A Handful of useful snippets of code I've written over the years
PiCam/ - Adding a PiCam to work with github jetpacapp/DeepBeliefSDK
c64/ - Reading old Commodore floppies and Programs
fcc-am-search/ - Automated code to download latest ham licenses from FCC
java/Hearts/src - Card game in Java
odsclient-ruby/ - An ODS Client written in Ruby to update DNS Names
one_tough_puzzle/ An example solver for a 9-piece jigsaw puzzle
oscilloscope-art/ - Programs that generate waveforms that can be displayed on an analog oscilloscope
slack/roles/dnslogger/ - Code that parses my firewall logs and makes a report of where each computer visited in the last day
svg-arg/ Simple code to demonstrate how Scalable Vector Graphic files can be generated by a computer.