Improved AutoCreator class (Unnecessary type parameter)
build.gradle migrated to Kotlin
Increased code coverage
Simplified code
Renamed test classes (distinguish them from generics parameters)
Refactored project structure
Fixes for examples
Automatic creators (reflection based)
Calling start() automatically calls also init() similarly as calling close() calls automatically stop()
Ability to create more than one main class (defined by .withRootCreator() or automatically)
Defining RootCreators is optional as roots are automatically discovered - if they are explicitly defined then there is better correctness checking: reporting of unused creators, it’s more clear what are the main classes of application for the user.
Default creator’s parameters - you can provide such a default on the top level and call creators without parameters. Explicit parameters always override defaults.
Typesafe creator’s parameters
Automatic start/stop is passed through creator parameter (LaunchType).
If there is no need for additional Creator parameters there is automatically applied LaunchType.AUTOMATIC parameter.
Added Scala examples (still very raw)
Removed dependency on Apache Commons
Updated dependencies: Gradle, AssertJ, JUnit