h j k l left, down, up, right
w b next word, previous word
W B next WORD, previous WORD
e E end of current word, WORD
ge gE end of previous word, WORD
0 ^ $ start of line, first non blanked character of the line, end of line
gg G start of file, end of file
5G goto to 5th line
^o jump back
^i jump forward
H L screen start, screen end
'm `m jump to mark
'' jump to last jump
'[ jump to first char of just changed text
^m goto middle screen
| 3| move column 0, move column 3
gD got to the very first occurence of the word under cursor
[[ ]] move to beginning of this function {, next function {
gd go to first local occurence of the word under cursor
gf open file under cursor
g[ go to tag
i insert mode (i a s)
v visual mode (v V ^v)
n normal mode
c command mode
<ESC> ^c ^[ exit insert mode
zz center screen
zt align top of screen with cursor
zb align bottom of screen with cursor
^u ^d half page up, half page down
^b ^f page up, page down
^e ^y line up, line down
f F find after cursor, find before cursor
t T find after cursor, find before cursor
; , next match, previous match
g* seach the word under cursor
g# seach the previous word under cursor
#* find previous word under cursor, find next word under cursor
% jump to matching brace
i I insert at current position, insert at the beginning of current line
a A append after current position, append after end of line
o O edit new line below current, above current
s S substitute character under cursor, substitute line
cw cc C change current word, change line, change line
^b delete char before cursor
^w delete word before cursor
^u delete line before cursor
^t indent (insert a tab at the start of the line)
^d un-indent
^y duplicate the character in the same column on the preceding line
^e duplicate the character in the same column on the followint line
^a insert again whatever the most-recent inserted text was
^r insert the contents of a register
^r= evaluate expression and insert the result
^v insert the next character verbatim (event if it's a control char)
^o take back to Normal mode for one command (e.g. delete the rest of the line ^oD)
^r^rn insert the content of register n
^x^f autocomplete filename
^x^d autocomplete C preprocessor symbols
^x^n autocomplete identifiers from the current file
^x^l autocomplete existing lines
^x^k autocomplete identifiers from a dict file
^x^t autocomplete related identifiers from a thesaurus file
r R replace single character, replace characters
J join line below to the current line
x X delete character under cursor, delete preceding character
xp transpose two letters
u ^R undo, redo
. repeat last action
dw daw dW delete word, delete around word, delete WORD
yw yaw yW yank word, yank around word, yank WORD
p P put at cursor, put before cursor
~ toggle case
yy dd yank line, delete link
2yy 2dd yank 2 lines, delete 2 lines
gu gU make lower-case, make upper-case
guu gUU make line lower-case, upper-case
^a ^x increment number, decrement number
p P paste after/before the cursor
]p ]P paste after/before the cursor with the same level of indenting
"ayw yank word in the named register a
"Ayw yank word and append to the named register a
"zd$ delete and save to the named register z
> < shift right, shift left
>G shift right to the end of file
= indent
== auto indent
v V ^v select characters, select lines, select columns
vi{ vi[ vi( select inside curlies, square brackets, braces
va{ va[ va( select around curlies, square brackets, braces
vib viB select inside braces, brackets (curlies)
o O move to other end of marked area, move to other corner
gv last selection
:tabe new tab
:tabnext next tab
:tabprev previous tab
gt gT next tab, prev tab
^ws split horizontally
^wv split vertically
^ww move between splits
^wq close split
m[a-z] set mark
m[A-Z] set global mark
'[a-zA-Z] `[a-zA-Z] go to mark
`` go to prev mark
ZZ write and exit
ZQ discard and exit
dl delete character
dw delete word
ds delete sentence
dp delete paragraph
dW delete WORD
daw delete around word
diw delete inside word
dis delete inside sentence
das delete around sentence
dip delete inside paragraph
dap delete around paragraph
diW delete indside WORD
daW delete around WORD
di( da( di) da) delete inside braces, around braces
di< da< di> da> delete inside brackets, around brackets
di{ da{ di} da} delete inside brackets, around brackets
di[ da[ di] da] delete inside brackets, around brackets
di" da" delete inside double quotes, around double quotes
di' da' delete inside quotes, around quotes
bib delete inside brackets
y yank
c change
d delete
zo open a fold under cursor
zO open all folds under cursor
zc close a fold under cursor
zm increase foldlevel by one
zM close all open folds
zr decrese foldevele by one
zR sets foldlevel to zero, all folds will be open
^] go to definition
^t go back
: vimtutor
g- move back in time
g+ move forward in time
:earlier 10m return to the state the buffer was in 10 mins age
:later 30s return to the state 30 second after
:read filename read file into the current buffer
:0read filename insert file contents at the beginning
:Gread filename insert file contents at the end
- go to parent dir
D delete a file
R rename a file
s sort
r reverse sort
i change representation
p preview
c change the curdir
d create a new dir
o open in a horizontal split
v open in a vertical split
:abbreviate hw=helloworld when typing hw in the insert node expand to helloworld (spaces are not allowed)
^] expand abbreviation
:abbreviate list abbreviations
:unabbreviate remove abbreviation
:abclear remove all abbreviations
^v deactivate abbreviation