, then VectorOracle can come in handy.
#include <kgraph.h>
vector<MyType> data;
auto fn = [](MyType const &a, MyType const &b) {
compute and return similarity between a and b;
typedef kgraph::VectorOracle<vector<MyType>, MyType> MyOracle;
MyOracle oracle(data, fn);
index->build(oracle, ...);
MyType query;
index->search(oracle.query(query), ...);