##REST API Sample Using AngularJS, Ionic Framework and Parse
This sample shows how to use all of the HTTP verbs with the $http
service available form angularjs to interact with a data set in Parse.com.
See Documentation on $http Service in AngularJS
####Configure Your Environment for Ionic Framework:
First, install Node.js. Then, install the latest Cordova and Ionic command-line tools. Follow the Android and iOS platform guides to install required platform dependencies.
Note: iOS development requires Mac OS X. iOS simulator through the Ionic CLI requires the ios-sim npm package, which can be installed with the command sudo npm -g install ios-sim
####For this sample to work you must do the following:
Create an account in Parse
Create a new application by clicking on "Create a new App" Button in the Dashboard
Create a user in that new application, set the username to
and the password totest
Create a new file in the
directory of the application calledcredentials.js
Go to the Settings - Keys Section and copy appropriate keys and replace them in the
file you just created
####credentials.js example format
"x-parse-application-id": "YOUR-APPLICATION-ID",
"x-parse-rest-api-key": "YOUR-REST-API-KEY"