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USFlows: Flow Based Density Estimators for Neuro-Symbolic Verification

USFlows provides a stable and convenient library of flow based general purpose density models with flexibile base distributions, which are specifically tailored towards the use in neuro-symbolic verification procedures. The major goal is to provide models that can represent reference distributions which are suitable for satisfiability based approaches, abstract interpretation, and hypothesis testing simultaneously. The implemented layer are carefully designed to guarntee the following properties:

  • Efficient computation of exact densities as well as efficient sampling.
  • A piece-wise affine log-density function for all models with (leaky-)ReLU nonlinearity and Laplacian base distribution.
  • UDL preserving layers map the upper density level sets of the data distribution to the upper density level sets of the base Distribution.
  • Direct onnx export of log_prob and sampling methods.


  1. Clone Project:
git clone
  1. Install poetry
curl -sSL | python3 -
  1. Finally, within the veriflow project directory:
poetry install


Veriflow comes with a lightweigt experimentation library that allow effortless configuaration, e.g. of hyperparameter optimzation experiments via yaml config files. Additionally, we define several benchmarking experiments.

Run an experiment

Within the projects script folder you'll find a a script called You can use it to conduct an experiment from the a config file.

poetry run python --config <config file> --report_dir <log dir>